Let's read more non fiction books!

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Hey Booktube, it's 2024 so it's time to prepare a new Non Fiction TBR! Here are all the non fiction books I'm hoping to read this year. I'll be doing recommendation and review videos soon with the best ones I find!

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Charlie: All black with no thumbs. He thinks he's spiderman and climbs in the window screens. His favorite snack is wtv book I'm currently reading.
Clawdia: Black and white with a beauty mark. She has thumbs... wouldn't surprise me if she stole them. She's pure chaos but she purrs and cuddles me so it's fine.
Chunky: Black with a white patch on his chest. Has thumbs. Needy, crusty, whiny baby... can't live without him.

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Good to see you after over 3 years. Didn't know you had this channel.Subscribed. I miss your beauty videos.


I read "How to keep house" because you mentioned it and it was one of the best non-fiction of last year. I loved the gentle approach and advice for making small steps rather than getting into the grinding mindset or whatever. Great for neurodivergent people with the author having ADHD


she's definitely inspired me to pick up more non fic, and i've been surprisingly loving it a lot!!


I'm currently reading Pandora's Jar by Natalie Haynes. It goes through 10 women from Greek myths - analyzing the stories from their perspectives rather than from the male heroes who usually get all the focus, while also looking at their influence on art/culture/literature. I'm really enjoying it. Planning to tackle Emily Wilson's translation of the Iliad this year, so thought this would be some good prep reading.


Please read Braiding Sweetgrass!! It’s one of my favorite books of all time and I genuinely think everyone should read it.

Also, if you listen to the audiobook of Empire of Pain, I highly recommend checking out an ebook copy or second edition physical book because the ending is completely different. The book was first released in the middle of a lawsuit against the Sacklers, and the author edited and rereleased the book after the case concluded.


Ahhhh Emily one of my favourite things about your channel is the nonfiction you discuss! I read about 60% nonfiction last year and I adored Laziness Does Not Exist, The Will to Change (happy to say I got my brother to read it and he's finding it super impactful as a man, it really is a book that can spark change), and I second the enthusiasm about How To Keep House While Drowning. There is another book that I don't think you have on your shelves but I wanted to recommend because it gave me so much hope for the world while being so good at capturing what the problems of our current society are—it's Lola Olufemi's other book, Experiments in Thinking Otherwise. And the other book I wanted to mention is another on burnout, Can't Even by Anne Helen Petersen, which discusses burnout in the millennial generation from both individual and sociological perspectives ^^


Highly recommend the audios of both Braiding Sweetgrass and Entangled Life (read by the authors). Empire of Pain is enraging but excellent. I need to get to his other book, Say Nothing!


They Were Her Property by Stephanie Jones-Rodgers is amazing. It's definitely emotional but it's so worth it. I also recommend The Field of Blood by Joanne Freeman for understanding the antebellum period and gender politics.


I had Empire of Pain on my TBR for ages as well but I finally picked it up as an audiobook this month and it was so good. So horrifying but so good. Definitely worth the 18 hours in my opinion.


I just finished the audio for Know My Name, it's the first book in 2024 that I know will be on my top 10 of the year. Just great!
I also really liked Burnout, it was on my top 10 for 2022. I read about 200 books per year


Lots of books here that are on my TBR too, I'm interested to see what you think about them!


I share quite a lot of books with your nonfiction shelves :) a lot of them are worth reading. One I would say is not, is Guns, Germs and Steel, as a lot of the author’s conclusions have been challenged since it was published.


I saw Gun, Germs and Steel on your shelves. I love that book! It is dense though and it dives deep into the subject. It took me a couple of months to read because it was so much information, but I learned a lot!


loved braiding sweet grass. her voice is like a lullaby. she has one about moss that made me cry beautiful


Cool. Entangled Life is going to be my next physical once I finish the short story collection I'm currently reading.


Great list!
I do want to let you know that Braiding Sweetgrass is VERY focused on motherhood and how the author finds value in life through that spectrum. I was excited to read it because we share a tribe but as a child free person it really didn’t hit and I DNFed.

Otherwise I have some more books I think anyone looking for non fiction might enjoy:
*Perfume dreams: reflections on the Vietnamese diaspora by Andrew Lam
*Bitch: on the female of the species by Lucy Cooke
*the Sakura obsession by Naoko Abe
*Origin: a genetic history of the americas by Jennifer Raff
*the hidden life of trees by Peter wholleben
*an emmense world by Ed Yong


Excellent selection. I'm constantly updating my non-fiction TBR with you.


Braiding Sweetgrass is absolutely wonderful! Robin Wall Kimmerer is a Biology Professor and an Indigenous woman and she blends Indigenous knowledge with science. It might be a good one to prioritizes as it falls a bit more within your comfort zone of science based non-fiction. I just finished Queens of the Wild by Ronald Hutton. A quote from Amazon reads "A concise history of the goddess-like figures who evade both Christian and pagan traditions, from the medieval period to the present day." I found it easy to read and well organized. I thought it might pair well with the Wild Women book that you mentioned. Happy Reading!


We have many similar nonfiction books on our TBR! Last year I read What My Bones Know and it was a favorite for the year.


Braiding Sweetgrass is one of my favorite books of 2023. It's pretty slow-paced but the writing style is beautiful
