Soft Discipline: How to Live a Consistently Successful Life

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Having quit things I thought I wanted to do, hated myself because I can't stick to schedules I create, thought I'm incapable of achieving much due to my chaotic and indecisive mind: here is how I now thrive (a bit more) in chaos and lack of organisation, most importantly: without habits.

To make your life easier:
0:00 Intro
2:20 Limit strict scheduling
6:53 When powering through is stupid
10:09 Declare your personal tax
12:12 Non-proposterous personal pay

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I love how you are changing the “productivity” dogma on the internet. Hats off.


Something that helps me, personally, is that I have defined 5 actitivies (reading, meditation, movement etc.) that make me "feel like myself". The goal isn't to do all of them every day, that would be unrealistic in terms of time constraints, but to remind myself of them and to see if I have a bad week that maybe I haven't been prioritising the right things and that might be why I'm feeling uneasy or unhappy.


I’d love to live a consistently successful life… but at this point? I’d settle for accidentally stumbling into a day that wasn’t a dumpster fire.


As someone who is almost 50, overachievers always ALWAYS burn out at some point. It can look like them being angry all the time, neglect of home or self, etc. Thank you for speaking on this. Stop comparing yourself to others or where or what you are supposed to be doing.


I basically make my schedule specifically for a lazy person. I've found that you actually get more done if you account for your own laziness as you learn to utilize that short period of time when you actually have focus and motivation.


'Being very discipline always came from place of fear and terror' well said 🎉 1:31


This is so ADHD friendly and just develops self-compassion in general. Thank you so much!


Soft discipline has been the only way to prevent myself from procrastination. It really was a life changer when I first applied it. Never ever did I accomplish "hard discipline"


I love your point about not spending enough time being a beginner. How profound. Thank you!


I love this, soft discipline! I have always approached my to do’s from a ‘what I’m in the mood for.” People can’t believe I avoid strict scheduling, even people at the gym, they say oh where have you been? I say, I’ve been here, I just come when I’m in the mood at different days/nights and times


The 80, 000 Hours sponsorship looks like an idea I had once. I realized that the best way to decide what job I wanted to do next was to look at what I already did, figure out which part of that I liked best, and seek a job that amplifies that part. For example, I grew up helping my dad at craft fairs. This involves talking to a steady stream of strangers. Getting a job as a cashier was an ideal next step. Now, as a cashier, I love it when i get a chance to help someone who needs extra help. The ideal next step would be some kind of caregiving position. My favorite thing about this strategy is that it is exploratory, since there is no perfect job that contains all of the things you might possibly enjoy doing. So don't waste time pursuing that imaginary perfection, and instead explore your interests as you find them. Go through phases. It's fun.


I have started to not plan what I have to do for uni per day but just schedule a "time to do uni stuff", usually several hours and then do whatever I am in the mood for. This helps so much because if I am enjoying studying, I will be in the flow and much more efficient than just dragging myself through it. I need the scheduled time though because it is the time that I specifically set for myself to do uni work and anything else has lower priority (because otherwise I will get caught up in cleaning and all the other small stuff that one could do).


She's literally the only person I can watch over and over again without getting bored or tired 💖 you inspire me sm w my channel 💖🥰🍓♥️♥️🥰♥️


You know, the deadline thing is brilliant. Trusting that I'm reasonable and will somehow get it done without micro managing myself with an annoying schedule is something I've never heard before. So instead of scheduling just keep track of deadlines.


I always hear the successful person said you need to challenge yourself and push your boundary, but every time I did so I got burn out and give up quickly. Thank you for sharing this important message to me. It's healthy and helpful!


ever since I got into college I have been forcing myself to do things daily and the list to do just never ends and I feel like a total looser every single day for the past 2 years . all my confidence is gone and I have no excitement left to do anything. Your videos are a constant reminder of how there is a diffrent way to do things and not micro manage because it might just not be for me .


To make your life easier:
0:00 Intro
2:20 Limit strict scheduling
6:53 When powering through is stupid
10:09 Declare your personal tax
12:12 Non-proposterous personal pay


As someone that has highs and lows, i find your videos so helpful, being the only pace where I don’t feel criticized by academics were i often feel guilt and frustration, thank you! I needed this video ❤


Whenever I would tell my grandma I felt stressed she would remind me life is meant to be enjoyed.


It's so refreshing to find that other persons have almost the exact same internal experiences, mentality, and personality type as yourself.
