Why Do Ambitious Women Only Want Ambitious Men?

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This is pretty much a math problem.

If you’re in the 95th percentile of looks, intelligence and income, there are going to be very few men who are “better” than you on paper.

So, right off the bat, you’ve narrowed your dating pool to less than 1% of the population – and that’s before we talk about kindness, sensitivity, flexibility, kids, religion, values, etc.

But fine, let’s say your standards are just that high and you refuse to compromise.

What’s the problem with that 1% of men in your dating pool?

a) A good portion of those men are not going to want you in return. These men are looking for their complement, not their clone. They’re not as concerned with where you went to college or how much money you make.

They are paying attention to how they feel around you – masculine, needed, accepted. Thus, you’re not wrong to be attracted to these guys; you just have to understand that a high percentage are not necessarily going to want you in return.

b) Let’s say you find a top 1% man who IS attracted to you. You may also find that he’s busy. Stubborn. Opinionated. Independent.

That’s what you get for shopping exclusively for the “top” tier of men; more selfish narcissists who don’t necessarily make good husbands.

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Why do ambitions women only want ambitions men? because we work twice as hard as a man to become successful. We overcome twice as much quiet hatred agaist us in order to become successful.  Also when we women make money we do it out of necessity, and to have our needs taken care of. Men try to become successful and tend to want an inferior partner out of ego, be it protecting the ego or inflating it.


I've dated all kinds of men and all of my serious relationships were with men who earned less money than me and they were all very bitter about it. It affected our relationships a lot and the way they treated me. I'm not going to do that again so quickly.


The energy in this and between you two was... weird lol.


Weirdly enough my mom always told me not to go for guys that are too ambitious she always said there is only room for one over achiever lol if I tried to haggle it out with someone the laws of society and the fact I'm a woman would dictate that my aspirations should take a back seat. She also said Relationships by nature just force us to compromise ourselves that's why if loneliness didn't bother me much I should think about staying alone forever lol


Why do you assume unambitionist men are good husbands? many are just being 'lazy, stupid, addiction issues, no making effort men who are just clever and choose woman which will not want him to make any effort...those men lacking effort go for older, uglier, fatter women because IF ambitious woman is attractive, she will want definatelly someone who is same level as her, she wont marry down. Real women need real men. Secondly, if you r ambitious yourself, you will get along with someone similar, with similar values. Even men who r ambitious marry only ambitious women.


Huh in my experience almost all kinds of women only want ambitious men, even if they themselves are under achievers
