Obscure Animal Crossing Secrets and Facts You ACTUALLY Don’t Know

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Here are obscure Animal Crossing Secrets and Facts you didn't know (probably).

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btw, here's a few obscure facts of Animal Crossing not in this video: Sable is old enough, that she knew Tom Nook as a kid. Tom Nook has some super bad history with Crazy Redd, and not for shop rivalry. A long time ago, Tom Nook was scammed by Redd over a "get rich quick" scam. Tom Nook lost everything he had after that. And rather than seeking help, even from his good friend Sable, Tom Nook pushed away everyone trying to help him, including Sable, possibly to not get them involved with his own problem. As such, Tom Nook has a deep hatred for foxes, never wanting to trust one ever again. All of this is revealed in Wild World if you play the game on certain days of the year. There was an additional obscure fact I wanted to put into this comment, but I forgot it while writing this comment, my brain has gotten much more forgetful than it used to be


For the Isabelle thing it's my headcannon that her and Digby were abandoned by their bio parents but were adopted by an awesome family and they're the parents she video chats.


Speaking of character growth... talking to Resetti in the Roost in NH reveals that he's had a change of heart. He ponders to himself if resetting is really all that bad, and suggests it would be nice to have a reset button that let us turn back the clock on mistakes in life.


Them removing the post office and replacing it by the card stand is absolutely criminal.


In Wild World sable does talk about what you mention, her mother died first and she didn’t talk much about her father. Sable was abandoned by Labelle and left to raise Able on her own. All she did was raise Able and sew and sew, she also spoke about how Tom nook promised to help them when he started to make money with his business. At one point she forgets her own birthday and when Tom Nook starts making money he gives her a nice pair of scissors. Really tom nook was the only one there for her.


i’m italian, saying that giovanni, carlo, and beppe are “mafia inspired names” is really funny lmao


Here's another random fact that wasn't mentioned, in Wild World (Not sure for other versions of the game) once you donate a cockroach to the museum and have it run around the bug section of it, if you try to run and stand on it, you'll end up with a warning saying the roach was a donation along with who it was donated by, so don't step on it!


10:12 I love how you can tell they used a Lays texture on the chip bags hahahaha


About the meteor in the roof. There is a blue circle in the exhibit that makes the camera view out allowing you to see it without the camera upgrade. I also think the dinos are in poses of running away and curious of it.


I'm new to the franchise with New Horizons, but it seems to me that just because Diggby and Isabelle used to live in a cardboard box, it wouldn't automatically follow that they were orphans - the whole family could have lived in the box together


i love how much substance this franchise has, like even the useless facts add depth to the characters


Fun fact did you know at 10:20 when you zoom the camera into the vending machine there is a yellow and green bag of chips, Those are actually "lays chips" which technically shouldn't be possible meaning that the Animal crossing verse does have real world tie ins/connections with shouldn't be possible because of trademark lol


6:30 adding to that, if a villager of the shown species goes to their silhouette, the light comes on too (i.e., a cat villager in the cat silhouette and so on)


If you have the King Tut helmet, Lyle isn't a scam. Every day I'd fall down because I ran everywhere, and the next day I got 100 bells.


about the computer having a dock for applications, that shit used to just be called the taskbar back on windows 95, and the background and color scheme of the computer itself in the airport looks more like a Windows Vista setup with a custom taskbar with enlarged icons, similar to what you'd see in a custom windows vista theme on windows 8, 10, or 11, as the "dock" or taskbar itself is a solid color and not transparent like on Mac OS. There's also the possibility of a custom linux build, but Apple aren't exactly the only ones to have a dock or taskbar


I like the idea that Lyle reformed in later games. You can see he’s constantly putting himself down in City Folk, possibly being ashamed of his past actions in Wild World.


Purple bag of chips are "Ruffles". There's also "Lays" chips in there - and these are IRL brands. I guessing you guys dont get lays/ruffles wherever your from.


You can see the meteor if you stand still on the blue spots in the fossil area. Also I think it’s cute that in an angle of kappan’s boat there’s a child’s drawing of him! He has something from his daughter with him.
Edit: with the crt tve you can customize what show plays. Music, movie, and 2 others I think


I actually didn't know some of these things this time- other channels do these things to DEATH with the same details. Thanks for being original! I really like learning about this game more.


You could add icons to your hot bar in windows 7 and default color was blue. That's whats on the screens imo.
You could actually always see the second meteorite by standing on top of a painted circle in the middle of the room.
