Angelic Sprouted Grain Bread Review - Blood Glucose Response Tested

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In my reviews of various breads that advertise themselves as "Low Carb", "Keto" or "Keto Friendly", I have received a number of requests from people who wanted to see my glucose response to either a really garbage bread (like Wonder Bread) or a better bread, such as a sprouted grain bread.
Well, I won't put something like Wonder Bread into my body, but after my resistant starch videos, I was curious if sprouting grains would make a bread potentially acceptable on a low carb, glucose controlling diet. In this video, I get the answer.
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Well, I won't put something like Wonder Bread into my body, but after my resistant starch videos, I was curious if sprouting grains would make a bread potentially acceptable on a low carb, glucose controlling diet. In this video, I get the answer.
SeriousKeto is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Same story with Keto Mojo and Levels.
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