Все публикации

Structural cause of Heart Palpitations- Neck Instability #cervicalspine #vagopathy #vagusnerve

Too many TMJ devices? Time to consider Prolotherapy for TMJ dysfunction #jawpain #TMJtreatment

Long-term manifestations of joint instability #osteoarthritis #nervepain #ligamentinjury

Can you stand against a wall? #posturetips #atlas #C1 #hauser #forwardheadposture

Getting to root of migraines #migraineheadache #posture #neck #cervicalcurve #brainpressure

Heart Rate Variability and Health #adaptability #vagusnerve #healthtips #hrv #vitality #ouraring

Seizures can be caused by neck instability #seizureawareness #cervicalspine #bloodsupply #brain

Sudden blurry vision? Could be a blocked internal jugular vein #neck #cervicalspine #jugular #curve

Chronic low back tension #lowbackpain #tension #slouching #posturecorrection #lumbarspine

Prolotherapy causes temporary inflammation #inflammatory #tendonitis #ligament #regenerativetherapy

Knee instability from ligament damage #prolotherapy #meniscustear #MCL #ACL #LCL #osteoarthritis

#1 health tip for everyone on Youtube #healthtips #cellphoneaddiction #lookup #posture

Sleep apnea and breathing problems seen on Cone Beam CT

Top of the foot pain is caused by something you've never heard of #footpain #prolotherapy #ligament

Adjust your computer if you have chronic tension at the base of your neck #neckpain #tension #spasm

What do the ligaments do? #prolotherapy #ligamentlaxity #ligament #regenerativemedicine

Numbness vs. Numbness #ligamentinjury #carpaltunnel #nervecompression #elbowjointpain #numbness

Device to breathe against resistance can improve breathing #deepbreathing #power #diaphragm

Poor posture and snapping scapula #scapularpain #posturematters #thoracic #ribpain #popping

Dealing with brain fog? Try adjusting your computer! #facedown #lookup #cervicalspine #braindrain

What causes chronic neck muscle tightness? #ligamentlaxity #neckpaintreatment #posturecorrection

What does 'Prolo' therapy mean? #prolotherapy #regenerate #paintreatment #backpaintreatment

How posture affects your brain #creep #brainhealth #posture #neck #cervicaldysstructure

Low back motion x-ray shows SIJ instability #sacroiliacjoint #DDR #backpain #alignment #prolotherapy