Angelic Sprouted Grain Bread Review - Blood Glucose Response Tested

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In my reviews of various breads that advertise themselves as "Low Carb", "Keto" or "Keto Friendly", I have received a number of requests from people who wanted to see my glucose response to either a really garbage bread (like Wonder Bread) or a better bread, such as a sprouted grain bread.

Well, I won't put something like Wonder Bread into my body, but after my resistant starch videos, I was curious if sprouting grains would make a bread potentially acceptable on a low carb, glucose controlling diet. In this video, I get the answer.


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As a diabetic I really appreciate you doing these tests. Even though everyone will react differently your test gives people like me a rough idea how we would react.


Thank you for the 'adding the fat' confirmation. I've heard it from Dr. Berg, and now you've confirmed it.


A 'groat' is the complete seed of the oat plant - you know, intact and capable of sprouting ;-) before it's steel-cut or rolled or whatever.


I'm so happy that you are willing to do this for us 😊😉


Once again Steve, thanks for being our guinea pig! I find your results interesting and optimistic. While I am not so sure how Wheat Gluten affects my inflammation yet, it is nice to know there is an option out there that is less glycemic reactive with fat added to it. I agree that for me eating this type of food on a regular basis can be a slippery slope! But I was thinking it would be a good alternative to using in a holiday stuffing recipe as a once in a while "treat".


Very interesting. Your 'take aways' are sensible to be. Thank you, Steve!👍


I love these videos when you test your blood. Thanks so much


Really appreciate you doing these videos! Always learn a lot.


Thank you for what you are doing, Keto Steve. So much education. So helpful! Please keep it going.


Thank you for labeling this video properly. As you say I wouldn't touch it but at least this gives me an option for people who want to be lower carb but aren't going the full keto route to recommend.


I found Aunt Millies 1 carb at Meijer store, A whole long shelf has white, wheat and the 5 seeded loaves. When i eat it i put lots of butter on it to get the fat effect and also cause i love, love, love butter. It is the best low carb bread i have eaten since i have been doing low carb. Thanks for reporting on it.


Thanks for all you do Steve, I'm far from a low carb lifestyle but I do watch my wifes carb count still so this might be beneficial for her dieting needs.


I think it would be incredible to see a comparison between a store-bought sprouted bread vs homemade sprouted bread …love your style btw. Definitely no one quite like you!


Thanks for sacrificing your body for your loyal followers. I am diabetic and have all kinds of blood glucose fluctuations that make it very difficult to determine what kinds of carbs will spike my numbers. I probably would not do well with the Angelic. Before keto and knowing that I was diabetic I loved Angelic bread.


Thank you. I liked this bread. But I didn't know it spikes my blood sugar. So I put peanut butter and cinnamon on my second toast. Just found your channel. Again, thank you.


I sometimes catch me being too "obsessed with the Clean." Then I remind me of where I was and the complete garbage I was eating and what I eat now and how I feel. A lot of us need to relax and give ourselves some cowdamn credit on the progress we've made to health.


Great test again
Thank you Steve for always being our taste tester


One day, we’ll find that perfect store-bought keto bread.., with Steve’s courageous charge ⚔️!


Don't know if you have Nickles Bread in your area, but it's only 12g of carbs too. I'll have to compare the Costco sprouted grain to it and see what's different. I only have it as a treat because what I've found in the past is more then once a week knocks me out of Ketosis. I love that you are real with us and I'm glad you are. There is that fine line of crossing back over to the dark side and none of us really wants that, but it's so easy sometimes to go there. Keep strong people and know how good you look and feel today and ask yourself is it worth it...I can tell you it isn't! Stay strong and safe everyone.


You were brave for doing this. I started keto for my arthritis joint pain. I can feel the pain the next day when I ate grains
