9 GREAT Signs He Wants To Be COMMITTED To You

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9 GREAT Signs He Wants To Be COMMITTED To You... In this dating advice video, I will give you the nine great signs he wants to be committed to you that should not be overlooked. You may see the signs he wants to be committed to you on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips, and ensure you watch the entire video.

Every woman deserves a man who will give them the commitment they truly deserve. However, some men don't want to commit to their relationships. Therefore, in this video, I will talk about men and commitment to help you better understand men and what makes a man commit.

I want you to be aware of the signs he wants you and the signs he wants to commit to you so that you can do what is truly best for your relationship. In this relationship advice, I will help you understand what makes a man commit so that you can make him commit to you. Embrace this relationship advice to understand men better and to know when he wants commitment.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Signs he wants to commit to you
- Signs he wants you
- He wants commitment
- Signs he wants to be with you
- Online dating
- Commitment
- Make him commit
- Relationship commitment
- What makes a man commit
- He wants to commit to you
- Men and commitment
- Understand men
- Relationship advice
- Relationship advice for women
- Dating advice
- Relationship expert
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: 9 GREAT Signs He Wants To Be COMMITTED To You

Watch this dating advice video next How Men Know She’s The One


#SignsHeWantsToCommitToYou #HeWantsCommitment #Commitment #RelationshipCommitment #MakeHimCommit #OnlineDating #MenAndCommitment #RelationshipAdvice #HeWantsToCommitToYou #StephanSpeaks
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Yes - I need to repeat that to myself - a man who is serious will give you clarity and peace. It isn't too much to ask.


Such a man found me recently. 🥰

I was living my life doing my thing and he literally appeared. I didn’t even have relationships in mind.

“You will not run a man away” I can definitely agree with that. I gave him such a hard time but he’s been consistent, attentive and intentional with his actions.

I’ve never had to ask about anything. He always gives me clarity. He includes me in his life and he always makes me feel happy and safe.

He has said how much he cares but he doesn’t have to. I literally feel it.

He has made it very easy to like him in return.

I’m smiling a lot these days!!! ☺️


1) he won't run from titles
2) there will be consistent communication


Praying for your partner is one of the softest forms of endearment, especially when it comes to the person you love or that you are in love with. God should always be at the center. Amen to this! This is perfect.


A healthy Realationship is not supposed to hurt!!!! Your man needs to make you feel safe and at peace♥️


A man that is serious about a commitment will reassure you, calm your fears, insecurities, and questions before you even ask or share them. He will pursue you to the point that there is clearly no gray area or question about his intentions. He will not consider inconveniences inconvenient because he knows what he wants, the end goal and the big picture. He will create an environment for you to openly share your vulnerabilities and feel that they are safe there. 💞


The best line for me was he wants to give you Clarity and peace not chaos and confusion that's beautiful! I've shared it with so many of my friends.


Consistency is a major factor! Don't settle ladies ❤️


I knew I was in love when I started to pray for her. I’m a young guy too.


I just want to say THANK YOU! I think I found my soul mate thanks to you!! Ever since I heard you say that we tend to block the right man by entertaining the wrong one, I stopped that nonsense and boom, a great man came right in💚🙏🏻 you change lives!! God bless!


Actions speak far louder than words. His actions will determine how committed he is. Great video, thank you 💙💙


I pray for him, always. But I am praying for myself to make the right choice


I'm one of those men watching the videos. Both for men and for women. Thank you sir for all your help. You've been a blessing to me and my life glory to God


I will be praying as soon as we come together. I will pray before and during dates. I have been in toxic relationships. I am single and trusting God for “guidance” this time. GREAT VIDEO❤️


If a man makes you feel confused,
he is wasting your time
and eroding your self esteem!

It's VERY simple:
always judge a person by their ACTIONS,
and you will never EVER be fooled by their words...

1. Know your value!!! (Do NOT doubt yourself.)
2. Take yourself and your worth seriously. You need to BE A QUEEN to be treated like one.
3. Don’t give easy access. Access to your energy should be expensive.
4. Do NOT only EXPRESS your boundaries. YOU MUST show them.
5. Always be ready to walk away.
6. Show that you are focused on actions not on words.
7. Have a healthy degree of skepticism.
8. You must be willing to say NO and you must be willing to lose the man, if needed.
9. Never EVER chase a man! A truly worthy woman, does not EVER chase a man.

Giving the same energy that you're getting
is key

and if you don't like that energy
then move on! NOW!

It can be hard
but that's when you need to choose yourself

over the damn illusion/fantasy.

A man who loves a woman will not ignore her, ever, period.


If he ignores me

I will step back

and he will lose me.

Simple. Simple.
and uncomplicated.

I don’t,
under any circumstance:
play these childish-abusive-controlling
mind games.

I will only be with a man who values and appreciates me,
and treats me as the Queen, I AM.

(Daughter of the Most Hight; King of kings!)

Because I am a beautiful and kind and divine
and sexy and wise and intelligent and magical woman:
who knows my worth.



We create each moment.

This moment contains,
through my focus,
both positive and negative...

I can put my attention on what I lack,
what I don't have,
what traumas I do have etc...

I can put my attention on the calm moment that I am in, NOW,
the food I just ate, and the fact that my body is satisfied, the shelter I do have...

(You get my idea!)

Both are here...
And now.

For the sake of fairness,
I will allow myself to cry my pains, in the moment
if/when they come/arise,

also acknowledge the beauty I still have in my life NOW.

Pain? Yes.
Suffering? Indeed.
wonderous magical divine beauty.

Blessings to you!


I appreciate your encouragement to address red flags first (within reason) instead of cutting people off immediately. It's an opportunity for personal growth in conflict resolution and clarity. Miscommunication and misunderstanding happens and I'm seeing people get extreme with cutting people off quickly.


there are soo many women who need to hear this message!


Yes, I agree! Praying for each other or bringing each other before God's presence is putting the icing on the cake & sealing the relationship.
Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for the clarification. No wonder I have so many problems with my husband for 20 years. He always couldn't commit when we were dating. We had a long distance courtship. Every weekend, he would drive 6 hours to see me. However, when I asked for a plan for us (not a ring, just a plan so maybe we could save money for a house down payment for our future), he couldn't come up with a plan. Our long distance lasted 3 years until I had enough & walked away from him for a month. He suddenly committed with a ring. We had a good run for a little over a decade. Then, I realized that I can't carry him anymore.
