M2 Mac mini: Awesome 10 GbE power efficiency!

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Analysis of the power consumption of the new M2 Mac mini 10 Gbit/s-Ethernet connection option. I made another test, measuring the power at the plug, which was 15,5 W during all speeds while the network link was saturated.
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I got confused by the mix of German decimal system in the 8.999Mbits/Sec with the Indian decimal on the other half of the screen. Can you please do a test where the read/write to the ethernet port involves a CPU to measure the power which will be a more realistic test case for ex: a HTTP request or something like that. Bulk transfers between drives normally use DMA and they don't involve CPU and hence there is no extra power consumed. Hence a $100 switch can transfer 5x10Gbps using a 800Mhz CPU using only 18W, hence no surpise on the Mac mini where it is only using 1x10Gbps port


hey, can you tell me how much mac mini m2, will consume when you are just doing basic coding(android studio) and xcode + vscode + multiple browsers tab ( lets say 20) i have 16 gigs, and you are watching a video at 1080p 60fps . please


What was the file size that you transferred in all these tests, how long did each transfer last. I am more interested in the CPU usage rather than power during the data transfer at ethernet port. Is it possible for you to do another test while running top on the terminal to show CPU usage when transferring at 100Mbps, 1G, 2.5G, 5G and 10G - can you ensure that the file size is large enough so that each of the tests run for 2 minutes so that you can validate your findings.You need file size of 1.5GB, 15GB, 37.5GB, 75GB and 150GB to have a meaningful results. For the power you can use the wall plug measurement as before.


den stromverbrauch mit einer aktiven 10 Gb/Sec verbindung zu kennen waere sehr interessant. meines wissens kann keine software den stromverbrauch des gesamten Mac minis auslesen. periphere komponeneten wie die SSD oder die NIC haben nur temperatursensoren. die in einer software angezeigten werte bez. stromverbrauch beziehen sich mMn ausschliesslich auf das SoC. man muesste also messen was der kasten aus der steckdose zieht um aussagekraeftige werte zu bekommen.
