Neil deGrasse Tyson and Brian Greene Confront the Edge of our Understanding

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How do particles get mass? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice discover squarks, sneutrinos, the Higgs boson, and whether dark matter has a particle with theoretical physicist Brian Greene.

Can we finally get to the bottom of what happens when a quark falls into a black hole? Learn about the ultraviolet catastrophe, the start of quantum physics, and Max Planck quantizing packets of energy. We also discuss how Einstein won the Nobel prize for the discovery for which he is least famous.

We take a deep dive into the Higgs boson. Who’s Higgs? What’s a boson? Find out about how the Higgs field creates mass, the different quantum particles, and how quarks create protons and neutrons. Brian breaks down the theory of supersymmetry: does every particle have a counterpart? Learn about squarks, sneutrinos, and whether supersymmetry can give an answer to what dark matter is.

Is the fabric of spacetime woven by tiny wormholes? Discover the Casimir force, quantum fluctuations, and why you need so many dimensions in a string theory universe. We discuss whether the cosmological constant is, in fact, constant. Plus, find out about the biggest mismatch between theory and experiment in physics.

00:00 - Introduction: Brian Greene
07:45 - When a Quark Falls Into a Black Hole
13:55 - The Beginning of Quantum Physics & Einstein’s Nobel Prize
18:01 - Discovering the Higgs Boson
21:52 - What is the Higgs Boson?
26:26 - How Do Particles in an Atom Get Mass?
30:30 - Is Dark Matter a Particle?
33:20 - Squarks, Sneutrinos, & Supersymmetry
40:16 - Fabric of Spacetime Woven by Wormholes
45:06 - Four Dimensions & String Theory
47:20 - Is Dark Matter Just Matter in Another Universe?
49:30 - Is the Cosmological Constant Constant?
56:16 - A Cosmic Perspective

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The gluonic force between this trio is top tier! 🌟 What's something you wish Brian Greene could expand on?


We should be greatful that there are people out there like Neil Degrass Tyson and Brian Green who are not just scientist but are also public figures who spend a lot of their precious time to educate us on what is going on with their work.


I really needed this break from politics. Thank you people for keeping me sane. And thrilled to be alive!


Chuck is so critical to this show. He makes them slow down and explain when they need to, and also his reactions when he finally gets it (which is usually when I’m getting it too) perfectly encapsulate how I feel in those moments


Whoever edited this video deserves massive praise. You can see how they structured their talk with the underlying understanding of the topic


The best part of all of this is to watch Chuck. Basically, Neil and Brian are talking shop talk, and Chuck is along for the ride until Chuck has his epiphany. That is what I love the most. He got it. Then he says he feels included, rather than the 3rd wheel. Now Chuck is on board, and he is concentrating so hard. I love his funny quips and interpretations, but now that he is there and in the moment, it's just a beautiful thing to see him now a part of the team. I love Chuck, but it way more fun to see him celebrate after his breakthrough.


I'm starting to realize that as Chuck gets smarter Neil talks on a higher level along with the guests and I can't listen in passing while multi-tasking anymore.


I love these guys. They have figured out how to have a barbershop style conversation about general relativity and quantum science. Gotta love it.


How refreshing it is to listen to someone of high intelligence and grounded giving substance instead of the empty information on social media


Chuck's reaction to gaining understanding around fields is how I reacted to reading Brian's books.


25:50 I love seeing how excited Chuck is to understand the concept. It really sparks the joy of learning in me again and excites me to get back into learning!


This is the best StarTalk episode EVER~! My head would hurt if it weren't for Chuck. Thank you, Brian Greene, Neil, and Chuck~!


Chuck Nice probably has earned an honorary PhD in physics doing all these shows.


Chuck just had another sciencegasm. This is why StarTalk is so addictive 😊


Whenever I feel the burden of stupidity around the world and am about to get into that depressed realm, I come to my podcasts, and #Startalk almost has never failed to not just pulling me out but elevating me way up there!
This episode though was one of those extra ones, for Chuck once again was exactly showing my state of mind and excitement!!!🎉😂
Nei Tyson & Brian Greene each has the same effect on me when I watch or listen to them; now the two together and the back and forth explosive brillance of minds popping... 🎉
Chuck showed what happens to simple minds like mine when learning these amazing sciences from amazing teachers!


The conversation about fields during the Higgs Boson segment blew my mind. Never thought about it this way. Loved it! I had the same reaction as Chuck in this part 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Dr. Greene is a phenomenal educator and physicist. Thank you for having him on the show.


Guys, whoever runs this account for StarTalk? This is the best episode I’ve ever seen. And Brian’s great as always, but what really made this special was Neil really allowing Chuck to get in the mix and learn, explain very detailed things that Chuck proves he can keep up with. Going a little deeper works.


The www was born to link institutions so they could share and stimulate. This show is stimulating, and show cases three of our modern worlds greatest institutions, Sharing them right in our living rooms. The webs founders would be thrilled to know of your work. Chuck you are essential to this format. You represent us, the audience. We all know you could have taken your career in other directions, but honestly, you bring this production alive.


The way Neil and Chuck react it’s like Brian is spittin fire rap lyrics!! 😂🔥🔥
