The Truth Behind Soft Living | The Art Of Slow Living In Autumn | What Is Soft Living About

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The truth behind living a soft life

Life is not about living without hardships. Having it easy. Never struggling for a day. But living despite hardships. Despite the struggles. Together with them - that's the true beauty behind soft, slow living.


I went out to my secret garden last week to film this video. It's my safe space, a space where I barely ever meet any people as many don't seem to know about this park. There is a university nearby, but no students or teachers ever visit this place which is right at their doorstep.
It's wild and beautiful. Water lilies bloomed in the middle of September. Droplets of rain shone bright on the petals, yellow birch leaves dotted around on the surface pond.
Red kite's serene mewing in the sky, a light flutter of dragonfly wings at my feet. It was magical, beautiful, and it seemed that only I will ever get to see this beauty. I wanted to share it with you. If I can't take you to my secret garden physically, maybe I can share the atmosphere of it through the screen.


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Filmed on: Fujifilm XH2S with 33mm f1/4 lens
Edited with: Premiere Pro CC
Music: Epidemic Sound

#slowliving #softlife #gentleliving #autumnvibes #cottagecore soft living, slow living, the art of slow living, how to live a soft life, what soft life really is, romanticizing life, finding beauty in the mundane
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Hi friends,
This is a slightly different type of video the text for which I wrote in a spur of a moment after many comments about how unrealistic the life I show looks.
I wanted to address it.
The fact is, all of us experience our own hardships, all in our own way. Someone showing a beautiful life on a surface doesn’t mean they don’t experience moments of darkness.
But it’s the light that I personally want to share. The beauty I seek and find all around. Not an ultimatum, saying that this is the only life anyone should lead. But a source of escapism, the escapism that exists in every mundane detail of our lives. I don’t go to magical places. I don’t live in the most beautiful area. I seek and search beauty everywhere I can because it makes me feel better amongst my depressive thoughts. And do it for those, who might be in the same place as I.
I want to start sharing more realistic aspects of life. Share even more of the mundane, less staged. I’m not sure if you’d be interested in that. If you have anything that you’d like to see and know - please comment below!


I remember speaking to my Father when he was dying. I thanked him for being a wonderful father and giving me the best childhood. He squeezed my hand and told me to live my life like each day could be my last. I have tried to do this, it’s made me appreciate what I have, to look at the world around me and to see what is really important. It’s not always easy to focus on the positive but if you try you can achieve a meaningful life❤


I agree with you 100%, Daria. You are wise beyond your years. I'm 78 and still learning, still struggling to find balance. But I am happy and contented in my slow, peaceful, quiet life. I can't tell you how many of your videos speak to my heart, and how many of them are so relatable to me. Thank you.


Life truly is a dance of shadows and light. While we can't always control the music, we can choose our steps. There's no need to focus on hardships, I think because where focus goes, energy flows. I'm also always drawn to the radiant moments and the beauty in the everyday. It's what makes life so special. 🍂✨


life is about surviving, resilience, nurturing and most of all noticing. paying attention... if we pay attention to reality of the moment it is magical


Hello Daria ☺. I don't often comment but just wanted to say that you should indeed keep sharing 'the light'. I have just turned 71 and I have been through so much these passed 2/3 years, which included the pandemic! You're right of course, we all have our struggles, dark moments! SO! Lets just share the lighter moments here, art, poetry, literature, nature, all the things that help us to mend. I don't do any other social media (because a lot that is what I find
unrealistic and depressing). However, I do watch the odd 'lighter' vlogs like yours, so thank you. With bright Autumnal blessings 🍂🍁🍂🍁 love & peace xx


I find I am most happy and living in softness when I'm creating something. It can be as simple as sitting on my couch, crocheting with my cat next to me, or sewing a new dress in my sewing room. Writing in my journal or just sitting in the back yard reading a cozy book. We are the only ones responsible for our happiness, that is so very true. I find it so profound that there are so many people in this world, but the only one we are truly aware of is ourselves.


