Three Patterns To Scale Your Microservices

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Microservices have been a popular architecture choice for the last several years. Over the years we've adopted microservices architectures to ever growing set of use-cases and different development and deployment strategies. Watch this video to learn the three patterns that will help you architect better and scale your microservices apps.
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short and sweet, great video and explanation!


They are pretty common.
The "Side-Car" pattern seem to me like rebranding Aspect Oriented Programming for the cloud.

However, they are all focused on louse coupling and separation of concerns.
When designing code to be more independent it becomes easier to scale and in this manner even a monolithic service may be scaled properly using the right tools.

It's better to study the anti-patterns for Micro-Services so you won't fall into the common pitfalls.


I didn't understand service mesh or sidecar 😔


It's better to start with a Monolith in the beginning. Dealing with Microservice complexity at the start will reduce productivity and can even delay the product release for years. When your Monolith is hard to grow then considering microservices will be worth a shot.


You mostly lost me with mesh/sidecar, I think I needed more detail there, but 2 out of three ain’t bad. Event driven isn’t what I thought it would be. You scored extra points for educating. Thanks.
