finding purpose in our insignificant existence

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what's the difference between a meaningless and insignificant existence? how do we cope with an insignificant existence?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* i'd love to hear what you all have to say *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

0:00 "god is dead"
3:31 deciphering meaning on a japanese bus
8:53 life is insignificant
15:35 metamodernism and ironic sincerity
19:09 responses to absurdism
25:59 bye bye


,, instagram: @olisunvia
,, tiktok: @olisunvia (v lame pls don't judge)
,, spotify: liv sun
,, pinterest: @olisunvia (i'm super creative with usernames)




Anatoly Lyadov - Prélude in B flat Minor (1893)
Bredo Lasson - Serenade (1885)
Chopin - Nocturne Op.48 No.1 in C Minor

tags: the desire to not exist, nietzsche, albert camus, the myth of sisyphus, absurdism, nihilism, existentialism, bojack, pointless, life is meaningless, the purpose of life, social commentary, mental illness, depression, internet analysis, video essay, analysis video, philosophy, movie film tv show, tiktok, shanspeare, jordan theresa, cj the x, tiffany ferg, alice cappelle, contrapoints, philosophy tube, madisyn brown, chad chad, sisyphus 55
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I cant believe some jerk invented the telescope and discovered the immense expanse and depth of the universe 400 years ago and made me depressed today


Wisdom is our worst curse, but it also what makes us alive. Curiosity and searching for answers to our big questions is what giving us reason to live another day, so I think we should keep asking what is the meaning of everything and never be satisfied with any answer


“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, it’s a reality to experience.”
- Frank Herbert


I wish I could have conversations like this with someone. This stuff really interests me and gets me thinking.


I'm an optimistic nihilist. Our existence is so meaningless that we can put our own meaning to it. Like a blank page where you can draw whatever you want. This was a great video, learnt quite a bit


I used to have a mentor, and he always said: “Anything you do could get yourself killed, including nothing. So just do more things in life, so you will die knowing you did a lot of things to mix out the mundane things that bores the shit out of you.”


I love Everything Everywhere All At Once because it really dives into nihilism, eventually leasding to absurdism, and landing on existentialism. I wish i could show everyone that movie so they can get my personal philosophy. It just captured that so well


I like recognizing the absurdity of my existence. I love taking really stupid things about being a human very very seriously ironically. It also helped with my anxiety realising that yeah, it doesn't matter, but also isn't it funny how I feel so compelled to idk take a shower before studying just for the clean girl vibes. If it was rational it would lose its fun potential. Take having a pet for example. Realizing that I live with another species, one that I can't understand at all, but can only strive to make the happiest just because it's cute is so absurd. But also, ants building a whole complex ass structure and following social norms just because that's how they are is just as absurd. I love realising how much of a reasonless animal we are, no matter how much we try to make it make sense. That's our very nature. We're cute.


I think looking for a deeper meaning is a way for humans to cope with the cruelness of an indifferent universe


This reminded me about my favorite quote by Marcus Aurelius: "Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them."


Accepting that we are just animals with impulses is terrifying. And that the only way to be “happy” is to shut off that self aware third person perspective. But how can one go back to ignorance of our meaninglessness after experiencing this transcendence? I don’t think that I could ever possibly just shut it off. Very interesting video though :)


You helped me write my application for a scholarship to go overseas. Your research and phrasing helped me grasp why I actually want to go, and you’ve helped me put into words the way I feel about traveling in a way that isn’t vapid or surface. Thank you.


I cannot separate meaning in life from art and passion. In a large scale we may be insignificant, but to create significance in other people's lives through art is truly a reason to live, if only to give others a reason to live.


I think it's important to acknowledge how absurd life is FOR EVERYONE. Idk, knowing I'm not the only one that thinks their life is somewhat pointless makes me feel better, and when you find those people that feel the same way you feel some type of comforting unity, like hell yeah we're destined to become part of the eternal void which kinda sucks, but atleast we'll go together.


I think the problem I’m having right now with this is not knowing how to make my own life seem more significant. I don’t want to have a mundane, mediocre life that passes me by. I want to have more experiences and adventure in my life that I can talk about and be proud that I did. The thing is, I don’t know how to do that. All I can think of is travel; but besides traveling, what else? I’m not sure what to do


I feel like there’s always meaning in things, and you just have to find it. One of my friends asked me what the point of our existence is. I always think about it like every action we take effects the people and places we love. Sure, on a grand scale, our lives may have no significance. But everything around you has a meaning, whether you know what it is or not. So, instead of being looped into the existential dread of insignificance, begin to notice how your actions and others’ actions’ and how they change and impact the world you love. Find meaning in the little things, try and make life more significant for yourself.


the first video about existentialism/meaning of life without crying. thanks! we’re making progress.


Olivia just casually completely changing the way i view my life


The absurdity and overwhelming limitation of my existence has turned me into an empty, bitter, and unstable disaster of a human being. I dont wanna do this anymore, but im not allowed to check out because i care about the people id leave behind too much. It's hell.


I've considered that general thought about our personal choices being meaningless at the end of it all a lot.

When you have anxiety, it becomes doubly absurd. I have wasted so much time wondering if some banal action would be rude or weird, if I'd be judged for wearing something, and so on. And it doesn't even matter.

And yet that isn't enough to stop it entirely.