It’s good to be reminded to take time off for ourselves. We all go through tough challenging times where problems seem to be endless. Fortunately for me I’ve always been very curious so when I take a walk in nature I’m so absorbed with my surroundings that I lose myself and find inspiration to paint or create. If I’m not doing that I’m gardening or if the weather doesn’t permit I’ll bake or read. Having a project, however small, is therapy and allows you to refocus. It’s not so easy if you have a young family and requires great effort and discipline but as you say so eloquently it’s so important.


This is such a great video and a powerful message to all. I think we all want and crave a slow and soft living, I know I do. Unfortunately we also have to deal with reality, bills, buying food, cleaning, yard work, laundry, etc but I remind myself that if I can find some peace and tranquility each day, try to increase when I can then it’s better than none. I think we all need a soft space to land each day, peace in our hearts and time to reflect. One of your best videos yet and I love them all. You remind us that we are just human❤


I hope that you will continue to make lyrically poetic videos, like Inspiration For Autumn, that give fortifying solace, peace, and beauty to those who watch them. And yet, it is also of value to explore the mundane, and how it informs the need for something better. The interplay between light and shadow is conceptually fascinating.


Spot on, my dear! To me, soft living is making the decision to give up the neverending hustle and climb for a lifestyle that the media/society tells us we must have in order to be happy. Life becomes less about grasping and clawing for evermore materialistic achievements and more about being content with where you are at now. Appreciating the true beauty that lies in nature, our homes and most importantly -ourselves.


❤ You said it perfectly. Those small moments when I water my plants or my dog comes to sit against me.. that’s what life is about. These moments of joy in amongst the chaos. Thank you for such a lovely video (once again) xx


It kind of baffles me when people hear a fact about a person and just assume that their whole personality is wrapped around this one particular thing. Most of the time it's connected to profession and it's a ridiculous notion to think that nothing else, different or even contradicting might be of interest to that person. Just because you're a doctor or a teacher doesn't mean that you live a saint like pure life devoid of any vice. Just because you're a personal trainer that doesn't mean you live inside of the gym and don't have other interests. Just because you're an artist it doesn't mean that you have no struggles or any concern about the material world.
One particular label (profession) does not describe your whole existence, there's more to each and every one of us.

Beautiful video and thank you for sharing this. Love what you did with the visuals, music and your voice, somehow it sounds extra nice in this video :) well done!


To me life Is just about living. Enjoying the simple mundane routines of everyday life, but also experiencing the great adventures. I love what you said about never speaking in absolutes and always being in between because that’s exactly what life is, balance.


It is living with human beings that makes life rough and cruel. With Nature there is a fairness and depth of understanding. 😍😍😍😍


"Your Videos Are Beautiful! Thankyou For Sharing From Your Heart!"


I believe that people who were in the darkest places in their life, are also able to show the light much better.


A lot of work and responsibility often disrupt our inner balance, which ultimately can affect not only our mental health, but also our physical health. There is a very fine line between the desire to achieve inner harmony and the desire not to lose the achieved state of harmony in the process of earning a living, paying bills. Thank you for bringing me confidence every week that I chose this path for a reason and I am not alone.


I too have left the busy life of city behind and joined the slow life of country living. My beauty in life is observing the wonderful surprises that nature provides. So many things to enjoy.


شكرا على مشاركة هاذه الافكار المفيدة ، اعتقد ان التوازن بين النور والظلام هو القانون الثابت في الحياة ، حتى وانا اعيش سرعة و صخبا في الافكار كأم ل4 اطفال ، احاول ان اخذ قسطا من الراحة واحاول ان ادخل الحياة الهادئة في روتيني اليومي ، وقد ألهمتني مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك ، شكرا ، شكرا واصلي مشاركة هاذا القطعة من الكعك .
