How to have the best summer of your life

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1:21 wake up earlier
2:31 go outside as much as humanly possible
4:06 optimize your environment
5:16 don't try to recreate the golden years - be present instead
7:00 be mechanistic
9:10 be ok


The "Be Ok" part really spoke to me. I always feel like my friends are doing cooler stuff, have more fun, live life to the fullest and for some reason, I just don't understand this part of my life yet. But then I realize that we all feel this way. Everyone is on their own path and journey. Thanks for the reminder Joey!


1. Wake up earlier to enjoy the magical aura of summer mornings and be part of the world waking up.
2. Spend as much time outside as possible to avoid feeling isolated and potentially meet like-minded people.
3. Optimize your environment to refresh and recharge you, making it easier to go out and enjoy the summer.
4. Be present in the moment rather than trying to recreate past memories; focus on creating new favorable memories.
5. Challenge yourself to do activities that are good for you, even if they might be uncomfortable at first, as they often lead to the best memories.
6. Avoid comparing yourself to others on social media and don't fall into the trap of FOMO (fear of missing out).


I think everybody would agree that we want more of those " Unfiltered thoughts " 😊 That was my favorite part of the video. Thanks!!


'As a summer enthusiast myself'
Man I freaking love your dry humor ❤️


Just passing through to letting y'all know how much this guy has helped me. I started watching his channel back in 2020, looking to improve my life as I realized I wasn't doing too much with it, wasn't even feelling good with myself or actually being healthy at least.
I don't remember what was the 1st video I watched but I'm very grateful that I found the channel, I made a lot of changes, implemented some basic habits and started asking to myself if I was doing things right: It all changed, now I'm 5 or even 10 times better than 3 years ago in basically every aspect.
Thank you.


"Be present, stop reminiscing on the past".

The moment I began living this principle I had less nostalgia and have been enjoying what I am doing more. Even mondaine things seem more adventurous and worth it. Appreciate the past, learn from it but don't try to live it.

Remember the best days are ahead of you.

Also, about FOMO, I be came a lot happier when I stop caring what everyone else was doing. Don't get me wrong, if a friend shares an experience with me I am happy for them and I will enjoy talking to them about it. However, I don't use social media to see what other people are doing and compare to what I am not.

Don't compare your life to others. See what needs to be done, try to do what you want to do and try to enjoy the mundane things of life.


#5 Be Mechanistic. ‘Make adventure a mechanism. Take emotion out of it. Do things that are good for you automatically without considering how you feel’

Just incredible advice for the summer. Thank you so much


So wild that you posted this today because I was having a very similar thought this morning!! I decided to wake up an hour early so I could go for a walk with my dog before work. As I was walking, I noticed that an early morning walk had an entirely different feel than my afternoon or evening walks. I had no idea what made it feel more special, but you hit the nail on the head with talking about the magic of summer mornings! It really does feel so magical ☺️


The last tip was so relieving to hear. I literally felt like a weight just lifted from my shoulders. It's so hard not to compare yourself to others and feel like you aren't good enough but it doesn't help anything and they aren't doing as good as you think they are.


Best decision to watch this video today. This was one of the last screen times this summer! FOMO and thinking everyone except me has life figured out is killing me. Your thoughts are my summer mantra from now on. 💯




The first point is great! Summer mornings in Canada are amazing. My favorite thing was to get up at 3am, get to the mountains and start fishing by 5am. Solitude in the great expanse of the rocky mountains is one of the most rewarding experiences one can have.
Now we live in Thailand, and its always summer here. 🥵


Killing it with the videos lately mate! You seem like you're having a lot of fun with them since your talk with yourself about being too much of a perfectionist. It's cool to see you in the zone 👌🏼


I started this summer with the idea that I would go exercise, get myself in shape. Honestly, failed. For maybe a week or two it was working out, but then it got assigned a negative connotation in my mind when other people I have a clear disdain for wanted to always do it with me. So with that, and two vacations jammed into my summer, I basically just quit trying to get back into shape. I barely go outside every day if at all, and I've never really been the kind who wants to go hang out at someone else's house for hours or at all. In fact, I haven't been to someone else's house in years. I'm not chasing those golden years when I did, but I'm dreading every day I get closer to the peak of my life in college.

Honestly, a bit of a reason for some of these things is blaming myself/others (which does it count as?) for my lack of independence, but I'm hoping as soon as I have a license and can drive myself to the gym and better socialize with others, that I'll be able to fix myself.

Just kind of a rant. Thanks.


Dude, I love your channel. I came across your, , ”Your Life Was Already Decided”
video a few months ago. It gave me all the motivation I needed to reflect on my actions and put a plan in motion. I decided to specifically focus on my health and fitness and managed to lose 70lbs so far, with that video as the catalyst. This one is a nice reminder to “live life” too.


Great to finally see a video about summer on 25th of July, good job Joey!!! :D


There's one thing I actually hate about summer and yes, it's SCORCHING WEATHER. And as active and sporty as I am - I hate being sticky with sweat shortly after going outside. If it were at the seaside or at vacation - that's totally fine. But even there I try to spend most part of the day in as much shade and coolness as possible. And when it comes to being in the city, the only good time for me is early morning hours and late evening hours. And that's ALL.
So for me, there's simply no such thing as "having the best summer of my life" 😒


Such simple advice to making your life an adventure.
Jump in the lake and enjoy.

Love bc though can definitely be rainy.
Great video man.


I'm going to be honest, as much as I love the summer vibes and how much other people seem to come alive, I sometimes wonder if I get seasonal depression that affects me in summer rather than winter. I live in a desert. It's hot. It's dry. Everything feels slow and heavy and the heat makes me drowsy and I need more sleep to feel rested. This year I've been trying to remind myself that I live in a the states that's known for outdoors recreation and that I should take advantage of that, and videos like this help me to keep my spirits up and get excited about living life. Thank you!
