Does Life Have a Meaning? - Naval Ravikant & Joe Rogan

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Ravikant is a Fellow of the Edmund Hillary Fellowship. As a podcaster he shares advice on pursuing health, wealth, and happiness.

This audio clip is from the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast 1309

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My Grandma once said.... the meaning of life is to make your part of the world a better place, while being kind to your fellow man, and enjoying the passage of time.


"The Meaning of life is to just be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple"- Alan Watts


I had a fever of 103° once and the meaning of life was revealed to me. Then I promptly forgot it. But I do remember that it was very simple and reassuring. We are all fulfilling life as intended and there’s absolutely no reason to worry if we are doing it right or doing it wrong. Meaning of life is to experience things and it’s all ok.


The more you think about this question the further away you'll get from an answer and the more unhappy you'll be, at least in my experience. Right now I've decided to just appreciate things for what they are, treat each moment as if it's a gift and try to find the positive instead of the negative in things. This is extremely difficult to do and it's easier to just be cynical, selfish and depressed, but what's that going to do for you? We all die anyway may as well try to make the most of it


Yes, life has meaning. The meaning of life is to give your life meaning. The beauty is that we all get to choose what "meaning" we focus on in our lives.

Some focus on raising a family, others their career, some want to teach. The possibilities are infinite and completely up to us to decide.

It's the personal accountability that many people don't like because it requires each of us to put in the work to achieve our desired goals.


I love what Naval said there... "If there was a meaning to life, then you wouldn't be free..." there's such a profound truth to that


The meaning of life to me, is to develop a heart capable of overriding the mind. To realize that everyone who has hurt you, was actually hurting from something else inside. When the moment comes, and realities collide, thats when life becomes a puzzle. A puzzle to understand why certain words and topics provoke different emotions. To discover a career that provides financial stability, yet allows you to help others in areas your personal life experiences have developed your skills in. In turn, you are able to help heal your own heart. I believe nothing can be realized until we have realized what our parents have been through, both before and after our own birth, to be able to fully understand the whos and whys of our own existence. But that's just my personal definition!


Meaning of life is to learn deeply who and what you really are and to understand that nature is balance and harmony. Everything in nature is at service to others to balance the whole. You are here to find out how your life's purpose is really just following your passions and doing so while being at service to others to reduce the suffering of others. Love, balance, harmony is the meaning to life.


The meaning of life is simply to be alive. Enjoy the moment, don't worry too much, live and let others live, as simple as that.


"The question is more important than the answer." The answer is there is no answer. ✨❤️‍🔥✨

Thank you Creation for incorporating such Freedom into our inherent Unity. We Are One! 💗


I think way too many people worry about stuff that’s out of their control or they can’t change (politics ect) so if everyone just focused on their own life, and change things that can be changed in order for them to live a better life, then they will be much happier and that is the meaning of life :) to live a life that makes you happy !


"The Unexamined Life is Not worth living" I LIVE by this quote by Socrates.


I always came back to this episode of podcast, definitely the best conversation coming from Joe and Naval!


The purpose of life is to give life a purpose ❤️


Beautiful as always, thanks to all the amazing humans involved in this video ❤


For me the meaning of life is our emotions and our senses. Which is why arts makes us feel so alive and depression kills.


The meaning of life is simple…what does life means to you? When you find your meaning, is when you find life.


I am so glad I found this channel!! Thanks for all you do!!


So far life has just been one bad joke after another. One thing I do know for sure is we are not meant to punch in from 9-5 daily to break our backs to make a small percentage of us filthy rich.


I learned about the meaning of life from various sources.

Basically there are "higher" meanings and then there are your "own" meanings that you choose for yourself.

Im pretty satisfied with what i found and dont contemplate that question anymore.
