5 tips for your first gig | SOLO ACOUSTIC

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Here are my 5 tips for your first gig.

There's quite alot I could go into which could help on your first gig but I've kept it down to 5 first gig tips for this video.
These musician tips are more focussed towards solo acoustic guitarists and singers.

If you're interested in more advice for musicians, guitarist tips and live performance advice including stage fright, then check out some of my other videos.

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#1 Tip: Go out and PERFORM. You will suck at first, just like you sucked the first time you tried to play guitar. The more you do it, the less you will suck, just like playing guitar. If you do it daily you will progress a hell of a lot faster than if you do it weekly - yup, just like playing guitar. Busk if you must, but put your music in front of people.

Preforming well requires the same sort of commitment and discipline as playing your instrument. It's VERY different than practicing alone. Any stage you take is a dynamic environment you'll have little control over. It's unpredictable and full of distractions. Your instrument will sound different, and probably a lot worse if you can her it at all. If you're like me, you'll be self conscious - if not terrified - at first, and will make lots and lots of mistakes. Just KEEP PLAYING. Above all else, taking a stage requires the courage to be vulnerable. That's why I always applaud even the worst performance. You should too - especially if you were the one who gave it, 'cause it took balls to get up there and bang away at that hunk of wood and warble into the void speaking your truth. ;-)


I think something that helped me with solo gigging a lot was gigging with a band first. Learning how to play in that scenario helped me perform better solo.


Great tips. The one about the strap length from standing is so simple but sometimes overlooked. I got burnt with it years ago when I first started playing solo. I practiced like mad for weeks before my first gig, had everything nailed and then it came to the gig and I chose to stand (I never rehearsed standing once) to it was a bad gig haha still have nightmares lol


I think that recording your rehersals can go long way, you are not aware how do you sound untill you listen to yourself objectively.
Also, having honest musician friends is a big plus, because I need someone to tell me what does bother them, what doesn't sound that good to them. I would rather have one person who understands how gigs work than 30 people who tell you that you are awsome, but they don't know first thing about music.
Practice constantly, if u're solo musician, I recommend loop pedal because one person playing guitar can get bored really easly, if you add drumming, bass, piano while singing it will sound so much better than playing E, G, Am etc.
And last but not the least, always practice songs u haven't played for a while, you can upgrade them as the time goes by, because you can see based on crowd reaction what suitd the best. Same for the order of the songs u play, I would rather say that order is more important than anything.
Thats all from me, I hope I helped somebody with these.


Someone told me that you can look at the wall just above peoples’ if you don’t want to look AT people, but you also don’t want to look down the whole time. It also helps people not feel uncomfortable if they don’t want you looking at them.


Thank you Scott very kind of you to share these tips


Such great illustrations! Even funny at times, thanks very much for the tips


"Back away from the mic when not singing" wow, that is aamazing what that 1 tip did for me, thank you!
Now i have to re-do all my YouTube videos


Great tips. Really enjoy your demeanor and those songs were bangers my dude


I have been through all of this you bang on with what you say, there is a transition from couch to audience. Listening to this had me reminiscing 😳


Thank you so much for the video. I have been used to being a metal musician for ages but always wanted to strengthen mu acoustic carrer and this helps so much


Really great tips brother! Great video!


Agreed on the practice like you play. My wife and I acoustic duo regularly. Also, a good monitor set is really, really useful.


Great video, and thanks for the smidgeon of QOTSA! I picked up on that one at the end...


Thank you for the straightforward tips! Playing my first gig this Saturday.


Thank you Scott. Words of wisdom. I played my 1st solo gig and recorded it. It was a total of 8 songs and lasted 30 minutes. I recorded it. Glad I did. When I looked at my hands or my lyrics it took away the energy of the performance. When I played songs from memory my vocals sounded better and I notice people recording me and really getting into the song. I am now committed to MEMORIZING THE LYRICS !!!! As much as I love my iPad this is a no brainer. Thanks again 😀


Thanks a lot for the tips. Playing my first solo acoustic gig at a record shop. Going to be an intimate venue and set so the eye contact/stage presence tips are amazing. Cheers!


Hey I just came across your video and I have my first gig in 9 years this Friday. Luckily, with the help from a few generous open mics, I have been able to get some solid mic time over the last few months but everything in this video was helpful. I feel much more confident after watching this. Cheers


Very tasteful rendition of ‘Go With The Flow’ by Queens of the Stone Age!


All great tips. Practice in front of a mirror goes a long way towards reinforcing most of them.
