Controversial foods that have been banned over the years

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Some foods and drinks are more controversial than you might expect. From milk to mangoes, these are just a few of the unusual products that have been banned over the years....
Forbidden foods, Some foods are more controversial than you might expect. From candy to kebabs, these are just a few of the unusual products, ingredients and drinks that have been banned or restricted over the years and the stories behind them.
'Raw almonds' in the US are, in fact, not actually raw – instead, they're pasteurised. It's illegal to sell truly raw almonds as they're thought to carry a risk of salmonella, which can cause fever, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. Happily, the way they're treated – usually through steaming or...
Jello candy, Candies containing a gelling agent called konjac are banned in the European Union, Australia and numerous other countries, as their texture is thought to make them a choking hazard, especially for children. The most commonly banned konjac-containing products are miniature jello cups...
Chewing gum, The Singaporean government took keeping the streets clean to a new level when it decided to ban chewing gum in 1992. The only exception – brought in through changes to the law in 2004 – is "therapeutic" gum (including nicotine gum or gum prescribed for medical purposes), which can be...
Poppy seeds, Chewing gum isn't the only food that can land you in hot water in Singapore. While poppy seeds are unlikely to get you high, they can contain traces of opiates and as such are classified as prohibited goods by the country's Central Narcotics Bureau. You can import them, but only once...
Durian fruit, This unique fruit is much-loved across Southeast Asia and eaten on a regular basis, despite its incredible smell. The odor has been described as everything from rotting onions or gym socks to sewage or decaying flesh – and it lingers. So much so that an Australian university was...
Kebabs, In an effort to celebrate Italy's rich food culture, Verona's government imposed a controversial ruling that food sold in the UNESCO-listed city should be authentically Italian – that means the opening of new kebab shops and other similar fast-food joints was banned. Other Italian cities,...
Ketchup has been at the centre of food controversy for years. France once banned it from elementary school meals, while several restaurants across the country have made headlines for forbidding it on their premises. Perhaps the highest profile international ruckus, however, was when Israel banned...
Foie gras, The production of French delicacy foie gras, made from the fatty livers of ducks and geese, is widely criticised. The birds are force fed via a metal tube until their liver has enlarged to up to 10 times its usual size. Several countries have banned production, and in some cases...
Raw milk, Raw or unpasteurised milk might be widely consumed in Europe, with proponents raving about its richer taste, but it's banned in more than 20 US states and in Canada. Why? Unpasteurised dairy products can spread listeria, salmonella, E.coli and campylobacter.
The poisonous blowfish fugu is considered a delicacy in Japan and Korea – but eating it has been compared to playing Russian roulette. Fugu contains a dangerous neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin and unless the fish is prepared correctly it can cause death by paralysing the muscles leading to...
Casu marzu, A traditional Sardinian delicacy, casu marzu translates to "rotten cheese", and is prepared by injecting fly larvae inside Pecorino cheese. The larvae digest the cheese, bringing it to a new level of fermentation. Most of the time it’s eaten with larvae still inside, which is...
Kinder Surprise eggs, Don't worry, there aren't any dangerous ingredients in Kinder chocolate – the reason this popular sweet treat is banned in the US is because the placement of the toy inside the chocolate egg is considered dangerous. A non-edible object inside an edible one is classed as a...
Absinthe, The so-called "green fairy" might have inspired many artists, poets and writers, but for years it was outlawed in the USA. For a long time it was thought that the chemical thujone, derived from the wormwood used to infuse the spirit, had highly hallucinogenic properties. It turns out...
Caviar, With the Beluga sturgeon now critically endangered, the sale of its roe – more commonly known as Beluga caviar – has been made illegal in some countries. The US banned all imports in 2005 but has since slightly relaxed the rules, allowing caviar from farmed sturgeon and those caught...
Haggis, If you want an authentic taste of the national dish of Scotland, your best bet might be to visit the cou
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