pregnant at 13: my story *updated + details i've never told before*

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Just realized I accidentally left in some raw footage at the end! oops, I just edited it out:)


Should you encourage teen pregnancy? No.
But if your child comes to you saying they are pregnant should you support them and make them feel loved? ABSOLUTELY YES.


you say "my daughter" with such pride and happiness its so beautiful.


No one should make fun of or bully a pregnant teen. I'm glad your mom supported you through your pregnancy. Good luck with your college!


I had my first child 2 months after turning 14 yrs old in 1987, so i completely understand what you’re going through..I am now 50 and he is 36yrs old..YOU GOT THIS


Your mom’s reaction to your pregnancy was impeccable. “It’s going to be okay, we love babies in this house” No more perfect words could have been spoken in that moment. That is a mother who showed her child pure love and support. Kudos to your mom!


It frustrates me that in situations like this, the girl is always accused (being called names) whereas the boy isn't at all bullied.
I'm happy you made it out okay despite all that.
Great video, I'm proud of you too :)


The same thing happened to my sister and she went on to get her Masters in Sociology and had a successful career as a social worker (she’s retired now) and raised her daughter, who is also an amazing woman. You got this! Praying for you.


Hi Maddie. My names Kylie and I am 15 years old. I am 28 weeks going on 29 weeks pregnant. And I loved hearing your story. And it made me feel a lot better about my situation as well. I’m so happy to see you grow and happy. God bless you ❤


My birth mom was 16 the entire time she carried me. I was adopted by loving parents who lived to be 92 and 99. I understand why my mom let go of me, and live her for carrying me. I have two daughters and eight grandchildren today. Best regards, Doug


My mother-in-law got pregnant at 13 and had my husband at 14. This was 1969/70. Her family were also supportive. A few years later, she was diagnosed with a terminal illness and passed soon after she turned 21. I believe her early pregnancy was meant to be. She brought this wonderful person into the world and got to experience the joys of being his mom. When she passed, the blow was softened to her parents because she left behind this precious part of her that they got to raise.


I am 15 and recently lost my V-Card and told my mom two days later (one week and one day before i am writing this) i was so so so scared that i was pregnant. when i told my mom we had to break up which absolutely sucks sm bc he was my first love. it has completely gotten spread around my high school. your story has honestly helped me realize just how lucky i am. there was also no protection. your story has helped me realize that my life isn’t over. it will get better. thank you so much Maddie.
much love from Oklahoma,
Aubrey <3


I had to choke back tears when you told of your mums reaction. I can never understand how some parents don’t support their children unconditionally. My ‘babies’ are now 17, 19 & 21 but I could never push them away regardless of what mistakes they may make in life. I would always be there. So I was choked up to hear how supportive your immediate family were, and I’m so happy that it all worked out for you and your daughter.
I know this video is a couple years old now and I’m just discovering it, so I’m sure your life has progressed further still. I wish you all the best in future endeavours and best wishes for your little family.


I had a baby at 16: got pregnant at 15. I had to give her up for adoption and thought of her everyday. When she turned 46 she decided to find me and find me she did. We’ve had a beautiful friendship since then. She has 4 boys which I ❤️ love. I was unable to keep her. My parents were alcoholics and didn’t want to raise another one. Abortion was off the table and the year was 1967. No government help programs. No anything. Kudos to you for your girl, aren’t they the cuties? You have my respect and admiration.


My mom straight up asked me if I might be pregnant. I finally admitted it outloud not knowing what the reaction would be. She said "your dad and I want you to know that even though we wish the circumstances were different, we love you and were actually excited to be grandparents." The relief that there was no anger or moral judgment, just acknowledging that being pregnant at 16 was going to be rough. Btw...I ended up having twins and they're amazing!


Almost crying by the end of the video. I was 19 when I had my first baby. I had to relocate because I couldn't bear the shame back then, but now, I don't regret getting pregnant.

Although I've never had the courage to share it until now. 😊.

Thank you so much for this video ❤


What many people don't understand is that there are kids that have sex and it's the education that can determine how safe they are with sex. It's so normal for these things to happen and the ignorance that some adults show is not going to change that. You are an amazing, loving mother and I can tell you care for your daughter so much. I'm about your age now (2 years after this video was posted lol) and couldn't imagine being in your position 6 years ago. So proud of you.


I was 14. Disowned. That was 49 years ago. My son is the most wonderful person I know. He has my 3 grand babies. ❤ It was not an easy journey but am so glad I loved us both through it.


Your mum is amazing. She definitely had to hide her worries and fears from you, as you were just a child yourself. This is the parent I want to be. So sorry you went through so much. You are an amazing mother just like your mother 💕💕


Remember we support
pregnant teens!
but not
teen pregnancy
stay safe 🫶
