A Shift in Perspective

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Sometimes the difference between misery and contentment is nothing more than a shift in one's perspective.

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Background Music: “Something Wonderful” by Alan Piljak
(Royalty-Free Creative Commons Attribution)
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Just recently discovered your station and really appreciate your calm, down to earth perspective. I went through the transition you describe in this video at the beginning of this shelter at home period due to the virus. I was super frustrated because I had my ideas of how my life should be and how I wanted to spend my time and instead I was bored and restless at home. I have now come to a place of acceptance and am really beginning to enjoy the slowdown. I wear the same thing every day and no longer worry about looking a certain way or about others will think about my appearance. This has been very liberating! I take long walks and notice the beauty of nature more than ever. My wife and I are enjoying meals at home and no longer eating at restaurants. Life has become simple and mindful and I realize now how much time I was wasting running around seeking to fill the hole within. I have come to see more deeply who I am and to be at peace with myself. As you said, it’s all about perspective. Thank you! I really like you and look forward to more videos! ❤️


Yes we have find value in this content, thank you.


whenever I feel anxious, bored, overwhelmed with information... I like to sit in a quiet corner listening to your words of wisdom.. it certainly shifts my perspective by getting me back centered and grounded again ... Thank you for your videos.. Peace.


My ideal is not the material gain, money or most anything that usually is an ego boost. My measure is based on how often i sit outside and watch in wonder, Nature is the Supreme Force. Its absolutely rejuvenating every time when i honestly am with it.


Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Having a chronic illness with no cure, my life virtually changed overnight. This is a welcome reminder to except and let go, and to remind myself to appreciate the simple things in life.


You're my new guru man
Keep making videos like this.
I like the way you explain things
You make things simple.
Thank you


It takes a great deal to come to terms often with such feelings that are making you feel frustrated or maybe somewhat inadequate because since our childhood everything we have known is mostly Doing and accumulating things. Just existing and Being, and not striving as most do for financial and material gain is considered by many as wasting your life and being a loafer, a bum!!! That's when you might feel guilt or unease because you may feel this ambiguity fighting within you. Only when you become your own person and don't follow what is imposed upon you and don't care what others think about you may you find peace with this


Focus on what is in your control not what you can not control.


You are wise beyond your years! all it takes is a change in perspective and everything that is connected to us has to shift. Non resistance gives the power to draw to us all that we need without the struggle of trying to control. I love your spirit!


Thank you you for sharing this.
Your so right it's all in the way we think about every thing . It's sometime we think to much .
Have a good day .


My man, I have a little Squirrel that comes around and I begun feeding it to now it actually comes into my house.


Thank you so much dear Nada! Very often we forget to change our perspective. Thank you for remind us 🙏


Exactly what I’m looking for. A peaceful place with no distractions other than nature 🙏


This is very valuable content to consume on breaks during a 12 hour shift. I have grown so much, but only in the information I take in. This is where integration is absolutely necessary. You can't learn and move on. You have to keep learning. Keep implementing. It never stops.


The value of this content is priceless . I have absolutely shifted my perspective in life and cultivate a peaceful path. Thanks to you 🥰 and my spiritual growth.


I affirm you and your perspective. I enjoy your words and appreciate your style. I am 61 years old and only in the past few years have I also discovered how to simply be and appreciate my life as it is, including the dark and difficult things, regrets, and anxieties which I once denied but now accept. This didn't happen by any orthodox means or method. I developed my own new story and process but mostly, I think I just got tired of carrying my problems with seriousness, moroseness, and self-pity. Maybe I just finally outgrew my taste for self-sabotage. As I said, I have my own practice and perspective. My views seem remarkably like yours, but in this, I'm only guessing. We are all differently experiencing enlightenment, aren't we? At least that is what I can gather. In my case, What can I say that might be helpful to anyone bothering to read this short essay? I am alone in my awakening but now I see that this is only how it must be considering the milieu of my particular life. I don't know what will become of me in my awakened state but accepting my anxiety over this uncertainty helps to take the edge off of it. I authentically appreciate this acceptance of the unknown or unknowable. Plus, there's nothing serious going on here to make me feel that my suffering is anything but normal "dark night" stuff. It is no longer excruciating but somewhat strangely welcome, helping me to realize that I am actually waking up inside the dream of life. My sufferings also inform my real compassion for all who are asleep or awake. In either case, it doesn't matter. Being awake doesn't seem better than being asleep. It just helps me to regard all life and humanity as reflections of myself, no longer separated by the illusion of personal identity. I "get" my oneness and this gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling of contentment! As strange as this must sound, it can even be a little fun to feel my sadness or emptiness or even depression by "beating them at their own game." I do this through the realization that these are just feelings or sensations or emotions and NOT who I really am in any real totality. This turns the negatives from being harmful to being helpful. These negative states are no longer heavy but lighter, even much lighter now. My future death is coming but the inevitability of this is a genuine relief to me that one day, the story of me starring the cartoon character of me inside this cartoon of life will be retired once and for all, or at least until the next go-around if the consciousness that animated me returns to inhabit a new character in the future on this world or another in this universe or perhaps a different one! Who knows? Not me. Do you know what's really going on here? I doubt it. Oh, I have my suspicions but these give me little comfort. Yet, the futility of my predicament gives me peace because in this I am especially one with everyone else. Who of us few who having now sincerely (but not seriously) come into the bright, light, fun, and warm zone of enlightenment, who now gets the joke of life who now knows or at least suspects who she/he really might be would want to stick around too long or overstay her/his welcome? Certainly not me but since freedom is my dominant guiding light now, I don't imagine that I have much of a clue anymore on how to live in this world for too much longer. This presses on me a bit and is more present in each passing moment every day now because of my age and diminishing strength and susceptibility to whatever is going to kill me. And, it's a good thing too because whatever it is, it's lurking just around the corner! But, so what? I am just one more lonely man who has nothing better to do with his time than to write a long comment like this one. But, you are younger than me, yes? Perhaps, you have a longer time here than me, do you? In your awakened state experiencing enlightenment, feeling your oneness, being one with humanity, what up with all that? May you truly allow yourself to become self-otherish. In freedom, choose to listen ONLY to yourself and other voices that affirm you in your freedom to be who you really are. Don't let others overfuck you by their compulsions to tell you what you have to do, what you need to do, what you should do, or what you must do. Dare to make these your prerogatives only and fully accept the rare privilege it is to be one of the few who get it. And, don't kid yourself as I did: Most won't ever care about enlightenment or being awake. They are too concerned with the security of conformity. You're wasting your time listening to the pseudo-enlightened voices of gurus and teachers who are pushing some kind of universal enlightenment. You know you're in the wrong crowd if you're in a crowd at all or if money is changing hands. Enlightenment is free but also costly, not just in the money you won't get or make but in everything else...or maybe, your experience will be quite different than mine.


Yes I'm willing to shift my perspectives thank you blessed soul ❤️🙏🌈🦋🌻♥️


Very apt. Very spot on. This video might be the game changer to those slumbering.


Said it right nada. It's a matter of shifting our perspective. It's more about surrendering to what is rather than resisting it. 🙏


Shift In perspective it's all that is needed. I was just thinking about making a video on this same topic. Thank you. Sending love from northern Michigan❤
