Why Did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Marry Several Times?

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00:00 Intro
00:33 What’s the wisdom behind polygamy in Islam? (Polygamy exists in Islam. Every man has the right to marry 4 women. What’s the wisdom behind this?)
01:57 What do you think about the practice of polygamy nowadays?
02:44 (They say that our Prophet (pbuh) got married several times because he was a lustful person. What would you say to them?)
04:10 Why did He get married that much, what was the need for so many wives?
05:15 Did he marry Aisha when she was 7? (It is said that he married Aisha when she was only seven years old, what would you say to them?)
06:04 Why do atheists make such ridiculous claims?

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This is not just a channel it is a blessing .
Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰❤️


We dont trust our self but we trust the quran


Being a muslim I too was searching for some of these answers, thank you so much for this video brother


Masha Allah very informative and logical at the same time and I know the age of hazrat Aisha r.a. vary among scholars. Some say she was at 7 when married and some say she was 19 or 20 (from the hadith itself). But I believe whatever the age was (Allah knows better) there is no issue in this. If you see the Prophet's righteousness and character and prophetic teachings then all these claims seem to be diminished. Take this in respect. May Allah forgive us all Aameen!


Wow...This 60-second answer is amazingly done, brother !!!
Love from Bangladesh ❤❤❤


Well Articulated brother
_May Allah ﷻ bless you and accept your efforts._


Big fan from Ethiopia 🇪🇹. MashaAllah Brothers, keep up your Da'awah.


You guys cleared many thing that i didn't know.❣️


"Kim sabah kalkarken üç defa 'Eûzü billâhi's-Semi'il-Alîmi mine'ş-Şeytânirracîm = Allah'ın rahmetinden kovulmuş olan şeytandan, işiten ve bilen Allah'a sığınırım' der ve Haşir Sûresi'nin sonundan üç âyet okursa, Allah o kimseye akşama kadar duâ ve istiğfar etmek üzere yetmiş bin melek vazifelendirir. O günde ölürse şehid olarak ölür. Kim geceye girerken okursa o da aynı dereceye ulaşır." (Tirmizî, Fedâilü'l-Kur'ân 22, Mevakit 65; Müsned, 5/26)


it doesn't matter what age people marry as long as they are happy with each other, another thing this life is a test everything we do is a test even if someone marries young or old it doesn't matter because in jannah (paradise) everyone will be the same age 33. we will look back from jannah and laugh.


"Cennette sonsuza kadar kalacaklardır." Hûd Sûresi, 11:108.


This channel is a blessing from Allah Almighty❤


It's really marvellous.✨
Really appreciated


Although I'm a Christian, I actually Love this Q&A Section. keep it up


İnşallah bu kanal çok büyük hayırlara vesile olacak


Assalamu laykum wa rahmatullah, wonerful talk brother, Alhamdulillah. Could you please give us the reference of the hadith which says Aisha (may Allah Subhanwatala be pleased with her) was 20 years old at the time of her marriage with prophet (may Allah Subhanwatala be pleased with him)? There are many people in my work environment in india who ask this question. This would be really helpful. Jazakallahu Khairan.


Very logical explanations of polygamy and marriage of our prophet.


Don't use #Music in the background. It's clearly #Haram.

Not using music won't bring any changes in your Views or in the Message of your videos!

So, it's absolutely okay... if you avoid using Music in the background.

(We all know,
You didn't have any Bad Intention.
But... Haram is Haram.)

May ALLAH (S.W.T) grant you Guidance, Understanding and Success... 🛤️ 🌅

- allāhumma ameen


Sinikka Elliott said : "The laws governing the minimum age for which sex can not be legally consensual, as well as the laws concerning marriage and workers' rights, have been modified to reflect these changing discourses around childhood. The age of sexual consent, for example, increased from 7 in the colonial era to 10, 12 and even 14 in the 18th century. In the late 1800s, the average age of consent in the United States was 14 years. However, the age of consent has been raised slowly, unevenly and with great reluctance."
(Source: This is not my child: what parents believe about the sexual life of their teenagers By Sinikka Elliott page 14-15).

Susan M. Ross wrote : "Under British common law during the colonial period, the age of consent was seven years. Today, we are surprised that girls of this age are supposed to know enough about sex (or sin) to make such a decision competently."
(Source: American families of yesterday and today: social perspectives on transformations, Susan M. Ross, page 40).

According to the Protévangile de Jacques, apocryphal and according to the History of Joseph le Charpentier, Joseph le Charpentier was an old man around 93 years old and Marie was still a little girl about 12 years old.
Was Joseph, according to bible, a pedophile !!!


This series is beyond any other series!❤️‍🔥
What a job Towards Eternity are doing!! ❤️
And also can u guys suggest the best book to know about the great scholar Badiuzzaman?? 😇
