Alan Watts - The Meaning Of Life

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Alan Watts - The Meaning Of Life

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The meaning of life is simply to experience it. To understand the dualities that make things complete. To remain in the present moment and accept the natural truths of all things. This is to live.


“If it’s not enough that you’re here, alive & able to be consciously aware of that, you may just be missing the point” ~ The Void


The meaning of life to me: To learn and evolve as an individual. To wonder about conciencenous and how and why we exist. To marvel on all existence. To love, to experience emotions, experience mistakes and successes. To learn and pass on the knowledge. To help and be helped. To wonder of what is to come.


“Memento Mori” Latin for “remember death”, ever since I heard of this quote my whole perspective of life changed and came to the conclusion that the meaning of life.. (at least to me) is in death. Death is what gives life meaning, knowing that you will die one day, however this doesn’t only apply to you but everyone around you as well… even the people you care about the most. Death is inescapable, it’s everyone’s final fate. Except there’s a catch, we don’t know when, how or even to whom it’ll get to first. Maybe you’ll die next year, next month, next week or tomorrow. Maybe it’s not you, maybe it’s someone else, someone you really care about. Most may agree that this is not something you’d want to be reminded of but ignored and try not to think about, BUT listen, now that I reminded you of death what do you do now? Once you’re done reading this reach out to those special people in your life and tell them how much you love them, forgive those you wish to forgive before you leave this earth or before they do and most importantly live your life without regrets because remember.. death is coming.


Alan Watts simultaneously humbles and inspires as he enlightens with the self-evident Truth(s) of his incalculable intellect.


This talk really really calms my fear, panic, anxiety and depression of the existence of life and what it all really means and not knowing it at all. Knowing that really, there is no significant meaning to life and that nothing really has to make sense at times if they are confusing. That you can simply decide what kind of meaning and life you want to have and there are no rules. That the meaning of life is simply to be here and exist. To simply go about life in your own way, with what makes sense to you, with what works for you, with what you want to accomplish or not, what you want to be or not, and that it really is a discovering of yourself every moment of every day over and over again. Following out a set of rules, values or rules that you decide and require for yourself. That's the meaning of life. And that differs from person to person and experience to experience because everyone is different. So don't stress whoever you are out there reading this feeling confused. We will all make sense of it one way or another.


Life is good...over the mountains and beyond the sun


People can't really accept that their life has no purpose, we're just being exist as a result of driven force of nature.. people create their own purpose of life by wanting to be rich, want to have good life partner, want to do good thing for having good legacy, exe... Walking towards this purpose require alot of energy both physical and mentally. After reach our goal, now we finally have peace in our mind. We come to the state where there is no more worries about anything. It's joyful and happy. At this point we are literally living without any purpose, meaning just happily waiting to die . The problem is that for some reason we forget that all the possession that we achieve like money, legacy ... Even these peaceful feeling Is all impermanence. The attachment to all this impermanence results in alot of suffering and it is clearly cause by our own ambition to achieve our own purpose that we created. It's like we're basically creating a meaningless game to play just to kill our lifetime. So what is the real meaning of life?? The true answer is there is no meaning. If there is no meaning then should ppl die straight away? The answer is no, because we have no clue of what happen after we die or in another word " we have no idea of who we are ". Buddha has clearly said that we are just force driven by the nature and accidentally having awareness then experience the perception of the world as we seen today. We never live or die. We're not supposed to have awareness or consciousness. But since this force have awareness then it's always have perception about it's own world. So what happened after we die ? We never actually die, we just transition in to a new perception of the new world, another word, heaven, hell or human world. So this transition of perception of our sense from human to hell, from hell to heaven and so on so forth will continue endlessly. That is real suffering. To get out from this endless circle of suffering we have to get out from this awareness. Buddha have give to this world the technic to do so and it's call Vipassana meditation. In conclusion, the purpose of life is to do meditation and inorder to do meditation effectively we need to have as less attachment to all the possession as possible and study as much as possible about the law of Nature that present by Buddha. And of course living in society we need money, that's why Buddha say that 3 basic need is enough to live in this humans world. Buddha lesson is not philosophy but it is reality.


Life is only meaningless when you stop living. Embracing what makes you, you as long as it harms none, is the meaning of life.


Exactly...The meaning of life is simply this: Leave the world in a better place than you found it, whether it is people, places or things.


This is magical… I may create a cinematic short film in nature with this voice over. Very inspiring


Make the reality you want be blessed by you instead of you being blessed by it. In other words how can you become the person that enriches the reality you want, so it needs you rather than you needing it.
💜 Heart-Based Manifestation YouTuber


Meaningless is only a burden if you value meaning over the lack there of. But by doing that you're turning life into a quest for meaning, and when you can't accept the fundamental meaninglessness of life then you are stuck in a loop trying to find something that doesn't exist. Meaning is a construct of the mind. You can't find it, only create it.


Stop thinking, start loving.
That's what basically it's all about.
It's about redefining every single human emotion there is especially love and humour.


If you understand and grasp Allan watts's comprehension of life, you gain ur one life experience


Goosebumps throughout the video. This maybe one of the best takes at trying to explain the meaning of life.


Life is a gift to be enjoyed to the fullest. Don't waste time thinking about an afterlife but spend that time thinking of the here and now. This life is all you have - use to the fullest, or waste it - your choice


I know its finding purpose, love and your inner peace then you have everything you will ever need.


The meaning of life and the very purpose of our exhistence is to be tolerant of adversity. Its the only way to peace! And yet how many times do we fail? Thats why we should abstain from trying to be people pleasers. You cant please everyone! The best type of relationship is non exhistent! You cant please people ever! So, in order to live the reason for exhistence one must be tolerant of urges to find friendships or any type of collaboration. Relationships are a deviance from the purpose of life. Therefore if you truly want to experience
the joy of overcoming your impulses, you must tolerate the desire to be with someone and dont pursue that. Refuse to give in to desires! If youre suffering, tolerate it. In the end, you will experience fullness of joy


Back in the 1970s there were beauty pageants on TV. When asked what they wanted to do in life the contestants (amidst much guffawing from the audience) invariably replied, "I just want to be happy." Such wisdom indeed!!!
