How Sugar Affects Bread Dough | Principles of Baking

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Sugar affects various bread dough characteristics depending on how much of it is added. It can make the dough sticker and slightly harder to work with. It can weaken the gluten structure which can be beneficial in some cases and detrimental in others. It makes the bread sweeter, the crumb softer, it may add a flavour, and it will improve the colour of the crust. There is one thing it almost never does and that is speed up fermentation. Contrary to popular belief sugar actually slows down fermentation in most cases.

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As daily bread, I never use any of sweetener, love the pure and original wheat flour aroma. But as knowledge, this is a great video. Thank you for your hard work and experimental spirit.


I've never used treacle before so I don't know if this works but heating the container of molasses in some warm water for a few minutes before pouring will make it MUCH easier to deal with when trying to handle it.


Always loved your side by side, incremental videos regarding how a key ingredient can affect the overall bread recipe. This was cool to check out because it verified some intuitive tweaks that I've made over time w my own bread recipe.

I use a combination of sugar and honey for my enriched bread and it helps in the flavor and how long it can last.

Again thanks for sharing your expertise and baking experiments! It's a great way to understand the impact of each and every ingredient to one's recipe!


Superb video.
So much careful thought and good info went into this. 👍
FWIW the American Bakers Assoc. recommends no more than 8% sugar as a maximum, in savoury breads. Certainly above 10% slows fermentation.

Like you I don't know why someone would want to speed up fermentation. Maybe for what I refer to as emergency bread, when a loaf is wanted very quickly. Then liquid Malt is the thing to use. It mainly maltose, malt sugar and this is the sugar yeast feeds on best. No more than 9% or it might make the bread gummy and horrid. 2% - 5% of the flour weight is a more common amount to use. I sometimes use it for its malty flavours. Honey can be used at the same rates.
These 'Principles' videos are seriously good Charlie. Thank you.


So this must be why I've never found any sweet bread recipes. Here in Brazil we have tons of sweet breads in the bakeries, but they add a mixture of milk and condensed milk to the bread already baked to make it sweet. I was searching a recipe that yields a sweet dough without having to add the mixture but your excellent explanation sorted it out. Thank you a lot! Love your chainnel! (haha)


Please, do a video about vinegar affect on dough. Apparently, a small amount can greatly improve rise.


I never add sugar, molasses or anything else to my bread. I find it more exciting to bring out different flavors by using different types of grain in my BIGA and varying its water content and time in the fridge.
A coarsely ground old wheat type in the BIGA can conjure up very exciting flavour nuances, and EVERYTHING about "bake-improving" chemicals is banned. Too many types of bread flour contain at least amylase, which gives the bread a texture like a sponge, and can make pig feed rise like the best Italian flour.


I used to add sugar just because the recipe says to. When I started creating my own recipes, however, I chose to add it because I love what it does to crust color. Now I know fat does the same thing, and usually gives the bread superior flavor.

The science here is so fascinating.


Hey Charlie, I just love your comparative series. You have put alot of effort into this video and it shows. Thanks so much for dispelling some common myths around sugar👌


Another great experiment well planned and flawlessly carried out. Comprehensive explanations and therefore rather self-explanatory outcomes :)
Many thanks, Guru. very inspiring.


I ad 3% glucose to my everyday bread, it keeps the bread moist and soft and fresh for longer. My everyday bread is otherwise 1/6 of the flour dark rye, 1/6 whole wheat, 4/6 strong wheat, 0, 5% Barley Malt Powder, 50/50 water/milk, 3% brown flax seeds, 3% sunflower seeds, 3 % honey and 3% rapeseed oil.


Thanx for the info. When in Panama, the flour I could get made a very hard bread, could only eat if toasted. To soften, I tried adding milk or sugar. The sugar worked best. Only needed 2 tbsp for 6 cups flour. Did not taste any sweeter. Flour in Costa Rica, USA or Canada did not need any sugar to give a soft textured loaf.


I really enjoy your content- entertaining, informative, and useful. Thank you very much, you are doing God's work: bread is life.


Thanks for the work you put into this experiment! Very interesting results that I'll be considering when adding (or removing) sweeteners in the future.


Very useful information. Now I am inspired to try higher percentages. Thank you, Charlie !


Thanks for another informative video. More things to consider & try 😊. Today's bake schedule is for 2 loaves of pullman white bread & 8 bagels. Every day bread baking is something I never did until I found the Chain Baker chanel. 8:13


I have been working on my pizza dough for years. With just flour, water, salt and yeast, it always came out very tough and chewy. It was unpleasant. Also hard to work with. It kept pulling back when I stretched it. To help soften it, I started adding a little oil and it helped but was still tough. When I added some sugar too, it has a perfect texture. It's not sweet tasting at all. It's definitely a keeper! I never noticed a change in how fast it ferments, but not doing side by side tests, it would be hard to notice. That's why your videos are so useful. Thank you!


great information!....loving your you!


As usual fabulous! Something I never considered before. I will pay attention in future to the amount of sugar I put into my bread.
