Turn Off the FIGHT FLIGHT FREEZE Response | Overcome Anxiety Symptoms

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FIGHT FLIGHT FREEZE RESPONSE // Watch this video for the fight flight or freeze explained! Do you experience the fight flight freeze at work or fight flight freeze response brain in other unwanted situations? Do you have anxiety symptoms when not feeling anxious? When we have the fight flight freeze response to stress it can be debilitating! In this video, we’ll cover anxiety symptoms in men and anxiety symptoms in women, related to the fight flight freeze brain. You anxiety symptoms explained, with strategies to cope better. So the next time you experience fight flight freeze anxiety, you’ll be able to turn off the fight flight freeze cycle.

Anxiety Canada Fight Flight Freeze: Watch this video for the fight flight or freeze explained. If you have anxiety symptoms without feeling anxious, keep watching!

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Any comments expressed are the opinions of individual viewers and do not necessarily reflect the view of Parallel Wellness or their associated partners.

We encourage seeking professional help if you would like support for specific concerns. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs emergency support, please contact the local crisis centre in your area. For Canadian and BC residents, please refer to the following for crisis support:

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THANKS FOR WATCHING? What strategies have you found to be best to turn off the fight, flight, freeze response?


Love you all. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation present your requests to God by prayer with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6–7


I hate waking up anxious 😟 My daughter got rid of her anxiety by telling herself she doesn't have it.


Something extremely helpful for me was seeing less privileged people and helping those in need seeing people in actual danger remind me to count my blessings so in a way being thankful for where you are and what you have endured and came out the other end as something I’d advise everyone to try


Some great points here! Super helpful and clear for those that are dealing with these responses!


Even as a long term meditation practitioner(thirty years this fall), I still experience fight and flight reactions when stressed. In my case this has been manifest in panic attacks(the flee response) or bad tension headaches(the fight response). I wouldn't be surprised if I was born with an enlarged amygdala(something a neurological study uncovered resulting from stressed out pregnant mothers sending cortisol to their newborns). But the meditation and breathing exercises haven't really worked to offset the fight/flight response. I learned twenty years ago from a psychiatrist that if one is hardwired this way, it's a tall order to offset what the Limbic system does. But for headaches I found Gabapentin worked which was prescribed by a neurologist.


Monitoring my cognitive faults and calling out myself when I’m falling down the rabbit hole helps I had no idea this video was so helpful and from someone who has prolonged PTSD and that causing Neurodivergens ADHD and social anxiety watching my triggers isn’t really helpful but I think sticking to a routine gives enough structure to feel safe


REMEMBER this advise has to do when your NOT in danger. All three responses ARE instinctual responses to danger. And as such have a reason for your brain's resort to those responses in time of danger. All three are normal outside of danger this is when it becomes a problem.


I just came across your channel over the Christmas holidays when I had a bad couple weeks, like really bad anxiety. I am so grateful to have found you, I have been questioning so many things lately and I am amazed how you answered some of those exact questions. I love you are in Vacouver/Burnaby, my Son lives there and we love to visit, your helping my desire to learn about anxiety so much easier. THANK YOU.


I'm just watching this in fall 2022 and I have found it one of the most helpful videos I've see so thank you!!


Very interested in mindfulness strategies


I’m so glad you I found your channel! So helpful 😊


This vid got recommended after I watched the new concept trailer of TXT Lol😆😅


Can you also experience sort of an adrelanine rush trough your chest when you have sudden stress (fight or flight)? Because that's what happens with me and I also notice that I feel multiple fight or flight responses when I am in a stressfull situation. and even after that whole situation if I'm at home after that my body still has these adrenaline rushes when there isn't even something to be stressed out about. It goes away until I get in a stressful situation again. I also have a hard time breathing when I'm stressed because then I begin to breathe shallow and I get used to it so when I try to take a deep breath I feel like I can't reach it and like I can't get enough oxygen.

Thank you for this video! It has helped me understand what I'm struggling with!


Interesting. But the voice quality really low so that im distracted sometimes. Maybe you'll fix that in later videos.




I have suffered for 6 years stuck in survival mode and the trigger is sleep means death so I cannot sleep how do I get out of it


Good content in this video. Suggestion: Delete the music. It is a bit distracting.


I need to get a video on mindfulness where I focus on my thoughts?


it tookme almost two years to let the frequem urination inn and goes, after that i started to have mussle pain and now rining in the ears, just swicht the symptoms, and i am like when the rining ends then what :/ i know that the other symptoms goes just like i did with that FU but this new one its really anoying
