Brain Reset | Works Within 2 Minutes | White Noise, Brown Noise

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Reset your brainwaves with this specially designed video for people that listen to too many frequency videos without balancing natural brainwaves. This can cause frequency fatigue and chronic fatigue.

Upon hearing this white noise and brown noise, the brain reacts in two distinct ways: 1) it blocks out other auditory stimulation, and 2) it can become overwhelming, making it impossible to discern every simultaneous frequency. Your brain might naturally disengage because the perception of all these frequencies immediately becomes too difficult. This process aids in your return to your innate brainwave rhythms.

What exactly is frequency fatigue?

Frequency fatigue is the repercussion of excessive use of frequency or neural entrainment videos without balancing your innate brainwaves. Signs of this can range from a feeling of tiredness, difficulty concentrating, or forming abstract thoughts, restlessness, disrupted sleep patterns, headaches, and more. The range of these symptoms varies based on the predominant brainwave frequencies that have been overstimulated.

I'm working on new videos every day, and your support is invaluable. View duration is the most essential metric to help the channel grow—whether you're actively listening or playing the video at low volume in the background, it makes a significant, positive difference. If you find this music helpful or relaxing, please consider listening to the video while meditating, sleeping, practicing yoga, cleaning, or just relaxing. Every minute you watch helps increase visibility of this content to more people, and I'm truly grateful for your support! Thank you! 😊🙏

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This works!! After about 1 min of quietly focusing on the sound and pattern I felt a clear shift, like a cleanse of the brain. Thank you SO MUCH Anthony for sharing your amazing work!


Hi.😊😊 I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But you've found my comment, among all these thousands. If you are seeing this comment then take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles bring you here, or if you're simply here for the sake of relaxing, remember that you are important, you are valid, and that you have a right to be here. You are braver and stronger than you think. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. So whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you, you can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you chose, I believe in you.


From the bottom of my heart, Thank you for the work you do Mr. Sommer. I can only imagine how many people you help everyday with their various struggles. Me being one of those people, again I cannot thank you enough for providing an ability for me to ground myself everyday through your videos. 🙏 Im not a sharing person.. but today this certain version of your therapy made me be able to conquer relapsing today. On more than one occasion I can say this, but today especially! Wishing you the infinite best, take care!


Wow. Amazing. I’ve just been brain washed. In a good way. Felt like I got baptized mentally


I don't know I just like your videos. They make me feel better.


After about 30 minutes of listening, I feel like I'm in an entirely different state of mind. Objectively, I feel that it's less of a perceived challenge to actively use my mind & thoughts as a tool; to not allow them to be hindrance— I actually paused the video while writing this and was wondering why I felt like I was floating off again! 😂

I think we all do more with our brains than we realize. A lot of people do less, and occasionally people do too much, but I don't think anyone could truly comprehend just how much it's responsible for, if not everything. I like to believe there exists something outside the confoundingly amazing but imperfect organic supercomputer that (ostensibly) produces this Earthly experience.

So, thank you, and I appreciate your work!


Literally saved my life, because of frequency fatigue! Thanks!


PraiseGOD this is ASTOUNDING as I was desperate for relief & didn’t realize it was Frequency Fatigue! Thank You SOO much as it immediately calmed & relaxed & subsided my Herx reaction


This is incredible 😲 Feels like a complete brain cleanse. Thank you for your always new, progressive and innovative sound healing therapies 🙏


Brilliant, you’ve made a significant contribution hereabouts to the sound healing world, peace, appreciated, 🙏


Formidable..encore un beau cadeau!!Merci Anthony que votre année 2021 soit bé pleine de lumière


Спасибо, хорошая медитация, через 4 минуты почувствовала ее действие. Приятные волны энергии, расслабление и болезненность в некоторых местах в организме. Буду слушать, не менее 30-40 минут, а то и больше. Успехов вашему каналу!


После ночной смены подавленное состояние, голова чугунная, состояние, как после отравления. Включаю медитацию, сначала действует, как отвлекающий маневр, потом вместо головной боли появляется холодок, как будто ментолом помазали. Сонливость пропала на 25 минуте. Реально состояние улучшилось. Спасибо за целительные шумы.


Teşekkür ederim Sevgiler selamlar emeğinize ve bilginize enerjinize sağlık hep varolun sonsuz teşekkür ederim 🙏🔮♥️🧡💛💚💙🍀💖💕💖🍀🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🔮🕊


This is really cool and relaxing. Love the vibrant colors and sound.


Thank you so much for taking the time to create this and for your endless efforts to the human race. I know in my head and heart that this will help me with all my health issues. I send you gratitude and blessings.


А мандала, воистину, очень красивая...Глаз не отвести...А негатив-то убирает...Чистка хорошая... Многоуровневая...


Благодарю за действительно лечебные вибрации и чудесную медитацию.


Perfect timing! So easy to put too much effort into the effortless, this is like instantly unplugging it all. Thank you Anthony!


É um som que mexe com nossos sentidos, acredito que ela traga muitos benefícios para a saúde. Obrigada!
