New Airbus A321XLR Upgrade Is The End Of Boeing! Here’s Why

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New Airbus A321XLR Upgrade Is The End Of Boeing! Here’s Why
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New Airbus A321XLR Upgrade Is The End Of Boeing! Here’s Why
The aviation industry faces a major transformation when Airbus's introduction of the new upgrade A3 21 XLR. This aircraft is not just a superior improvement compared with the market of crowded lightweight planes; it represents a significant change in the narrow-body aircraft segment. The A3 21 XLR builds on the popularity of its predecessors but also introduces groundbreaking capabilities.
Many in the industry call it the end of Boeing. Why? How will the A3 21 XLR change the aviation industry, and what does this mean for Boeing, Airbus's biggest rival? Let's find out in today's episode.
The Airbus A3 21 XLR
New Airbus A321XLR Upgrade Is The End Of Boeing! Here’s Why
This aircraft truly has a significant impact. With a range of nearly 4700 nautical miles, the Airbus A3 21 XLR not only redefines long-haul travel; it also transforms the economics of the entire aviation industry. This strength shows in its name: XLR (stands for Extra Long Range). Even its closest competitors are not safe. With the ability to fly routes previously reserved for wide-body jets, it changes how airlines approach network planning and fleet management. So, what makes it so remarkable and influential? It's not hard to answer this question.
New Airbus A321XLR Upgrade Is The End Of Boeing! Here’s Why
It's noteworthy that the A3 21 XLR features an innovative central fuel tank that significantly increases fuel capacity without compromising cargo space. This allows the aircraft to fly farther while still maintaining the cost advantages of a narrow-body jet. The result is a 30% lower fuel burn per seat compared to previous-generation competing aircraft. The aircraft's capabilities have broader implications for airport infrastructure and route development; smaller airports lack facilities for wide-body aircraft can now potentially host long-haul services. From an environmental side, its improved fuel efficiency translates directly to reduced carbon emissions per passenger, helping airlines meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations and corporate sustainability goals.
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So many people making comments under these type videos how they don’t want to be cramped into a narrow body for long haul flying. How they feel like sardine in a can.

The thing is, the seats aren’t going to be different from wide body long haul airplanes. Your personal space will be the same. So there is absolutely no difference. The only difference is that if you want to stretch your legs, you only have one isle and not 2. But most people don’t use both isles anyway.

Some people will say that the cruise speed is slower and a flight will take longer. Which is true. However, boarding before departure and deplaning upon arrival goes a lot quicker with half the people. You also show up at immigration with half the people and bags get delivered quicker. So your lost 20 to 30 min of a slower cruise speed, will be made up with those other things.

How do I know? I flew as a passenger on JetBlue on an LR from Europe to JFK. Boarding started 20 min before departure and we left on time. After arrival, from the moment we got to the gate, we got off the airplane, go through immigration and get my bags and being street side took less than 30 min.


Wider fuselage is nice, but airlines will always be tempted to cram more seats in it.


Let's just say fasten their seat belts. Boeing ramped deliveries in June but lost more than 100 net orders during that month. Boeing logged negative order activity in June due to moving orders for 116 aircraft out of its backlog and into a special accounting bucket reserved for deals the company suspects may not actually close. Jul 2024


The extra fuel tank option should be extended to a320 snd a319 neos.


Most airlines has big orders for A321XLR..


There are airlines do not benefit from A321XLR, like Delta, for long range, delta costumers like to fly on different large aircraft . So work for some airline, but not for all of them .


How could you say that the extra fysejadw fuejtant doesn’t compromise the cargo caoacity?


Boeing will come back. But their blunder really put them in the hard second place in aviation market. Until new engine design which burns significantly lower fuel than NEO engines, Boeing will struggle.


you can have that. no thanks, I like more room for 9 hours


It's not "the end" of Boeing, some airlines are loyal to Boeing and plus the A321XLR isn't perfect


Flying more than four hours in an A321? Buckle up, because if you're not Indigo-level indifferent, it's gonna feel like a sardine can with wings. Tight and cramped doesn't even begin to cover it.


The new AIRBUS A321xlr upgrade for the end of BOEING ? Yep, That's it ! I heard about Haji Isam buy BOEING Business Jet 737 but he choose on MAX 7. Not BOEING 737 NG or the safest private jet plane is AIRBUS CORPORATE JETS now it makes my feeling not very nice for him. I must say "NO MORE" BOEING 737 MAX for Indonesia 🇮🇩 as the world's biggest muslim population country ever ☪️ and I must say "MORE" AIRBUS for Indonesia 🇮🇩 as the world's biggest muslim population country ever ☪️ over the BOEING for the future of developed country ever for Indonesia on 2045 years later.
