5 Massive Mistakes Voldemort Made

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The biggest irony about Voldemort is if he had just joined the Ministry, with all his charm and good looks, he would have snuck right into the position of Minister of Magic and taken over the wizarding world one bit at a time. Instead, he had to be grand and otherly, exceptional beyond all others. Egotism to the core.


He believed himself superior to Harry and wanted to really defeat him. This was his biggest mistake. He was so arrogant and full of pride that he couldn't bare the thought of someone else killing Harry, and he also couldn't stand the thought of him simply kidnapping and murdering Harry. He wanted to best him, to give him a fair chance of survival but then defeat him which he proved in the fourth book when he refused to just snap Harry's wand and kill him. If he had done this, he would have become the great tyran that he sought to become, but noo he needed to really best Harry, the chosen one. To prove he was bigger, better and more powerful than the boy who was supposed to bring him down once and for all.


Voldemort led to his own downfall by opening back up the chamber of secrets in the 2nd book because 5 of his own horcruxes were killed by basalisk venom 2 by the fangs of the great serpent and 3 by the sword


That is the one common theme that leads to a villain downfall: always overlooking something that is relatively minor but turns out to be major.


Voldemort just made the same mistakes over and over again. He never tried to understand the magic he was using or the magic that defeated him the 1st time. He fell for the same ancient magic that tore him from his body when he tried to kill Harry, but on a much bigger scale.


“That which Voldemort does not value, he takes no time to understand” -Dumbledore


Voldemort's biggest mistake was having Narcissa check to see if Harry was alive, instead of doing it himself, after "killing" him in the Enchanted forest. You'd think having been defeated by Harry before, when the latter was a baby nonetheless, he wouldn't take any chances.


That's a great point about Slughorn that'd I've never considered. Tom Riddle/Voldemort was an expert at covering his tracks so it's a huge oversight on his part to leave Slughorn alive for literal decades


Good video. Another big mistake was allowing his duel with Dumbledore to last long enough for the aurors to arrive. After Dumbledore survived the first attacks he should have retreated. Dumbledore literally told him his plan was to delay him until the aurors came.


5. About the Horcrux after effects, he never cared, in fact he like them. Voldemort was truly obsessed in anything that could detach him from his humanity. But as you said, he despised being a weak, ghost like entity, but it was something he was willing to endure to retain his immortality.


Also. This video, it says that the elder wand possibly failed Voldy because his soul was separated into so many horcruxes... but the elder wand did not serve him because Draco disarmed him. It's like they didn't even read the book. Because when Harry disarms Draco at the Malfoy mansion. The right to use the elder wand passes to Harry.


Don't forget him drinking unicorn blood in the first book. That probably cursed him as well.


#6 Hiding horcruxes is obvious places. Why not just burry it in a hole somewhere in the middle of Siberia or in the rainforests of Brazil?


Fulfilling his own prophecy felt like the number 1 slot for me. It's not just that he set it all in motion by going to Godric's Hollow and literally choosing the chosen one, but he then kept coming after Harry, giving him no choice but to fight back.


Um. You completely left out the biggest mistake of using Harry's blood to resurrect his body in the cemetery. That cemented his fate more than any other mistake.


Making sure Harry’s magical abilities always developed by always waiting for Harry to complete his school year to attack. Worst offence was not setting a trap in book 5 during OWLS that actually mattered to Harry


What if rather than cast the Avada Kadavra curse on Harry, Voldemort just took a rock and beat Harry over the head with it?


Voldemort underestimated the power of House Elves which allowed Regulas to steal the locket


Slughorn: Now Tom, you could be good at many things. Tom thinking: I'll become the most evil wizard alive. That seems like a good life choice.


You actually brought up a good point about Slughorn that I never considered before. In most circumstances, Voldemort would get rid of any loose ends, making it rather unusual that he didn’t kill Slughorn.
