Back To The Future Part II Deleted Scene - Old Biff Vanishes (1989) Movie HD

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Back To The Future Part II Deleted Scene - Old Biff Vanishes (1989) Movie HD

A teenager is accidentally sent 30 years into the past in a time-traveling DeLorean invented by his friend, Dr. Emmett Brown, and must make sure his high-school-age parents unite in order to save his own existence.
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Anyone else think biff looks abut like emperor palpatine from Star Wars episode III In the thumbnail?


So I'm just realizing after 32 years that the reason Biff was in pain was because he was about to vanish out of existence. I always thought he hurt his groin with the cane getting out of the time machine LOL


The reason Old Biff disappears is because his plan backfires on him. Whilst giving the almanac to his younger self did create a world where he was rich and powerful, it was also a world where he was no longer alive in 2015. This is because Lorraine shot him in the 1990s after having had enough of his abuse.

Edit: People seem to be seeing my comment and misunderstanding what I'm saying. This isn't a theory, nor is it something I made up. It's officially canon. If the alternate timeline was never reset by Marty, then Biff would eventually die in the '90s after Lorraine shoots him. Thus, Old Biff disappears because he isn't alive in 2015 anymore.

Second Edit: People are still having a little bit of trouble accepting what I'm saying as canon because I haven't cited my sources. So here you go: This was all explained in the DVD special features commentary, and was eventually shown in the comic series "Biff to the Future" which reveals the full timeline of Biff's alternate world, including what would have happened after 1985 if Marty and Doc hadn't fixed the timeline. Lorraine eventually shoots and kills Biff in 1996.


A chilling reminder of what would've happened to Marty.


Man Tom F Wilson really is a phenomenal actor. Even caked under layers of heavy make up and fake sweat he really sells the pain of being erased.


Notice he doesn't vanish until the delorean is leaving. Up until that moment time knows biff still has a chance to change what he did. It isn't until the moment there is zero chance of him getting back in the time machine, that he vanishes


Alternate Biff was shot by Lorraine in 1996. That's why he was dying.


I always figured there must have been this deleted scene to explain why he returned to the future, out of breath and in pain. I wonder why this was cut though?


This 30 second scene sheds light on a very important plot point. The ripple effect isn’t instantaneous and that’s why Biff returns to Doc and Marty’s version of 2015. This should have been left in the film.


Once the delorean leaves, there is NO WAY for Biff to enact any more changes. His fate forever sealed, change sets in, and he is erased.


It's amazing how this trilogy makes you think of paradoxes and mistakes they may have made. What is truly certain is that it is the best trilogy ever


For those who don’t know why Old Biff disappears is because in the new timeline around 1996, He was shot dead by Lorraine after she discovered the truth that He was the one who murdered George. Plus at that time, she had been putting up with more than 20 years worth of Physical and verbal abuse from him. So between learning that he was the one who killed George combined with the more than 2 decades of abuse she had to put up with from him; it was enough to drive her over the edge and she just snapped. And in a fit of rage, she shot him; presumably with the very same gun he used to kill George with and attempted to kill Marty with.


"I guess I'm making like a and out of


Ow...being wiped from the fabric of existence looks painful...


This scene should not have been cut from the film, it would create an expectation that something had been changed in the past where Marty and Doc Brown were returning. That was a great and well-placed scene!


Mcfly, I don't feel so good...
Edit: i come back a year later and all of a sudden this comment’s popular😂😂😂 thank you so much for liking it and for your hilarious responses 🤣🤣🤣


Considering that this Biff had just come back from creating the alternate timeline in which he is shot dead by Lorraine in 1996, it makes sense why upon returning to 2015, he immediately vanishes. I believe it still happened in the original movie, but they were originally going to actually show it actually happening like here.

I'm surprised that not a single person here is addressing how incredibly horrifying this scene is. This is what almost happened to Marty in the first movie, and that alone was terrifying. But they _show_ it actually happening this time. I know Biff was an asshole to end all assholes, but regardless, is there not a worse way to die than starting to suddenly feel indescribable, rising levels of severe pain rendering you immobile until you completely fade from all existence while suffering, and there is no one around to witness it? The scene where it almost happens to Marty in the first film is nothing compared to this.


For those wondering how Biff was able to return to the original 2015, I have a theory/question. Is it possible that, themselves being time-displaced, Doc and Marty's presence "anchored" the timeline? Only when they leave do the changes truly take effect, which is why Biff takes so long to vanish?


I actually can't help but kind of feel sorry for Biff in this scene. I get that Biff is the villain of this movie, but you can't help but admire the lengths he goes to, to accomplish this. He follows Doc and Marty on hearsay alone that Doc's Delorean is a _time machine, _ (with the only other evidence being that there are "two Marty Jrs".) to a rough neighborhood, where he seizes the opportunity to _steal_ said time machine, figure out how to make it function, and specifically return to a point in his life where it all started going downhill for him, with the means of turning it around.
Think about how Time Travel works in these movies; when Marty returns to 1985, his family is successful and well-off; but he himself is unchanged. Because when you remove yourself from time, Time doesn't have the ability to change you from what you are; you are a hole in time itself. Time can only erase you, or fit you in like a missing puzzle piece. So in reality, Biff was expecting something similar to what Marty experienced. He thought he would be returning to a time, where he'd have a new history and be worth billions, and able to live out his twilight years in comfort...

Instead...he _is erased from existence._ Because his mistake was underestimating himself. He knew what a hotheaded sociopath he was in his youth; maybe 60 years of subservience and car maintenance humbled him a bit. But he should've known what would happen when he returned to Power; corruption, abuse and hedonism...There was no way he'd live that long. Apparently, the intention was that at some point, Lorraine was supposed to kill him after she found out what happened to George.

Truth be told...Kind of makes you wonder _why_ Biff returned the Time Machine to Hill Dale at all. At this point, it wouldn't _matter_ if he got caught. He'd have stolen the Time Machine, changed the past, disappeared, and then the Machine would have _crashed, _ leaving Doc and Marty and Jennifer stranded in 2015; meaning they couldn't go back to the past to circumvent his efforts. Granted, in 2015, Doc probably would have access to the resources to either build another Time Machine or repair the Delorean.
What I'm saying is, it seems both too nice and pointless for Biff to return his _stolen Time Machine._


I originally thought he faded out because it foreshadowed Marty and Doc fixing the timeline, but then I learned it was due to him being shot in 1996.

Coincidentally, 1996 was the birth year of Griff.
