The 9 Signs He's Too IMMATURE For You... (Avoid This Guy!)

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The 9 Signs He's Too IMMATURE For You (Avoid This Guy!)... In this dating, love, and relationship advice video, I will give you the nine signs he's too immature for you that you should not overlook. You may see signs of emotional immaturity on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice, and be sure to watch the entire video.

I want you to know when he's too immature for you so that you can avoid dating immature men and save yourself the disappointments that come with having an immature boyfriend. In today's relationship advice, I'm going to share the signs someone is too immature for you that will help you differentiate between boys and men to avoid dating immature men.

It would be best if you knew the signs of an immature person, and this dating advice for women will help you separate immature men from mature men. Men who lack emotional maturity are not evil. It simply means they have not fully developed to provide the emotional stability needed in relationships and dating. If you want to avoid dating immature men, you need to watch out for the signs of immaturity that I explain in this video.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful, and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Signs he's too immature for you
- Signs of immaturity
- Immature men
- Emotional immaturity
- Online dating
- Immature
- Immature relationship
- Signs he's an immature man
- Signs someone is too immature for you
- Signs of immature person
- Signs someone is too immature for you
- Signs of immature person
- Signs of an immature person
- Immature boyfriend
- Dating
- Dating advice
- Dating advice for women
- Dating expert
- Dating coach
- Dating coach for women
- Life coach
- Relationship advice
- Relationship advice for women
- Relationship expert
- Relationship coach for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



I hope you enjoyed my video The 9 Signs He's Too IMMATURE For You... (Avoid This Guy!)

Watch this dating advice video next "The 5 Questions To Ask Before You Start Dating"


#SignsHesTooImmatureForYou #SignsOfImmaturity #ImmatureMen #EmotionalImmaturity #Immature #OnlineDating #ImmatureRelationship #DatingAdviceForWomen #DatingExpert #RelationshipAdviceForWomen #StephanSpeaks
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*Many people will panic to find a charger before their phone dies, but won’t panic to find a plan before their dream dies*


Great Video!
1. He can’t take care of himself
2. He doesn’t have his priorities in order
3. He’s guided by his emotions
4. He doesn’t take accountability
5. Everything has to be his way
6. He’s very passive aggressive
7. He's unwilling to have serious conversations
8. He doesn’t take guidance
9. He constantly crave the attention of other women.


Age Doesn't Define Maturity.i've seen men at 50 acting like children and 17 year olds handling heavy responsibilities with grace.


100% correct. When a man doesn’t have his BASIC needs met, you SHOULD NOT DATE HIM. He shouldn’t be dating period because his priorities are fvcked up. He needs to focus on getting his life in order, not spending money he doesn’t have on dates. Just completely backwards.


100% agree a guy who doesn't hold himself accountable for his actions or makes adjustments for his behaviour and blames you for your own abuse is IMMATURE and they are like a young child that is trapped in an adult's body. They will only bring you misery and pain and don't feel the need to reciprocate what you give to them.


I was dating a guy who avoided serious discussions...he would joke around and hope I would let it go, but I couldn't. I told him communication was very important to me. He didn't like discussing anything serious so I had to walk away.


If you have to change, lower, or dumb down on who you are in order to have a connection to anyone - they are not on your level. The real you is bound to emerge!! I love this message....immaturity can cause you harm emotionally, financially, and socially. Why choose an immature man when you are mature? Makes no sense...grown women have to stop raising men.


Age is just a number.. Many guys I am noticing especially older are still not ready for a relationship. Feel it's more of not willing to be ready as some want to be single and date around which is fine. Others say they want something serious but seem they scared of having that.


My problem is I'm quiet, men take me for granted, they try to push me to anger to see how I will react & say that is love, I always leave, then they get mad, that's a sign of immaturity there's a lot of people out there like that, men & women ☹️


The first point is so spot on! Met a man recently that most of our conversations were only about him, his problems and issues. He screamed narcissist at me from the get go and I had to cut him loose. Never regretted doing that. Thanks for this insightful video Stephan!


🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 you are such a gift to be able to articulate this in a way that is not condescending to the man, but instead in an accountable way! This is good!


You are filling the role I never had of a wise man in my life!! The details about men and relationships, the good the bad and the ugly!!! Thank you!


All good key points. I realize a man will not mature until he's ready & willing to own up to being a man. No matter how much you may be feeling him, As a woman all we can do is focus(work)on self & pray that God will send the mature 1 when time is right. Although I do feel women mature quicker than men in some cases, No matter the age. Overall never rush into a relationship until both parties are mature and compatible on all levels seeing eye to eye orchestrated by God. Til then stay single the 1 that's for you will be worth the wait with no static!


“There is no relationship, there is no marriage that can survive, without proper communication.”
Solid truth!! So important.
You’ve got my attention & I appreciate the work that you do.💜


I love how Stephan speaks on accountability. You explain it so well.

I’ve dated a man who had his own home and a man who lived with momma. The biggest difference for me was that man who had his own home knew responsibility. He always helped me when needed, or was ahead of me on things that needed to be done. I didn’t have to ask. Baby I got you! I find that sexy !!! Mommas boy going about his business like “oh you had to do that” it’s frustrating, I’ll pass !


100% true! I've known this since the start. I naively tried to change him or think he'd mature and change. 9 years later I'm completely drained and over it. He's made some changes but I just can't keep waiting any longer. I think some men never fully mature, esp when friends and family always bail them out and never make them take accountability for their own mistakes.


I have taken a long 3 year journey of healing my past and now I have inner peace self love self worth and truly happy with my life and myself. I just let a man go who is exactly 2 out of 3 of the type of man you just described. I am a proud of myself for seeing it quickly and moving on. Wish you were around when I was 20! You are spot on and explain it perfectly. Thank you for entering into my life


I love your videos. Me and my ex just broke up. He would always want his way and it began to feel like we weren't a good fit. I prayed for God's will and 2 weeks later he said he doesn't want to put the work in for a relationship that's going to lead to marriage. Mind you he said this 8 months after he bought an engagement ring and was waiting to give it to me. I was heartbroken... Still healing.


A reminder for everyone.including myself:maturity is not measure by your age, it's measured by your age, experiences and your willingness to grow from them.


My parents told me "Smart person learns from their mistakes, but a wise one will learn from the mistakes of others"
