StarTalk @ NY Comic Con: It’s About Time! (Brian Greene & Neil deGrasse Tyson)

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Join us on a pop culture adventure, from the TARDIS of Doctor Who, to the shrinking capabilities of Ant Man and the Wasp, to the Upside Down parallel universe of Stranger Things. Explore if the laws of physics allow time travel to be possible. You’ll learn how the physics of time travel differs depending on whether you’re going into the future or the past. We discuss wormholes and what happens when you place a wormhole next to a black hole.

Find out about the “chronology projection conjecture,” a concept first introduced by Steven Hawking. Ponder the logic paradox that occurs when you travel into the past. You’ll find out if other species process time similar to the way humans do. We also venture into the fourth dimension as we explore the TARDIS and it’s capabilities.

Next, we move from time travel to the Quantum Realm as we discuss the shrinking science of Ant Man and the Wasp. You’ll learn what the laws of physics say about shrinking. Discover more about the empty space inside atoms. Investigate “molecular disequilibrium,” quantum entanglement, and what Einstein called the “spooky action.”

Neil gives praise to the movie A Bug’s Life on its ability to represent the microscopic (besides the obvious error in ant anatomy).

Lastly, we take a trip to the Upside Down as we investigate parallel universes. Find out more about string theory and the “brane” idea. Explore the idea of a “gravity phone” used to send out vibrations in space time rather than vibrations through air. Unlock the possibilities of the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and learn more about the “order of infinites.” All that, plus Neil offers an emotional, poignant happy birthday message to his birthday buddy, NASA.

This was recorded at NYCC 2018.

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Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!

#NYCC #DoctorWho #StrangerThings
Рекомендации по теме

Brian Greene tests his patience by coming on this show lol


it give me chills hearing a crowd of young people cheering like this for scientists 😊


Happy birthday Dr. Tyson 🎉 That was a beautiful personal letter.


It's the first time I've seen Neil crying. A beautifully written and thoughtful letter. It touched me, too as a science educator. Cheers, Neil.


I love NDT, what an emotional ending to the show. The chemistry between Chuck and NDT is unbeatable. Thank you to you both for Startalk.


There should be a rule that if a comedian bombs three jokes in a row he gets booted off the stage.


I really like how Chuck closed out for him..that was cool.


Brian greene and neil 😍😍😍
Brian is my favourite guest


Neil and Brian are legends, when they explain something is like 1 + 1 = 2....they make difficult topics so easy to understand.


Wow, well done Neil, I could see your pain when "Murr" opened his mouth, you handled it much better than I ever could


Thanks NDT for not interrupting Brian like you usually do. Respects. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎁🎁🎁🎂🎂🎂


Dr. Tyson took that turn at the last moment, sharing struggle I never knew before inspiring me and hopefully a lot of others. NDT is great human!


Dr. Tyson has literally rekindle the flames of curiosity of learning about space and everything that comes with it I haven't been this excited about learning stuff since I was a kid and I'm 30 years old now I think he is truly undervalued and underrated for his ability to teach anybody that wants to learnsome of the most complex things on the planet and make it seem easy


Dr Tyson's Voice starts Breaking up
Me: I'm not gonna Cry I'm not Gonna Cry
also me : Here comes the Tears


I pity Marr for being out-of-place. Although, I gotta say that he has the nerve to admit that he doesn't belong there.


No one told me i was going to cry at the end.


Yep that ending got me😢 awesome hour 🔥


Neil: "Brain, is time travel possible?"
Brian: "Well Nei...."
Neil: "OH BY THE WAY..."


after a couple decades of hearing the man talk in interviews and lectures i've never seen him getting emotional, and he talked about very emotional subjects over the years. I wondered how he kept those tears from coming out at any other time. Now i finally see, NDT, is just a man like you and me.


I kinda feel bad for Murr, he did make some unfunny jokes but it's the host's responsibility to make everyone feel comfortable and welcomed, because they chose to have them up there with them. Instead of just being so awkward at Murr's unfunny jokes, Neil could have added something funnier or wittier, or at least acknowledged the effort with a few more laughs and moved on with the conversation, that would have certainly made the vibe up there a bit less awkward and more positive.
