Sound sensitivity, autophony, misophonia- hearing problems with structural causes in the neck

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Ross Hauser, MD discusses sound sensitivity and hearing problems that can arise from cervical dysstructure causing vagus nerve impairment. Symptoms including hearing loss, sensitivity to sound, chronic ear fullness and pressure, burning pain, and more can be seen in patients who have upper cervical spine instability as it can impair the vital vagus nerve input and other vital nerve functions associated with hearing, pressure build up, and sensation and the ears.

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*DISCLAIMER: As with any medical treatment, no guarantees or claims of cures are made as to the extent of the response to treatment that every person experiences. The video represents only the featured people’s experiences or opinions. Results may not be the same from patient to patient, even with a similar diagnosis, as the body’s internal status is unique to each individual patient.
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Bless you Doctor for sharing such valuable information with us 🤍


I have Misophonia it hurts so much when people make noises it’s not fun


I have often wondered, while pondering over my long list of symptoms, just how many would be healed or lessoned if my neck instability was corrected. Yep, this is another one. I have all the vertigo, dizziness, sound sensitivity (that makes me so startled I jump), etc., even though it just comes and goes, that Dr. H mentioned, as do my sons.


Apparently I have mysophonia, the offending sound being the repetitive, incessant thumping of bass notes eminating from car stereo systems but more so my neighbor who insists on playing his music loud enough to be heard throughout my neighborhood every minute he is at home. It doesn't seem to infuriate my other neighbors to anywhere near the extent it enrages me. When I asked him to consider his neighbors right to peace and quiet, he suggested that I call the police. Local sound ordinances do not consider it an offense if you are within 500 feet of the noise, so I'm stuck...being angry, annoyed and aurally tortured by his indifference to the lives of those around him. I now understand why some people resort to violence to address such issues. Fortunately I haven't reached that point yet, thanks to my concern for my own freedom and the needs of my family.


I can't stand any activity in front of my windows, music, loud talking, low talking, car engine. fighting, they are all equally annoying and I want them just to disappear. Is this also misophonia or neuros?


This has really impacted my daily life for as long as I was a teenager, 45 now. ESPECIALLY dogs barking, even my own. It sets off such a trigger of anger, I have cursed my neighbor numerous times from his barking all night long. Loud bass is another one. I really wish I could find a natural solution for this, unfortunately the only way to cope for me is becoming a daily drinker and ear plugs. Man I need to see this Dr. No one specializes in this area around me.


I suffer from what I know about myself. Only some people annoy me when they eat, while others don't. I live in the Balkans where people are healthy and strong. After hard physical work, for example working in the forest where you hand over 50 tons in one day, the feeling of misophonia disappears. The feeling of mythophony is strongest for me when I'm doing nothing. In general, when you don't do anything physically, you become nervous, you are dissatisfied, and misophonia further increases this. My advice, when you feel anger from misophonia, do heavy physical work.


The past 20 years or so when I hear different tones the bones in my ears crack same cracking as my neck knees and everything else.Also you can sometimes see my ears move like an animal with certain sounds.


This is me the sound sensitivity of a cat even if I’m drunk.


I so appreciate your videos. I feel like I have been grasping at straws trying to understand my many layered health conditions presently and historically. Just before giving birth to my son, and in the months following his birth, I had 6th nerve palsy. I couldn’t drive and had to wear an eye patch to see without having double vision. I have been very sensitive to sounds since I was very young and apparently sat on the front row during a western show at an amusement park which had gunfire popping sounds. As I grew up, and in adulthood, when my family went to Six Flags, I made careful note of where and what time that show was, because it was a terrifying experience to be startled by that sound., It felt like thunder and shock reverberating through my whole body. I always pushed my ears closed and walked fast, when I knew or thought we were close, however long they kept that show running. I didn’t care who saw me doing that. I just had to get away. I am the same with fireworks. As an adult, I’m realizing how much I hate drinking / gulping sounds. My mother is elderly and lives with me now. I tell her I’m not meaning to be rude, but I ask her to get a straw and I cover my ear when we are watching tv and she picks up something to drink. I am reminded of how my daughter used to yell, “Mom, stop smacking!”. I’m pretty sure she had this too. I think it actually shows up in our DNA.


I have hyperacusis and noise/crackling at the end on my left ear. Another weird symptom I have is if I rub my right palm, I hear my left ear rattling noise.


I just found this video to try and find out what causes my hearing distress. I totally identify with having the hearing sensitivity of a cat. Sudden sounds cause a momentary metallic taste in my mouth and an awful startling feeling that leaves me on edge. Sometimes when I call out, my brain hears the sound I made for half an hour after it happened - not exactly an echo, but perhaps like a memory echo in my head. I don't know how else to describe it. Basketball bouncing is especially distressing for me because it's repeated startling over and over. It brings about an intense rage. Sudden shouting, or things dropping, or a door slamming make me feel like I just exploded bodily and cranially. It's beyond awful. Sometimes I see stars in my head from loud noises. People with loud voices actually feel like they make my eardrums vibrate in my ear canals. I'm in my 50s and it's getting worse, not better. I swear I have the hearing of a 10 year old!
From your video, I don't feel I have misophonia, but a big yukky YES to sound sensitivity and maybe mild autophony at times.
Funnily enough, a concert isn't too troublesome for me although I do have to go to a quiet place after one.
Thanks for the video!


I have this weird sensitive to sounds it makes me nauseous.


please discuss about cluster headeach🙏🙏🙏


I have misophonia, dentinogenisis Imperfecta type 2, vestibular migraine, tmjd, neck and spine problems, subluxations as well as other health problems.


Misophonia is _selective_ sound sensitivity, not general sound sensitivity.


You just listed all my symptoms I think.. nobody has been able to diagnose me with anything! I’ve had ct brain, stroke pathway etc, I am a 30yo nurse from Australia and spend a lot of time looking down..the right side of my face and neck is numb/full numbness at times/motor not affected, popping in my right ear when I swallow, wooshing in my right ear only when I compress my carotids (worse on carotid on right side) tmj pain, tmj has now started deviating to right when I compress tmj and open jaw..neck always crunches where skull meets spine, right temporal headache, dizziness, I always keep my ears unpopped (sucked in if that makes sense) as my own voice is too loud and often small movements like brushing my teeth will put my neck out..and it all started when I was laying in bed with my head tilted forward on my laptop.. this numbness and carotid woosh is scaring me so much as I know something is wrong..I feel so stuck and worried, I want to fly to the states to see you! Do you think sounds like cervical instability??? ❤thank you for your video appreciate you so much feels like some hope❤️


It’s pronounced miso- phone- ia.

It’s debilitating and deserves the proper recognition.

I’ve been having upper cervical care with 0 changes.


My issues stem from hearing damage from playing live music too loudly before on-stage hearing protection was the norm. As I've gotten older, I have more limitted bandwidth for beeps, boops, bells, chimes, whistles, rings, and other notification spam. Navigation voices make me angry and anxious, so I keep them turned off as well. Open offices are torture, as are public spaces with large open spaces and high ceilings, due to the flood of electronic spam.


You have taught me so much. Thank you. Can you recommend anyone in or around the San Francisco area??
