Age Gap vs Grooming RANT | AmandaMuse

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Age Gap vs Grooming RANT | AmandaMuse

There is a massive difference. Let's talk.

Thanks for watching xo Amanda

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Young people always tend towards black & white thinking. I think it's great that this new generation of people are so quick to call out inequalities and injustices, but these issues are not black & white. It takes experience and years to learn this. Thanks for making this! Been following you since Malaysia. 😁


The problem with overusing words like grooming, gaslighting, triggered and trauma. Is that the words become diluted and when words start to mean everything they start to mean nothing as well and it makes it much harder to have conversations and help people who actually are victims of grooming.


I met my husband 25 years ago. I was 22 and he was 38. It was absolute love at first sight. We both had great careers at the time and were very independent (still are), but we knew we didn't want to be without one another. Fast forward to today, we are best friends, lovers, soulmates, etc. He is the yin to my yang and vice versa. We also share an amazing son who is now in college. Had I passed on my husband simply because I was hung up on an age gap, I would have missed out on the best 25 years of my life!!! 🥰🥰🥰


Ive seen a shift on social media (from mainly Americans) that regardless of being 21, a woman in an age gap relationship still cannot consent. That she’ll look back at that relationship and see how she was misguided/ groomed. There are women on TikTok recounting their experiences of abuse in these situations but there’s no room for nuance... you just get a quick story about abuse and then you’re onto a puppy video 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have an age gap with 26 years dividing me and my amazing boyfriend. We met when I was 25 and him 51. Going strong for 5 years now. I dont take kindly to random people assuming I was preyed upon because I actually fell madly for him first and told him so. I'm infantilized even at 30 now by some people. Oh well, it's no matter because we're in love and have a healthy relationship. We started a channel about it. :)


Grooming has nothing to do with age - it has everything to do with intention and manipulation.

Not all sex offenders groom, not all groomers sexually offend. Grooming is a specific behaviour that can be done in a range of contexts from bosses, to peers trying to influence other peers.


I see many younger people online even being against an 19 year old dating a 22 year old… Why? Well, one of them just started college and the other one is about to finish it… 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


As someone in an large age gap relationship, THANK YOU for making this video. Sincerely appreciate you being a voice for many of us!


Thank you so much for this video! I met my now hubby when I was 18 and he was 13 years older than me. We both played music and not ONCE did he try to get with me or flirt with me. A year later I started approaching him and he was really skeptical as I was so much younger than him, even though he liked me (something I did not know until I literally asked). So when I was 19 and at this point had traveled, worked, payed my own rent, food bills and honestly not really looking for a partner.. we started dating. And 7 years later we are still happy together, have a child together and look forward to spend our lifes together. I agree with you so so much! Never has he used my age against me, never has he been abusive, he has respected my opinions (and I have strong ones!) and he lets me figure out myself and life and what I like. He has encouraged me and my interests all the way and he is a great partner and father. Not all relationships are crap or abusive, even with age gaps.


The reason it’s young people is because they have been told that every relationship is based on power and the balance of power. When life is viewed through this lens everyone is seen as a victim or an abuser.


I saw a post on Reddit where a 16 year old was asking if he was a pedophile and grooming because he’s dating someone who is 14 1/2! 1/2!!!! Hahahah gen z is sooo weird


My boyfriend is 21 years older than me. I get the same worries and accusations that he is “grooming” or “exploiting” me (even though I’m an adult in my mid 20s). But when you meet him in person and see us together, you can see how much we actually have in common with each other. We both have the same interests, same goals for life, and similar attitudes. I think I have an “old soul” in me that compliments well with his more “youthful energy”. Never once have I felt exploited by him. We truly feel like equals and we both love each other so much. This is the most wonderful relationship I’ve ever been in and it’s taught me not to judge a person by their age.


36 year old woman getting really sick and tired of being called a predator because my boyfriend is 27 and I'm about to go ham on these internet warriors


These trolls clearly haven't been watching your channel and have no idea of you and Deans dynamic! 🙄 "grooming" ha!!! Yeah right! Amanda bites back 👊


It's just continued oversimplification and an inability to imagine others and their lives complexly. Also 'groomer' is now a word of the day whether you're in an age gap marriage or an LGBT inclusive educator. Sorry you're caught up in it!


Oh, this one! 😂 I'm 25 years older than my husband. When we met he was 24 and I was 48. We are so happy and have been living our best life for 11 years now. Our friends and family accepted us immediately, despite him being 2 years younger than my daughter and me being the same age as his mum. But, man, if I ever go public on social media, you would think I tied down and drugged an underage kid. And for the record, he was the one who chased me...relentlessly! We keep saying we'll do a YT channel one day, maybe we will.


I was groomed when I was 14-15. took a year to actually realize I was groomed and that I am very lucky to be here. I started dating again. Im turning 20 this year, my boyfriend is 30. We have a great relationship. He’s communicating and is patient, understands my boundaries. makes sure I’m comfortable. I feel like I’m looking for problems. There’s some baggage he carried with him but he never makes me feel like I have to be involved.


I'm in a happy and committed relationship with a very big age gap. I'm 28, my partner is 52. We've been together just shy of four years now and it's the most respectful, healthiest relationship I've ever been in. I understand why people are skeptical at first, but I feel like it's really patronising when they don't listen to me when I say "actually we're ok." And outright offensive when there's an implication that he'd only be interested in me because I'm "young and attractive." Like no, he's interested in me because we share interests, values, and goals... 🙄


I just discovered your channel about a week or so ago while looking for age-gap relationship positivity! I just entered a relationship with a 13-year age gap with someone I have been friends with for a year and we met in college. Since we go to an adult learners centered college everyone is usually older than the average student age. Lots of love to you, Dean, and your family! 😊


saying the brain is developed by 25 is a very dangerous assumption cuz people mentally grow at different speeds . I'm in my thirties I find it easier to talk to people 18 to 25 . luckily my family have always been pro-age gap they told me as long as im following the law i can date as old as i want or as young as i want
