The Best Non Fiction I Read in 2022

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Let's talk about the best non-fiction I read this year!

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00:00 - Intro
02:45 - Best of Non-Fiction

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As someone who is currently in the process of working through my own disenchantment with the evangelical Christianity I was raised in… Bart Ehrman has also been an author I’ve been too scared to read. I think part of me is scared that I’ll find myself losing what’s left of my faith. At some point, I may have to take the plunge.


I had two non-fiction that rocked my world:

Jane Austen the Secret Radical by Helena Kelly. It discusses the more radical messages of Austen's work, eg, Northanger Abbey is not a parody of gothic lit but rather homage, Mansfield Park is an abolitionist text, etc. So so good.

Albion's Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in 18th Century England by Douglas Hay et al. It's a collection of academic essays discussing how the criminal justice system enriched the wealthy classes of English Society and how that's still the case today


Absolutely loved Anti-Diet, and Empire of Pain just filled me with rage.


I love that you listen to Maintenance Phase too. It’s my favorite podcast by far. I’m planning on going to see Aubrey at Powell’s in a couple of weeks for the release of her new book, so I’m excited to read that.


Empire of Pain was my favourite non fiction of the year. Thank you for the recommendation!


You have such a great Non-Fiction Collection so far! Keep inspiring us.


In the vein of the first book you mentioned on laziness, I really enjoyed "what's the use" by Sarah Ahmed. It examines the politics and intersectionality of use and usefulness and how to queer use as a concept. It really helped me shake some shackles of past ideas I had about what I'm supposed to do and what society expects out of us as far as our usefulness goes.


I loved Jeanette's and Chanel's memoirs. Also up there is Finding Me by Viola Davis. Loads of content warning in this one as well... The writing is superb and she manages to inject some humour in her story despite the trauma she suffered. I highly recommend the audio narrated by the author herself.


Unfortunately didn’t get to too many non fiction this year but my favorite was the women of Tudor England which takes a look at women roles and society from all aspects not only royals. Fascinating read. I have know my name on my TBR for next year!! Glad you had such a great reading year! Thanks for all your content and what you do!


Anti Diet change my life! Thank you so much for that rec. I would recommend to everyone.


In the Dream House was also one of my top nonfiction reads this year. The other was Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.


Ahhh! I didn’t know Bart Ehrman had a podcast! Thanks for the tip! 😊


I loved being able to recognize these books from your other videos! I had a great year for nonfiction, with Leonardo da Vinci (biography) by Walter Isaacson, Making Love with the Land (Joshua Whitehead), Making Space for Indigenous Feminism (ed. Joyce Green), Around the World in 80 Trees (Jonathan Drori), Entangled Life (Merlin Sheldrake), Underland (Robert Macfarlane), and Billion Dollar Loser (Reeves Wiedeman) being some standouts. My only regret is that compared to my fiction reading, this year's NF was dominated by men and I would like to rebalance that for next year.


Darling guuuurrrlll! You look so beautiful today. Happiest Holidayz!


Agreed about Know My Name!!!! Such an amazing memoir. #1 nonfiction for me this year


Nice. I took a class that used one of Bart Ehrman's texts. It was very good.


Might as well throw one of my favorite nonfiction of all time. Marching Powder by Thomas McFadden. It’s about Rusty Young. An English national who was convicted in Bolivia for drug smuggling. It was about his experience in prison and how he became Lonely Planet’s something you must do in Bolivia; which was stay in prison for the weekend in La Paz’s San Pedro Prison. I know it’s not a 2022 book, but I was floored reading this book


I read some good nonfiction this year. Totally agree re: Hood Feminism and Bad Fat Black Girl - loved the experience of reading them back to back. My favorite was Just Mercy by Bryon Stevenson and All Boys Arent Blue by George M Johnson. Those books should be required reading.


Talking about Healthcare and Productivity, I want to recommend ‘Rest: Why You Get More Done When We Work Less’ by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang and ‘Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers’ by Robert M. Sapolsky.


Bart Ehrman is at the top of my nonfiction list TBR for next year!
