The greatest showman movie clip - The other side [Full HD with subtitles]

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The greatest showman movie clip - The other side [Full HD with subtitles]
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Fun Fact: The bartender actually choreographed this whole scene.


Can we just appreitiate this bartender for a moment he does the bartending for all bar seenz and interacts with them perfectly.


Ryan Reynolds convincing Hugh Jackman to return to Wolverine


I love the subtle detail of P.T. not drinking nearly as much as Philip. Notice that before Barnum offers him a drink, Philip is already a little tipsy, he is talking a little slurred and he is drinking out of a flask. Then at the bar, every time they take a shot, Carlyle's glass is nearly full while Phineas' is either half full or nearly empty and he keeps covering it by either gesturing in a way that keeps Philip's attention away from it or just turning away while drinking. Once he even pours him a glass (that Carlyle refuses) and doesn't pour one for himself. Then he straight up just doesn't take a shot and leaves it on the piano while Philip does. He is buttering him up by getting him drunk enough to go for a crazy idea like that.


Did anyone else notice that when Phillip is singing the second verse and chorus, it actually sounds and looks like he's hiding emotion? He does a good job keeping up a front, but there are a few expressions and tones of voice that let on the real pain and turmoil he's actually feeling. He doesn't want to admit that he's actually not happy in his current life. Barnum sees that and goes into the bridge.
That acting was done SO well!!!


When Anne swings infront of Carlyle, the 4 notes are playing the melody to Rewrite The Stars.

There are SO many hidden gems in this masterpiece


If I could make an animation of this song I'd add the bartender because of the extra sound effects and the fact he was the choreographer of this scene.


"I live among the swells, and we dont pick up peanut shells" is such an underrated bar in this song


The bartender is the smoothest of the the three considering he has to catch their drink, clean up their mess, and stay out of their way while they’re dancing. He does it all without even breaking a sweat.


This scene picks up so many things I love about musicals and stage plays. It mixes the over the top presentation of musical theater with practical storytelling. Characters are interacting & progressing the story but cranks up the characters thoughts & actions to the max. Philip constantly puts on & takes off his coat & hat, showing his indecision to accept or deny the offer, Barnum shows his play for theatrics with flamboyant moves, jumping on tables & using distractions to hide things like the fact he isn't drinking nearly as much & even that he's not playing the piano. Barnum knows when to keep the drinks coming & when to hold back, all the while luring Philip into signing up.

And then there's the bartender who pops in to bring some comedy & elevate the spectacle & atmosphere as people are dancing on the counter & chairs. It's just a wonderful scene from top to bottom.

How anyone can settle for a jukebox musical is beyond me. You lose all the character, the flair, the intimacy & coherent storytelling when a song isn't tailor made for the story being told & is just something recognizable that's stitched in haphazardly for a cheap pop.


I love that Barnum asks if he can buy him a drink and once they're done, Carlyle ends up being the one who pays.


This song is so much fun to sing, it just has such a good rhythm.


ok i need to know that everyone gives respect to the bartender, please tell me you all do.Oh and the piano played ITSELF!


Can we also appreciate how far Zac Efron has come from HSM and actually using his voice! He is amazing and sounds times better than the stand in


They don’t do movies like this anymore.


The bartender is clearly the star of this song. He has no lines to speak, and yet he is the best.


notice that Hugh pays the bartender to tip the stool for him to use to jump on a table, then uses it after a little foot tap to get down. Contrast it with Zac who jumps up himself, does a better foot dance, then jumps off on his own. Hugh's character is "training" him in this scene as a protégé.


The staging and cinematography for this scene is just top tier. Coordinating with the pacing of the song is masterful, and the choreographer and sound designer deserve so many awards.


The glass clicking, finger tapping, broom - the sound effects are the best!


Looks like each man had eight shots. How are they not slurring their words by the end of this?! 😅
Seriously though, that is some mad talent, dancing singing and acting, by both men. Great pleasure to watch!
