WD My Passport Wireless (1TB) - Initial Thoughts

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Question. Please answer if you know the answer.  I have this app called Filmic Pro.  The app shoots videos, but my iPhone has limited storage space for when I capture videos.  Would I be able to transfer the footage I just shot with my iPhone to the My Passport Wireless through wi-fi?  Would all I need to do is make sure my iPhone and the Wireless Passport were on the same wi-fi? Can I also simply connect my phone to the wireless passport directly?


Ratty, you can not select all pics on ios or delete all on the disk.


The case is plastic coz of the wireless antena, but no worries, life in plastic is fantastic ;)


Lousy presentation. What's with the stammering?? U know..u know.. U know..!! I don't know!


it looks like it is photobank for photographers. i want one!


I find that these unboxing video are useless.  Wait until you do the test on speed performance a usability then do a video. Save yourself and us time. It would be nice to be able to have a small screen on the device and the ability to crop as well as delete photos. WD are you listening?


please tell me if this item can RETRIEVE FROM a google nexus 7  2012 or 2013 tablet...
can I wirelessly send photos and mp3 from the nexus 7 android TO this ext. hard drive successfully?

as always, thank you very much.


so how fast is the SD card reader? Was planning to get this to dump video/images when out in the field but read its pretty slow when transferring from the SD.


What happens when you put the sd back again. All files are moved again or transferred only over files that have not been transferred earlier? Thank you


how to solve the problem if the Power and Battery Status LED and the WI-Fi LED will blink red alternating between one and the other.


It looks pretty good.  Any idea how efficient it would work for video editing?


Excellent, I'm anticipating your field test. So far it looks good but the test will show its feasibility.


Looks cool, does it automatically copy the images when you stick the card in?


were you able to get the card reader to upload RAW files???...mine did not


Does this read 64 & 128GB SD Card too pls!?


does it allow to backup photos automatically from iphone or andriod phone?


Can you upload your pictures from an SD card to the storage device without using a laptop? I would like to use is on a holiday and I will not have a laptop with me (I have a smartphone)


Just want to add my .02 here. I had a WD My Passport a couple of years back and will never be purchasing another one, ever. The drive popped a solder where the power cord plugged into to. At first I was panicked. I pulled the drive apart to see if I could manually solder it back on but it's a tiny, tiny solder. No go. So I figured it wouldn't be a big deal to just pull the drive out of the case and connect it to a computer to pull my files from it (well over 30K image files). Boy was I wrong! The computer recognized the drive, but it only recognized 1 MASSIVE file (I imagine this file size was equivalent to the amount of data on the drive). Come to find out that WD drives encrypt the data that is placed on them, regardless of whether you choose encryption or not. The encryption seems to take place on the board that is attached to the drive itself. And it's proprietary. Meaning that on the WD board on the drive would be able to decrypt it. LUCKILY I was able to find a replacement power board in China (there are many different ones apparently, depending on when the drive was manufactured). I replaced the power board, pulled my images off the drive immediately, and have never powered it back on since.

I'm not sure if other drives do this, but I found it rather infuriating that the drive uses an on-board, proprietary encryption that required it be powered from the on-board card in order to decrypt. This means that should your power board fail, you have virtually no way of pulling the data from the drive. Needless to say, I keep a drive, a redundancy backup, and an off-site backup just in case now.
