How To Prepare For Your Embryo Transfer | Dr Lora Shahine

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Let's talk about what to expect on the day of your embryo transfer so you can be prepared and maximize your success. This video will prepare you for details of the day, including why you need to have a full bladder, asking for your partner to be in the room, optional medications before your transfer, who will be involved with your transfer, and a detailed overview of what you can expect during the procedure.






ABOUT : Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG is a reproductive endocrinologist, founder of the Center for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss at Pacific NW Fertility, and Associate Clinical Professor in the OBGYN Department at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Shahine contributes to the fields of infertility and miscarriage with clinical research, writing, speaking, and educating in peer-reviewed journals, her own books and textbook chapters, and many forms of media including an active social media presence.

DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only and not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a healthcare professional. Use the provided information at your own risk. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please contact your health care provider.

#drlorashahine #embryotransfer #embryotransfertips

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Рекомендации по теме

This was very helpful! My first-ever FET is scheduled on Sat and I didn't know what to expect! thank you so much Dr. Shahine


I’m currently about a month away… thank you for this video!


This is so helpful. I have my first ever fet today and had no idea what to expect, thank you for such a calm, clear and positive explanation


Dear Dr. Lora, please talk about people with genetic mutation mthfr and pai1 in transfer cycle.


Hi Dr Lora, i'm having trouble with my endometrium becoming thick and perfect for the transfer. Do you have any tips?
Thank you for all your work and dedication.🙂


Do you advice natural or medicated frozen embryo transfer?


Thank you for the great info. We will be doing our transfer in a couple of months. Almost there 🥰


Very helpful tips! I should actually re-read my instructions since it's been 2 egg retrievals and a delay since I've read them. My concern would be if I really had to go to the bathroom before the transfer 😅


Doctor two days back culture test has been done for me for embryo transfer .y because my discharge is pale yellow colour itseems .i got my culture results that everything is good.can i know what is the reason for yellow colour.on coming Tuesday like 7th March for me embryo transfer is there.


Thank you so much for the lnformatoin


Hi Dr. Lora, i was hoping to get an answer, i did frozen transfer 2 days ago, i just noticed, there was no monitor on the transfer day and doctor did not give me a picture of my embryo same as i see on most of the video transfer. Now i am doubting if they have transferred my embryos. Is it possible that some doctor can do transfer without monitor? Hoping to get an answer. Thank you in advance.


Hello dr Lora. I have lost my pregnancy 2 weeks ago at week 8 . And it was IVF . 2 different doctors couldn't find a heartbeat in my embryo and they advised me to end my pregnancy 😢and do abortion . Of course i didn't belive them so i went to do a blood test to found that my pregnancy hormone is going down and no developing in my embryo . So in the end i did the operation.
So my question is why there were no heartbeat and why my pregnancy development have stopped ?

I am really sad and can't stop thinking of everything and the fact that i have lost my baby 😢
In case you answerd my question . I thank you in advance


I have watched this 5 or 6 times… 3 weeks until my (projected) FET!


Had two pregnancies naturally, had an iufd at week 37, it has put me down, btl, can i give IVF a try, please advise


Hi Doctor Shahine,
I'm 37, went to 2 IVF cycle. In the 2nd cycle, I have 2 embryos that reach to day 5 blastocyst, and PGA test is normal.
We want a twin, but there are risks if doing 2 transfers.
I would love to listen to your advice to have more ideas. It will help us to make decsion.
Thanks in advance!


Having a transfer In a week more or less. Already one year baby boy at home. Should I be more careful carrying him? He is 9kg and still doesn’t walk. Please advise


Hi dr Lora shahine, you mentioned having a full bladder for transfer however, my nurse stated otherwise and that I should have an empty bladder. What is your advise to this? Thanks for sharing.


Thanks dra, and what should someone eat while preparing for transfer?


Do I take progesterone that day? My transfer is on 9/19. I have progesterone oil shots. My transfer is scheduled at 1:30 p.m., but I have to get my injections of progesterone every day at 2 p.m. Should I take the shot before or after the transfer?


Thank you. My first transfer is in 5 days. 😇
