Find Out if You’re Suffering From Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) | Dr. Partha Nandi

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Are you feeling sick after being around electronic devices?

You may be suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

EHS is a condition where people experience negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure. EMF is emitted by electronic devices, such as cell phones, computers, and WiFi routers.

Some of the symptoms of EHS include headaches, insomnia, disorientation, and digestive difficulties. EMF exposure can also exacerbate existing conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

If you think you may be suffering from EHS, there are a few things you can do to reduce your exposure to EMF:

-Limit your time around electronic devices. If possible, take breaks from screen time every 20 minutes or so.

-Use an EMF protection device, such as a shielding case or earthing mat.

-Keep electronic devices out of your bedroom. It'll help you avoid exposure to EMF while you sleep.

If you think you may be suffering from EHS, talk to your doctor. They can help you rule out other conditions and develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

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The Dr. Nandi Show is an Emmy Award-winning physician talk show that digs deep into medical topics. Partha Nandi, MD FACP is a practicing gastroenterologist in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan.

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Yes, this is real. My son (13) and I had impeccable health before moving into an apartment unknown to me with 23 smart meters attached to my bedroom wall. In 9 months we both started having digestive and flu like symptoms . The fatigue and digestive issues hung around off and on for 2 years. I started having night terrors and panic attacks, severe insomnia. My son was sleeping on the opposite end of the apartment thank God! But, my health in 2022 tanked. I was on disability as I could barely walk to the bathroom and was too exhausted to make a meal. Horrible pain, migraines for weeks with no break. Heart palpitations, tremors, temperature dysregulation, severe joint pain, numbness, extreme food sensitivities, vertigo and muscle weakness. We are 11 months out of the apartment and still not completely better but 80% there. I believe Covid and mold added to the stress on the body creating more dysfunction. Most symptoms have completely resolved but brain fog, digestive issues and fatigue is less but still flaring up due to histamine issues and leaky gut. I pray these studies lead to more oversight on these utility companies.


I wish my family was as caring as this lady's family. They refuse to get rid of Alexa. Thanks for bringing attention to this issue.


It's also linked to the vast decrease of butterflies and honey bees.


I have an even crazier story and would love to share. My fiancé and I developed EMS one week ago from our malfunctioning microwave and the symptoms have been extremely linear. All tests have come back negative for everything, we 2, 000% have EHS


It's an absolute disgrace that this is not recognised as a real health condition by the mainstream. I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that close proximity to WiFi routers causes me horrible insomnia and chest pain.

I've shared a room with someone who had their own router who graciously turned it off before bed. Of course a few times they forgot, and within an hour of falling asleep I suddenly wake up with chest pain and lay there for hours wide awake. For this to be psychosomatic, I would have to have known they had forgotten to turn it off, and I didn't!

I live in employee housing, and the router outside my room had been turned off for several months. The exact day they decided to turn it back on, unbeknownst to me of course, the exact same symptoms happened and I had zero choice but to pack up and change rooms.

It's incredibly awkward having to explain this to ignorant family members and co-workers. I know they will type in EHS in their search engine, and find that our corrupted allopathic medical field has brushed it off as psychosomatic. Disgusting.


Several clusters of smart meters were installed at our apartment complex and EVERY single tenant started having symptoms including headaches, seizures, severe joint pain, memory loss, confusion, chest pains and difficulty breathing. The tenants joined together to force the owner to remove them. The great thing is they were removed, however everyone is now electro sensitive from the overexposure.


She is 100 percent also suffering from hypersensitivity and the symptoms are really making one less productive...hope science soon find some remedy for people like us.


Thank you for sharing your story, dear Mary! ...and many thanks to you Dr. Nandi for having her on your show and giving a voice to EHS. Fighting hard to have this condition recognised in my country, I could see how covered-up is the truth about wi-fi, 5G and the SMART tech (all weapons).


Happy to know am not alone with this suffering all symptom as listed..from2018 my life totally changed being sensitive to this technology...right now its very few among population, and i believe as they start pushing to 5g, 6g...many people would comeforward with this symptoms...


Omg i finally have an answer but im sad for my kids. 2 yrs old and 5 months. How they going to survive this world of technology 😢😢😢


I had to get back on here to see if anyone has ran across anything to help with all these symptoms to live in this wifi radiation environment 🤔? I'm like this lady on this video but worse off than she was with way more symptoms. The only relief I ever get is when I get a Beachfront stay vacation for about 4 to 5 days out of a year, so the rest of the 360 days I'm suffering. I need help 😫 I really want my life back before it was smart wifi radiation meters. Like this lady, I can't afford to move, I haven't worked in over 10years of suffering from wifi sensitivity. I also haven't had quality sleep in over 10years due to wifi radiation. 😑 there is not a day that I don't have a headache, bodily pain, fatigue, extreme exhaustion and now having nausea too. Crying out for help😢


This is exactly what's happening to me for over 10years now. I really need a wifi detox right now 😩 all I do is cry everyday 😢 this feeling of my brain exploding on daily basis ain't no joke 😭. The ringing in my ears daily, the daily headaches, extreme exhaustion and fatigue and more all I want is my life back to when it wasn't wifi radiation on the scene. My health deteriorated to the point of disabled now. I no longer can work or care for myself like I used to. I'm so depressed and pissed 😤 off at the utility companies for implementing these dangerous radaition weapons everywhere on everything 😑 and making it hard to get rid of them.


I have been suffering since 2006. Haven't touched a phone since 2014. Can't live near towers. Had to move away multiple times. I wonder how can she wear the mic on her body? Thanks for bringing this to attention of people.


chest issues, dry lips, weird and very unusual headache, head feels tight, confusion, memory issue...when in proximity to some modems.


I earth everyday to be able to work in the city. Drinking clean water and B vitamins and Vitamin C (antioxidants) help.


I don’t get headaches but I get weakness fatigue anxiety dizziness depression we need to stop this


I get all symptoms of mercy poisoning when I'm around some vaccinated. Don't know if it's the spikeprotein or graphine oxide. The pain I one tooth. Brainfog, diarrhea, vomiting, migraine hypothyroidism and swollen lymphocytes & fever and nerv twitching in my face


My Mother has EHS and MCS. They should speak with a mental health therapist about your covert venerable narcissism and OCD. Narcissists are extremely toxic people who pretend to be victims and EHS is one very strange form of extreme socially dysfunctional covert narcissism. The solution is overcoming the narcissism and the EHS is just psychosomatic so if you could fix the narcissism the EHS inherently is “fixed” also. You’re welcome. 🥰


This guy is a doctor? How embarrassing.
