Q&A: Why Did Prophet Muhammad Have So Many Wives? | Dr. Shabir Ally

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You asked, we answered! "If the Quran allows a Muslim man to marry four wives, why did the Prophet Muhammad have more than four wives?" Dr. Shabir says Quran 4:3 emphasizes doing justice to widows and orphans at a time when a welfare system hadn't been established. He says the verse doesn't rule out the possibility of having more than four wives, though he emphasizes that the optimal choice is to have one wife. He discusses the Prophet's marriages, showing that they were for the sake of political and social good.

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Why does Allah take special interest into the prophets bedroom? Why does the prophet gets revelations that only he could have more than 4 wife's? I can't stop thinking he was a false prophet nothing more than a king saying he is getting these revelations of convenience. When he was attacked by arabs about him marrying his adopted sons wife. Why he gets a revelation to settle that. Why does Allah care about the prophet bedroom. Moses or Jesus did not have this privaledge. Please change my opinion by explaining how I am wrong.


Dr. Saffiyah. I am a bit confused. Why should a poor man take on more than 1wife much less more than 4 wives? And if marrying more than one wife was to help widows in the past, then what is the justification today? And what is the justification for marrying young girls who are virgins and thus not widows?


This guy needed 18 minutes to answer one question and he still didn't answer it


Why did he marry a child....6yr old😢? Is it a sin in Islam to marry children?


Why would Mohamed have more wives than believers? Because Al lah said so. Really?


Why did he marry his daughter in law ( zaynab) wife of zayd ! Why did he Mary 9 year old aysha! Why did he have adulterous relationship with his caniz ( slave) Marya ghebteya ! Behind his wife habse! And so on and on and on !! Stop fooling yourself! Tell the truth! People know all about it !


I really would love for someone to explain why the marriage of young girl Aisha (may Allah grant her peace) took place. Why was her marriage consummated at such a young age. The records and dates state that she was 9. Why is this? And how can one come to accept Islam with knowing this?


How did the women become widows? Attacking the tribes and Kill the men and making the women widows and marrying them wow ! What a kind system - Peace be upon him😂


Jesus said, help the widow
Muhammed said, marry the widow
That what he is telling


Why are women not allowed to have 4 men ?


why did he marry his daughter in law zaynab zayd wife zayd ebn muhemad ???


I am a muslim but not as knowledgeable as Dr. Shabir, however I really struggle to understand any good in prophet marrying many wives especially a young one. I frankly sometimes doubt in perfectness of Muhammad and think people gone too far on praising him. May God forgive me if I am sinning by these words.


I am disturbed with surah Al-Ahzab 33: 50... who are the "we" that made it lawful for the prophet to have more wives than other believers.. because its most certain that it is not Allah's (SAW) words. Please explain who are the "we" and they understand that Allah is the most merciful and forgiving.


Because Muhammad wanted do have many wives for various reasons and he used the allah told me so card whenever he wanted to. The fact is that YHWH Elohim wants us to only have 1 wife. Mark 10 8 - 8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.


I left Islam after conducting a deep research and study about the meanings of the verses in Quran as an electronics engineer from Turkey. Most verses are not known by most Muslims except a few verses the meaning of which is unknown, are recited in Arabic language during prayer


Most of the higher animals like Elephants are known to have only one female partner. But why did the Prophet permit 4 partners and downgrade the human to worse that of a animal.

Further more, he did not comply with his own rule, he is known to have almost 11 wives. 9:36


A prophet is an example of the rules he puts on others, if that is what he or she presumes to do. 'Special exemptions' just makes it a hypocrisy. If some divorces reduced the number of polygamous relationships to four concurrently it removes they hypocrisy


Thanks for this enlightenment Dr Shabir. In my country Malaysia, there seems to be an obsession with the idea of polygamy, and it's often companied by undertones of uncontrollable lust for sexual pleasure. It's really bizarre. It's really such a poor representation of marriage according to Islam and could not be further from what Dr. Shabir is saying here, which makes so much more sense and is at least dignified. That's why non-Muslims in my country perceive Muslim men in general as having issues with lust and perversion.


Nobody answers my question. How is it acceptable for the prophet of God to have had a six year old wife that he consummated their marriage with when she was nine? If we are to emulate him, the supposed most perfect man, then shouldn't all men seek out children for brides? Please please someone answer.


Why did the God could not see that the time will one day change?
