The Carnivore Diet Fixed My Allergies

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I’ve had severe allergies my whole life and after 9 months on the carnivore diet I am experiencing zero allergy symptoms. I am also able to breathe through my nose fully for the first time ever. Best non-scale carnivore victory ever!
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Under allergy specialist care for over a year due to lifelong allergies to dogs, grass, and trees, I used to take up to 4 allergy pills daily. Since starting a Carnivore diet six weeks ago, I haven't needed any allergy medication for three weeks now. The results are incredible, and I'm glad to find others with similar success stories. Thanks for sharing, and here's to continued improvement!


Thank you for sharing this, more people need to see this and try carnivore. It's helped me tremendously and the more people can get relief from suffering from allergies, chrohns, asthma, sinusitis, diabetes the list goes on.


Hi I've been on carnivore for the last 5 weeks. I too have allergies, post nasal drip and constant infections and asthma, and can't smell anything. I'm hoping this diet helps me with all that.


I just got the wosrt allergies this year, on carnivore- it turned into bronchitis! Im goving up dairy to see it it will help.


My allergies disappeared after 4 weeks carnivore


Check the histamine levels of your food. Some are high in histamine. Some are low. Some are low, but also have something that allows histamines to be triggered or released in your body. Most meat is low in histamine. Also depends how the meat is prepared. Lots of veg and fruits are high in histamine, or can trigger histamine in the body.


I just got healed from my nose 😢allergies, I was in since 23 last month, I thank God


Congratulations! What a wonderful non-scale victory!


I have food allergies. Is it possible to cure those via the carnivore? Eggs and environmental allergies have me screwed! 😂😂😂


Over a month on carnivore...i used to do neti pot 2x a day, allergy pills, migraines, 1000mg tylenol a had to do this once while doing carnivore!!! I love it. I dont come home after work and go to bed to try and get rid of my pain. Praise God.


Hoping for this for my teenage sons...both of them are collecting severe allergies: peanuts, eggs, bee stings and there seems to be no end in site, except Carnivore. While they have done Oral Imuno therapy for both eggs and peanuts...that hasn't really slowed the new allergies. I am hoping it does!!! So many others have said it does!


I’ve been doing carnivore since October. Hoping this will also help with my seasonal allergies. It resolved my IBD. I started reacting to something in my office work space and my husband pulled out a 30 year old rug. That may have been an source of chronic irritation from the degrading of the rug.

We are entering seasonal allergy in the Pacific NW; cedar, oak and likens releasing pollen, I’m also allergic to grass with grows here year round. I Was able to come off antihistamines until this incident with the rug in the work space.

A possibility the rug was keeping me inflamed year round. I’m hoping when getting 9 months in with carnivore as you have, my allergies can turn around. The resolving of my IBD is a miracle to which I’m thankful to God. I had been having to take antihistamines most days all year round for decades. Hoping for a similar victory to allergies like yours. Also hoping you have an opportunity for an update for how that is going.


Thank you for this. I have had the same problem. I'm starting carnivore today


I started Carnivore about seven weeks ago, last week was the first time I was pain-free while landing on a flight from Alabama. For 20 years I had stabbing pain in both ears when landing, due to allergies and sinus problems. Hallelujah !!! and all of this while still having to compromise sometimes during these weeks. No allergy medicine, and no pain medicine. My sacroiliac pain is also gone and I have no aches or pains in general. I have more energy and strength. I am almost 73, and every former issue seems fixed. I'm excited to see how much stronger I will be in a year or so. I will be "Carnivore" forever! I want to tell the whole world! LOL. 😄


How are you doing now several months in? Are you still doing the carnivore diet and how are your allergies? As somebody who has suffered her entire life with severe allergies as well, I'm very interested to know!


I’ve had severe allergies majority of my life. The last 6 years I don’t have seasonal allergies however I have the constant post nasal drip and stuffy nose all year around. Nothing works. You say carnivore helped you? How long did it take? I did it for 3 weeks.


Hey do you eat cheese? I’m trying to fix my allergies too and I wonder because cheese has high histamine if you could cure allergies by only having fresh unprocessed meat (no allergies). I love cheese so giving it up really sucks. But if you eat cheese that gives me hope that I could live allergy free with cheese in my life. Thanks 😊


That's an awesome nsv!! Way to go getting rid of inflammation!!


I noticed I could breathe comfortably 2 days ago and still yesterday. I’m still ketovore going carnivore so when I ate some olives last night and within an hour couldn’t breathe I wondered if changing my diet had caused the change in my breathing.


That's great! Yay to the small scale victories!
