The #1 Best Treatment For Hyperacusis: Joel's Story

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In this episode of the Tinnitus Relief Podcast, Treble Health graduate Joel shares the story of how he overcame his debilitating hyperacusis. Through personalized sound therapy and controlled sound exposure over eight months, Joel experienced a 90-95% improvement, reclaiming a normal life that is no longer controlled by sound sensitivity.



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Disclaimer: The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional.
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My hyperacusis has left. I didn’t have to do anything. It just left. Wish the tinnitus would do the same.


I have hyperacusis and tinnitus as well, having played drums for 20+ years.
Thanks for this video, thanks for all the information!


Thankyou for this Joel ; you give me some hope . I'm still on a waiting list for an appointment for help for this 😔. Thankyou Ben for these positive and helpful videos .


It's always a good idea to protect your ears when attending loud music venues!


gnosed with hyperacusis. It got worse over the years and I got retested a few months ago and it confirmed I now have moderate hyperacusis, the next level to severe. I have extreme pain when I have a noise event such as fire trucks or ambulances driving by, road construction, children screaming, grocery carts banging, dishes clanging and even normal conversation at times. I end up with a very bad headache, earache, fullness in my ears, and neck pain for several days. What I’ve learned over the years is that if I have several events in succession, the pain is worse and lasts longer. If I can be away from loud noises for awhile, my pain starts subsiding. However, my recovery period is taking longer. My audiologist suggested sound therapy but I’m concerned it might make my condition worse, as I have read it did for some people. I am thrilled for Joel and his success with sound therapy. I’m sharing my experiences so that it might help in researching this terrible condition and hopefully finding a cure. My heart goes out to all that suffer from hyperacusis.


I have chronic tinnitus and hypercausis because of my sensoneural hearing loss.... i often feel like theres hope for me and i might lose my career and everything that has meant the world to me... HELP


Excellent information Dr. Ben. Please continue to feature more practical information on Hyperacusis.


I'm genuinely happy for Joel, but Treble Health's tinnitus maskers programme didn't work for me. I was consistent in wearing my maskers for over 1 year (as they said to do), tried to protect my ears, but at the end of the year I wasn't anywhere close to being back to my normal self.

During the year, I had moments of feeling a little better, but sounds are everywhere and life is unpredictable. So, things inevitably happened (loud sounds). Are you actually getting better if one event sets you back to the beginning?

If you're suffering from hyperacusis/tinnitus or any other auditory issue, I know the desperation you feel. I am grateful for the hope that I initially experienced from Treble Health. But it certainly is not a one size fits all. I still wear my maskers, but I'm still struggling everyday. Honestly, now I wear it to keep me calm and block out the tinnitus. Ensure that you do as thorough an investigation into your specific situation with your hearing as possible.

I pray that one day a cure is found for this horrible condition. It has completely changed my life and the lives of others.


I'm from Brazil and I've had hyperacusis for 4 years, it's serious, I need urgent help, can you do a teleconsultation through Zoom even though I live in Brazil, I don't speak English, can you help me please.


Hoping you could take international customers as it can mainly be done online. Thanks for the video. Very helpfull!


This video is helpful but it is far too long. People won't keep watching. It is vital to edit, to get to the point quickly and concisely/ The video should be about 5 minutes long, not 15.


I'm okay with my tinnitus, got used to it but hyperacusis is the worst thing ever 🙃


Hear robotic voice while someone talks to me. My hearing changed and have sensitivity towards loud sounds. And tinitus also


I have the same problems loud noises music dishes banging anything sharp goes right through my ears loud pitch noise all the time


i am suffring from the same thing hyperacusis and tinnitus hopefully one day i can get relief


I have worked with Sarah. I am on social security currently and cant use treble health. i still use the 15 min a day and still have hyperacusis, ok when is it going to work?


I had some ear wax, went to the doctor, he tried and some nurses tried gently but a little piece was stubborn. A new young doctr tried with cold water and extra pressure. He ended pulling the wax and a good portion of my ear drum. They gave me ear drops that seems to make things worse. They have repeated ciprofloxacin the drops and what i thought was infection may have been hyperacussis. I have repeated seen the doctors and ent. None mentioned hyperacussis. I have resorted to wearing ear cuffs. They give relief, the ear fullness is from hyperacussis and not the antibiotics. It seems the ear drop is the contributor or a side effect that cauaes this phenomenon. All the specialists, doctors have not helped and the youtube gives me right answers. But i still have to see the ENT specialist due to the hole in the ear drum. Very frusterating and contributing to my stress.


I need help. 4 months ago I had my headphones on, and got a plugged sensation, and ringing. That lasted about 5 min. After, my ear has felt plugged and constant pain. Every time I hear anything loud, it’s awful, along with the constant pain!! ENT, says my ear if fine, audiologist says my hearing is fine, my Dr, says my ear is looks normal… 4 months!!! Pain constant!!!


Would love more hyperacusis videos. Ive improved a lot but still have really bad pain if a car alarm goes off or i try to use headphones or even hear low volume speakers that are in another room. When i get setbacks i cant even function nor use a phone up to my ear. Ive lost jobs over this and affects all of my life. I have the sound generators but not sure how long to use them and for how long. When i got them 2017 They were too painful to use. But I can use them now. I really believe its a conditioned response. Any ideas?


I am from India and need your consultation. Pls guide me how can I consult your doctors.
