Composer Reacts to Mastodon - Toe to Toes (REACTION & ANALYSIS)

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Bryan reacts to and talks about his thoughts on Mastodon - Toe to Toes [Official Audio]

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This little ep was suppose to be Brent's solo music, but his friend's wanted in. That is why it might not sound too much like a Mastodon project.


Really love this song, one of my favorites by Mastodon and the studio video is so goofy and wholesome


I think the more people spam "The Last Baron and the Czar", the more possible it seems that you will make a reaction video on one of these.
It should be on prog week.


vocals change much with them, they have three vocalists
edit: seems it's only three on the recordings, but four live, which i remembered from seeing them


They truly are just as mind altering with their entire discography as Opeth in my opinion... Some have dropped off as fans of this band... However 🤔

I honestly don't think they have ever wrote a bad song...

I love their evolution... Despite my tastes admittedly being very unforgiving when heavy bands diversify...

I like my Bolt Thrower to sound like Bolt Thrower which of course is a great example of a band that has given exactly what you want and had to the end...👌

However 🤷🏻‍♂️ This band just aged like fine scotch... Not wine...

Scotch ✍️ Plus the production and engineering has always be so flipping well rounded and balanced 👌

You of course naturally picked up on all this and their hooks and so on...

Great points and believe me 👌I have a degree in marketing and you nailed one of the biggest points 🤔

If say a commercial does not manage to get your interest in the first 10 seconds 🤷🏻‍♂️ (Of course I am using the old framework of TV commercials)...

Then the commercial failed we would say...✍️

These days🙄this needs to be counted in nanoseconds...

This bands hooks and grooves and the VERY cinematic likened polished production... I glad you picked up on this feel 👌

I stand by this band could use their stuff in movies and truck commercials 😂

Great overview 👌

BTW 🤔 Whilst I have a degree in marketing 🤷🏻‍♂️

I have used the expertise of this degree now 2 times in 20 years ✍️

To use as comparing points in this comment 🤔

And my rather slowly erosive tactics albeit them 🤔 "politely juvenile within the nudging insistence" my very simply approach seemed to prove effective 👍👌to get you to do an Ulcerate analysis....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Clearly worth 4 years of education 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️🤨👌

Insert otherwise sound of a toilet flushing....


If you take suggestions, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Blue Walsh. I’d have to say that that’s my favorite Mastodon song among their newest two albums (my absolute favorite would be Diamonds in the Witch House, in Once More ‘Round the Sun)


This is definitely indicative of much of Mastodon's later discography, though they do mix more accessible hard rock songs like this with tracks that lean more towards their heavier, metallic roots. Lots of fans have been split over the change, thinking Mastodon have "sold out" with many of their more accessible tracks that clearly seem aimed at mainstream success. Personally, I feel similar about them as I do about Opeth's prog-rock era: It's not that I mind the change of genres itself as I genuinely love the genres they've switched, it's merely that they've changed from being what was an incredibly original band to one that sounds more derivative of other bands in that genre. You mention it yourself in the comparisons with Seether and Shinedown. I think that's pretty close, and while I do still like Mastodon's take on that genre better than many of their contemporaries, it just lacks that "whoah, I've never heard anything like this" feeling.

Maybe it's just me, but I get the feeling that after Crack the Skye Mastodon really didn't know where to go next. Crack the Skye saw them pushing their prog tendencies to an extreme (for them), and with their next album they tried to scale back all of that and go back to their rougher roots, but with very mixed results on The Hunter. Afterwards is when they started incorporating more of the accessible hard rock elements, and while I enjoyed Once More 'Round the Sun I also feel like they've had a bit of an identity crisis since then about what kind of band they are. Not that I object to bands exploring other genres/styles, but Mastodon seem stuck with not wanting to go back to prog, not wanting to go completely accessible/mainstream hard rock, but not knowing what else to do with their older, metal style. I think Emperor of Sand was an attempt at going back to their roots as well, and while decent it still felt like a retread.


I think it should be noted that this song is part of a more Brent-led EP, sort of side project-y


They have been the same lineup since the beginning. This EP was entirely written by the lead guitarist, Brent Hinds (sings the verses). The drummer, Brann Dailor is actually the current lead vocalist for most of their new stuff, and the Bassist, Troy Sanders (sings the chorus), was responsible for the old growl style along with Brent.

I really liked this EP, but I also have enjoyed everything Mastodon has put out. And YES that IS a tambourine.


I really think you should then visit the middle of Mastodon's career... Meaning listening to The Last Baron or The Czar off their best album, a masterpiece called Crack the Skye.


A general way to look at Mastodon's sonic journey is they started as a metal band and now they're a psychedelic hard-rock band. They're got softer with each album after Blood Mountain


They have many sides on just one album. It doesn't matter what album you choose they're all good


Think you might have discovered a new band to dig into for your own enjoyment Bryan(?) You seem very delighted anyway - wonderful to see!😊
I consider this to be a very delicious song yet with just enough grit to keep a sludge feel. About the "chorus first" thing, I rather see it as altering melodies and styles with the singers. Feels very "Mastodon" and not at all a "modern" thing for them. They did develop very much though and every release brings great excitement!


I will echo the call for the Czar and The Last Baron. I also think The Wolf is Loose off of Blood Mountain is worth a listen.


I was definitely anticipating this video because of how different the songs are. It's a good idea for a video theme. Personally I love all of Mastodon's stuff. Old and new. There's stuff in the middle that sounds different from both of these songs as well. Would be a fun band to just check out in your personal time.


I stopped listening to them after Blood Mountain, didn't like their sound after that, unfortunately.


If you think you're going to get a softer, mellower Judas Priest with their later tracks you've got another thing coming. ;)


Why this song though? XD It's kind of supposed to be different as is the whole EP.


Actually hadn't heard this song before, first impressions is that it's very... bright. Atleast compared to the first couple albums. Not bad though.


Great pick! I love all of their work and evolution over the years.
