Let's talk: Why I think you should read both fiction and nonfiction

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What do you think about nonfiction and fiction reading? What is your split like and why do you think the way you do about it?
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Great video! I tend to read more fiction, but I enjoy non-fiction as well - and think I should read more of it. I remember the Linnea books, and I get so happy when I see others who keep their childhood favourites.


Another great discussion Maria!! I have learned over the years that I enjoy "reading" fiction and "listening" to non-fiction. I am not one to read more than one novel at a time, so I read one fiction book at a time and I listen to one non-fiction/self-help book at a time. I think I'm at a pretty balanced ratio 60/40 fiction to non-fiction. I love being entertained by reading fiction and I love learning with listening to the non-fiction.


Great discussion video! Non-fiction has been something that I find myself reaching for more and more the more time has separated myself and college. Also, audio books have been *huge* for helping my enjoyment of non-fiction reading.


Great video! I've been offline so I'm playing catch-up with videos. I don't know the break down but I suspect I'm close to 50-50. I read both for enjoyment and non fiction to help me grow. There is so much to learn that I will never run out of non-fiction options. Thanks for such a thoughtful video.


I read 95% more non-fiction than fiction, but I am working on changing that this year. It does not look promising, though. There are just so many non-fiction books out there that are educating me and informing me. Plus biographies and memoirs are informative and fun. But I just started my 2nd book of short stories, so I am trying. These books are not spectacular,  though, so once again I feel like I should be reading non-fiction instead.  I did pick up some fiction at a recent library sale, however, so there is hope. Great video as always.


What a great discussion! I have always read more fiction than nonfiction. I enjoy nonfiction so I don't know why I gravitate towards fiction more. This year I have been trying to read at least one nonfiction book a month. It has sparked something in me. I actually picked up two nonfiction this month! I hope one day to get closer to the 50/50 split 🙂


I love the values set! I have them too! One of these days I'll do a video going through all my kids books. They're currently in a box in my basement storage! Horrible! My nonfiction reads are almost exclusively faith based. The nonfiction section of my library is intimidating to me.


I loved that story about the hidden book in the bathroom hahaha That was amazing!


I've always loved non-fiction more than fiction but in recent years I've read more fiction than non-fiction. I've really missed non-fiction which is why my 2017 bookish goal is to read half fiction and half non-fiction. To me non-fiction can be just as fascinating and enjoyable as fiction plus you can learn a lot at the same time.


This is another great video. I really should read more non fiction. I do not like self-help books. Biographies would be more to my liking.
I am 68 years old and I just read my first Nancy Drew book. :-)


I read both. It depends on my mood. I think I probably read 30-40% non fiction.
