Justin Peters Interview

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This past week, I had the honor and privilege of interviewing Justin Peters. Justin began the interview by talking about his work and ministry. He also provided a summary of his personal testimony. Then Justin described the Word of Faith movement, explained its major tenets and characteristics and who some of its leading teachers and proponents are. He provided guidance for believers on how to correctly respond to faulty Faith argumentation and what to do to help friends and family members who are still trapped in the movement. Justin likewise provided a description and critique of the rising social j*stice movement within Big Eva. He concluded the interview by naming some solid Bible teachers and pastors who Christians can trust. I hope you enjoy this interview with Justin. He is one of the most solid Bible teachers in the church today and I hope that his keen insights and his vast array of biblical knowledge can provide you with help, strength and encouragement.
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It was such an honor to do this interview with you, Alan, and hope it will be an encouragement to the brethren. I appreciate you and your ministry very much, brother. Thank you for having me on. It was an honor.


Two faithful discernment teachers! We are very grateful for you both. Blessings to you both.


Such an edifying conversation!! Thanks for sharing Alan!


Awesome interview! I thank God for these two gentlemen and their rich ministries and continued faithfulness to the Word of our Lord God! Be blessed!!!


Thank you Alan for the grace of letting Justin speak without frequent interruptions. Excellent interview.


Two of my favorite humans. The two of you brought me out of WOF and progressive church. Justin would really hit a nerve. He would make me upset, but at the same time he's so loving I couldn't get mad. So I angerly watched him until my heart soften. Then here YOU come and tell me about R.C and helped me find teue salvation this last year.
Thanks alot Rick...( playfully sarcasic tone.)
But for real Thank you Justin, J.M, R.c, James, Chris, and I suppose you too.
But...Most all all, I humbling thank God for pulling him back to him when I wanted to run.


I had a privilege to see brother Justin face to face twice when he came to visit SC. Praying about his ministry often. Allan, you are welcome to come here too!


Justin Peters forgot to mention his dog Mia when introducing himself. Lol 😄🐕💙 also, I'm always excited to see a video titled: "Justin Peters interview". 👍🏻🙏🏻


Thank you for your ministries... I was in word of faith for over 20 yrs and I started studying my bible several years ago and I was just so confused because I trusted and believed these false teachers.. I started listening to Justin Peters and others during COVID and finally left my church and found a true bible believing church. I wasted so much time listening to and believing false teachers and now I pray for family members and friends still in this movement 🙏🙏now I don’t feel guilty when I’m sick and I have godly sorrow for my sins.. I was like Justin where I was afraid that I might go to hell and now I know I’m eternally saved by Jesus Christ and I look forward to eternity🙏🙏


I had to chuckle when Justin mentioned travelling around the United States...and he does not need a fleet of Private Jets! Love you my Brother!


Thank you both for speaking the truth of God's word. God bless you both


One can always tell a podcasters true heart by the pastors he or she endorses. You are so spot on Allen..MacArthur, Peters, Bauchum and many others... bless you Sir. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤


Thank you JP for saving me from the WOF and NAR frauds!


I just started watching this & am not even a few minutes in & it’s already a blessing! Thank you so much dear brothers! I’m indebted to you both for the labors, teaching, & content you’ve shared. Glory to God that He gave us His word, His son, & provided us with so much. In all his kindness He has also given us wise teachers to help us learn to rightfully divide it!


Just amazing! You can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this, Alan :) it's such a pleasure to see, hear, and learn of Justin Peter's testimony. Thank you and God bless! :)


Two of my absolute favorites on the same screen. Thanks for this Alan.

Jason from Atlanta.


Alan, you truly are a polite leader. I appreciate that you allow Justin to speak. You are very respectful.
I listen to different people and they are always interrupting and speaking over their guest, and the listeners don't get to hear them speak! It's irritating and rather disrespectful.
We get to hear the regular speaker (You Tube channel) all the time so it's nice to hear the guest.
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate that! Thank you!
And I always enjoy listening to Justin also. He's a great guest to have on your program.
God bless you!


This is excellent interview with Justin Peters, I love how humble he is with his disability, I too suffer a lot with my disability being a innocent gunshot victims, I could of been dead, but God allowed me to live for a reason, I struggle so much with my pain, but I know the Lord has me here for a reason, still I am here, he wants me to be a soldier for him, this is what got me closer to him. Hearing of these false preachers really upsets me, they live such exclusive lives in their homes, private jets, I am so home bound not living in a disable living condition, I just pray God will work it out for me. Sorry I am speaking of myself too much, but I have true FAITH, he knows what I need. Thank You for the video, I always look at your other videos too. God Bless You All.!


Thank you for this interview! I’ve been listening to you both for about a year. This is the first time I’ve heard Justin Peters testimony. I am the poster child for “regeneration precedes faith” since I was saved b4 I knew I was saved! I was saved outside of the Church and surrounded by non believers! I had to read the Bible in order to understand that I was born from above! Repentance is not a work, it is evidence of regeneration. Amen?


Tears are flowing for both of these men of God. They stand for sound doctrine, the truth from God’s Word. Alan, your questions were much needed—strategic and thoughtful. Justin, I want to defend the gospel like you do. God bless and protect you both!
