Use This Simple Test to See if Someone You Love is a Narcissist

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Use This Simple Test to See if Someone You Love is a Narcissist//If you're concerned that someone you care about might be a narcissist, watch this video. I'll share with you a simple test to help you figure it out.
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I walked away from the narcissist Devil 8 months ago!!! Haven’t spoke since. Life is good 🥰👍🏻


You can sense how a person is genuinely happy for you, how they express their joy and happiness for you. It feels spontaneous literally.
A toxic individual will have this neutral reaction with no emotion. Like this person doesn't want to give or add any good energy and instead of praising you will ask details, questions to make you self doubt about everything you've accomplished so far...


I will take care of myself! Letting go of siblings that are narcissistic. Hard to do but necessary for my well being. ❤️


My dad was a narcissist. My mom played the victim card so well that I had no idea that she was a narcissist too. In fact, I learned the term from her. My brother the golden child one is also a narcissist. I don’t know how to survive this abuse.


I finally got out 2 years ago and the divorce is still not final.its been a night mare .I always took care of me and him and my son and grandkids. It's been hard after 38 years but my health has improved and you are the best Rebecca for helping me going thru this alone.


When you are trauma bonded with a narcissist, it really feels like you are in a gigantic psychological fog, I didn't even feel my own emotion anymore and to boost the gaslight, is when people tell you that you should just leave when they don't treat you fairly but that was the trick, the narcissist didn't treat me unfairly ALL THE TIME, they were moments were they were really fun to be around and during these periods I literally forget ALL the horrible things they did to me. It was to a point were I was happy be around them one day, and the next day it is hell and the next day they became amazing again and I forget all the horrible things they did the day before. For me, the best way to know you are in a relationship with a narcissist is when you are no longer attuned to your emotions and when you feel like you have to behave a certain way to "please them", narcissism garantee


I have a narcissist father, colleague, and ex. When I was around them, I was always walking on eggshells. That's the biggest sign if you're around a narcissist.


"They're just a sinking ship and they're going to take you down with them"... oh yeah, truest words ever. Suffered through decades of confusion. 8 months divorced, discarded but still lucky to be free. Sucked the life out of me. Don't miss a thing. NEVER think about him. I have myself now and this amazing community. Fantastic video! Thanks Rebbecca for life saving vital info, as usual. Keep 'em coming. ❤❤❤


Oh my lord this video is brilliant, people need to pay attention, I used to leave a conversation with this man and cry, I used to be so wound up I’d get constipated, no lie this is the effect he had on me, sad, angry, helpless, embarrassed, I must have felt every emotion, I can’t believe the nicer I was the angrier and more abusive he got it’s like being punched, I walked away when he told me that I loved him and I was obsessed with him and that I should stop throwing myself at him, those insults gave me the power to see the situation, I honestly thought I could help this man and that he would change.
Walk away. No contact. Don’t return.


If he/she takes the grocery buggy back inside the store or at least to the collection “corral” in the parking lot, they’re ok. If they don’t and instead leave it near their parking spot and say “they get paid to do this”—RUN away. That’s a nasty person. If they won’t take the 20 seconds to move the buggy five whole yards, they won’t do much of anything to help you out. Guaranteed.


This is very good advice for the person who has never had any sort of relationship w a narc, but someone who has and had been fortunate enough to get out from it should actually be well aware of the various signs. Narcs are so predictable and behave almost identical in many ways that it should be crystal clear enough to know exactly what and who to avoid. I’ve learned that often abuse victims seemingly and willingly return to another abusive relationship almost immediately after leaving a previous one. Definitely some serious psychological trauma bonding going on there which needs professional intervention.
Instinct is critical with these non humans but there are very obvious behaviors they manifest which should alert anyone who understands that people who are toxic do not behave in consistent alignment with their words.


It's a very confusing personality disorder and yes extremely hard to deal with when it comes to family, but you have to let them go for your own well-being, bc they will suck every bit of energy you have and you'll find yourself falling into the trap and getting health problems like, fatigue, anxiety, stress and it ends up that's where all of your time and energy goes, while lowering your immune system causes sickness, I start to feel sick and tired now just being around them for 5 minutes. Our health is a lot more important than dealing with someone who will never change


my father was a narcissist, my mother was a borderliner with narcissistic tendencies, so that set me up to be a narc magnet. but now i know better. it is thanks to channels like this that i learned what i did to attract those kind of people into my life. but that has stopped. i'd rather cut out a few people to many, than to little people at this point. nobody will ever make me doubt my perception ever again or disrespect my boundaries without consequences. i'm stronger than ever and emotionally more stable than i have ever been.


If you listen to your gut, you can really feel if that is a energy vampire or not.
But, sometimes, we get blinded by their looks, talks or 'stringing along'


Told my narc today I'm getting a promotion and the response was: "Must be nice! I wish I could get one!" Yeah. :/


I please myself build my own fire, fan it myself. If, I don't have nothing good to say I don't say anything. Silent victories are great


You see the red flags, a lot of them. My ex didn't want to do anything with my friends, he always said it's your friends, I don't need to know them. He wanted me to quit the job and move to his place to take care of him. I should give up everything and my life should be just about him. I was not a person he would see, just really a supply for him.


Rebecca thank you 42 years my wife is just like you said a trama bond I’m afraid I’m a guy 63 and it’s bad I feel like I’m walking on eggshells all the time and it’s gotten worse now we both are retired


My guess was to tell them, "no"


I’m taking care of myself. I took care of the narc ex but he did nothing was always high and drunk. I left him Bc of it. He claims clean and sober he is NOT Bc he still bashes me. Proves he’s not clean and sober. All manipulative lies! Part of being clean and sober is to make amends. Not done at all. The lil time he had been clean and sober he was a good man. But he wasn’t clean much = the narc monster.