How to peel soft boiled egg, NOT with a spoon | Debunking egg peeling “hacks”

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You don't need spoon, vinegar, or ice bath to peel the perfect soft boiled eggs. This is a FOOLPROOF guide for any newbie to peel smooth soft boiled eggs, that will not break or rip the egg whites.

00:00 Introduction
00:58 The quick (but not easy) method
01:56 Why ice water "shocking" is misleading
02:36 If you don't have an ice maker
03:39 Ice-free way to peel soft boiled quail eggs
04:13 The easy way, no water bath needed
05:25 Marinate the eggs for ramen or rice bowl

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I tested out the myth, the half-truth, and the tried and true methods around peeling soft boiled eggs. To really get a hang of the technique, it is important to know what works, why they work, and to what extent each "hack" works.

The useless: spoon "hacks". You can eat soft boiled egg with a spoon, you can't peel one with a spoon. The peeling hack really shouldn't pass a smell test - spoons are of different sizes and curvatures, as are eggs. It literally doesn't make sense that there's one for all solution. It just sounds so good that we want to believe it's true.

The semi-effective: vinegar. Acid legitimately corrodes egg shells. Adding vinegar to boiling water will indeed make the eggshell thinner, which would make things easier if you're peeling while the egg whites are still tender. But brittle shell doesn't change the tenderness of the egg whites, which are still prone to ripping/breaking.

The effective, but unnecessary: ice water. Ice water bath works, if you understand why; they're not completely fail-safe if you're mistaking the mechanism in which they work. The reason ice water works is not so much that it "shocks" the eggshell - eggshells don't go through thermo shock the way glasses and stonewares do. Rarely (if ever) do you see eggshells shatter when dunked in ice water. If you think "shocking" the eggs is what does the trick, you may very well pull out the eggs before they're thoroughly chilled, which would render the ice bath ineffective. The reason ice water works is that it is much colder than tap water, and therefore more effective at cooling down the eggs fast. Cooled protein is more firm. I call this the "creme brûlée effect" - think how creme brûlée tend to be jiggly right out of the oven, but sets firmer as they cool in the fridge for hours or overnight. Take this reasoning a step further, you can achieve the same effect without any ice bath, if you don't have an ice maker attached to your fridge.

The simple & effective: repeated cold tap rinse until water no longer warms up, and surface of eggs are thoroughly cooled down (at least to room temperature). The center may still be a bit warm, and radiates heat to the egg whites a little, but if you wait until the surface of the eggs no longer warms up, the egg whites tend to be a little more firmed up compared to when they're piping hot.

The foolproof: cook the eggs for 7 min, dunk in cold tap to prevent cooking from residual heat, and refrigerate the eggs overnight. The throughly cooled eggs will be very easy to peel, without the need for vinegar, ice, or even a water bath. The egg whites will set even firmer than rinsed ones that are cooled to room temperature. They should peel almost like a hard boiled egg.

Note: super fresh eggs are harder to peel than slightly aged eggs. If you got premium organic farmer's market eggs, enjoy them sunny side up or scrambled. Use plain standard supermarket eggs for marinated soft boiled eggs. You won't notice the difference when the marinade soaks through and the eggs are served with brothy noodles.
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When I was a kid in the 90s it never crossed my mind that you could fail or mess up when peeling eggs. As a kid I never peeled an imperfect egg. I don't know what changed over the years. Eggs seems more difficult to peel nowadays


Boil for 5-6mins. Dump in bowl of cold water while swishing the eggs around fast. Leave it in the the cold water for a few mins. It will peel as if it were a hard boiled egg. The secret is swishing the eggs aggressively in a circle. It loosens the membrane as the egg is cooling


Can’t wait to try this. It has been something I have not mastered.


Cooking eggs has been an absolute nightmare for me and I’ve tried everything I’m starting to think something supernatural is going on 😡😤


Just made my first batch of soft boiled eggs in probably 10 years. I always struggled with peeling them. Thank you for this video


In some ramen shops they have a device with a small needle that they pinch the butt of the egg with it's only air so the egg doesn't leak. Once you cook it and icebath it, the water can go neatly between the egg and the shell or membrane. I need to procure myself one of those.
I think.


Loved that marinated egg bonus at the end!


Thank you for the video this is basically the method that I use. A steamer basket Steam for 6 minutes put in a ice bath and then quickly peel them underneath running warm water after tapping the large and just like you did. I have a success rate of at least 80% sometimes more if I really take my time but I'm always in a hurry. Take care


Love the “crime brûlée effect”! Really captures the gist


The underwater technique is how Jacques Pepin has been doing this for decades. Thank you for reminding us. 👍


Loved your video, truly making marinated-soft-eggs easy. Ty :)


Thank you. I believe you are sharing your best learnt wisdom. I have tried no.1 with some success. Vinegar doesn't seem to help me. I think technique no.2 will help. Thanks again for the informative video. 👍


It took me fifty years to start making boiled eggs. Each time I've tried before (many times) they always get cooked too long and have green around the yolk. As a kid I also didn't like the smells of boiled eggs. I do love scrambled eggs and probably by now have made thousands of times but hard boiled always eluded me. I'm watching b/c I have more to learn. Usually my hard boiled eggs are peeled imperfectly... not that I demand perfection. Thank you for your tutorial.


She did a great detailed job in the video. I do think the air pockets inside the boiled egg don't always reside on the wider side of the egg. Just yesterday I found the air pockets on the lateral side of the egg.

I don't think I ever worried about having a grey or green around the yolk or peeling it perfectly. I don't even remember if I actually ever boiled eggs at home. I do now hard boil an egg with much finesse, I see no reason why to boil an egg so soft? I have tried poaching😁 And it worked well a few times not always. Somehow ended up developing a taste for running egg yolk. I liked only egg omelettes before that too made by my mummy for the most part of my life. I wasn't good at making even the omelettes. I just did an American potato salad terrified version 3 days ago with only trinity of potato, egg and onion. But I do hard boil an egg or in my words boil an egg with almost 80 percent perfection nowadays. That is a culinary success I believe. 😞😔


Subbed before watching. Not fresh eggs imo helps immensely with any doneness in shell eggs. Use the float test to know their age.


I can vouch for the validity of spoon peeling and shaking it in a jar technique is a disaster for my case. Ultimately what works is the vinegar or apple cider while cooking the eggs, the ice bath, and the patience when peeling the eggs that works.


If you have an instant pot, that makes it unbelievably easy as well. Just make sure you have that trivet at the bottom or you buy the basket that is made for an instant pot. I couldn't believe it, I started making them so much more!


While the eggs are being boiled. Take the egg out, crack it with a spoon, put egg back in to cook another minute or two. Egg shell and membrane will be easier to get off now the water is leaking into the shell.


5:16 I peel a lot of eggs because many work days I have no lunch break, so I just inhale 6 eggs in about 2 minutes.
Noticed in recent years the membranes of the eggs I buy are less cooperative, very interesting to think it's actually because quality is increasing. I'll work in some of these techniques to avoid the white coming away with the shell, thanks!


thank u so much for this video!!! you do a very good job kindly explaining everything
