STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR TEAM! | Company of Heroes 2 Discussion

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#CompanyofHeroes2 #Communication #Discussion

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Losing is frustrating to anyone, the real problem is when one of your teammates refuses to listen to you. I'll give you an example. You are facing against a very heavy AT line like paks and tank destroyers. You tell your teammate that is facing that player hey don't get armor, get either rocket arty or infantry since a tank will be melted. And what do you see, that guy going for a T34 or a Sherman or any medium tank. And then they wonder why they can't get through. The real problem is that there are many people that are so fixed in their thought that you may be a great player but there is so much that you can do if you are not willing to listen nor your teammates are willing to do the same.
Also there is an underappreciated thing that almost nobody mentions and that is Macrogame strategy. What is your win condition? If your plan is to go easy eight spam fine, but bear In mind that the germans have better tanks at the end, which means that you have to end the game fast. Maxim HMG spam? Fine just don't complain when your opponent broke through your line using smoke. In that case, your opponent outplayed you and you are the only one at fault for it.


Yeah that Sturmtiger guy was funny, even went into the twitch chat to complain more and it turned out he did awful

If you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all


Recently my friend and I were playing a 2v2 match on COH2 and the guys on the other team were kind of bad, they pretty much gave us the whole map, started blobbing and making bunkers, so naturally we started making arty and the guys on the other team got so upset they would literally stop everything he was doing just to type in a huge text calling us "illegal immigrants" just because we're latin


This is a slightly different twist, I have a lot of hours in this wonderful game. I enjoy 3v and 4v for that 1 in 10 games where the team actually comes together for an epic game. It’s just the way random teams come together that often there is one “weakest teammate”. When my team is getting smoked, no vp’s, no fuels, and the guy who built four mortars instead of having an infantry presence I ask my team “let’s surrender this and move on.” Teammates with low experience start with the nasty “quitter” remarks. Yes, comebacks are possible but not usually with YOU. I don’t relish getting base raped by KT’s but some guys feel it’s a badge of honor to watch our bases get rekt. Please don’t be that guy on team games.


This scenario kept repeating itself so I wanted to discuss. Leave your thoughts below about what you think.


From time to time, I encounter more experienced players in 4v4 or 3v3 who help identify targets or advice what unit to bring next because they have spare APM and can look on my side of the map and give tips. Makes a world of difference. I think that people hating their team members should focus on feeding them info instead, even through normal chat, but voice chat could also be a nice bonus.

On a side note, Relic should really bring down the bannhammer on people associating themselves with Nazis for some reason. The reporting system should be made more simple and transparent. Like in SC2, where good manners was common practice (at least when I played that game). So it is not impossible, yet some effort must be put into it.


You honestly made a good point as to why there should be optional voice chat in Coh3.


6:40 I can absolutly confirm those triple support guns rendered my pack howitzer and mortar nearly useless and only the Priest could deal a finishing blow to them and lift pressure.


I’m going to complain about my personal friends all the time. Rifle sucks :)


Random team : the worst thing after my skills and pc... I lag every time when they throw 2+ fure stuff on the map


WE NEED TO STOP BLAMING EACH OTHER AND TRY TO HELP EACH OTHER. Ps please stop ping me all the time It can distract from importance. Save the ping for Importance!


Nice. COH is qutie a lot to handle mentally, often people make bad tactical decisions because they dont sit back to look at the full picture etc, actually being fully aware of team mates and trying to process their thoughts is a whole extra level some people wont really be able to achive. But yeah, not ripping on team mates is excellent adivce :)


There’s a player I often get met he’d with called royalcomrade who talks trash the entire time. Then refuses to surrender and blows up your base and then sits there inactive till the enemy wins by annihilation or vps. Heaps fun…


I expect people to be a**holes. If you are going to insult somebody. At least give them a chance to respond. Many people just call you a no on and leave. BS


I remember when I play to a random people I ask them in the chat if they have a discord. because it is hard to make a teamwork decision and can't listen to anyone's opinion about the tactics.


there's no communication since 1 or 2 guy in my team quickly replaced by AI the moment the game starts


I hope the next game would have an option to vc or a mute button for both chats and pings.
Other games have these options but Coh2 is about more of a decade now and i'm having concerns that they would not implement it before the 3rd game comes up, and adding these features would be beneficial for the health of the players and game.


Well alot of times I get disappointed with my team is when I am being used as a punching bag by 2 other players and have no real support aside from occasional unit intervention. The guy that went 80 and 200 could have been in that situation. I realize being the punching bag is sometimes nessary so your team can make greater advancements elsewhere but it isn't too fun
As for the Asian name players I have mixed feelings as they have the tendency to just drop. I only complain when they drop though as long as they are playing the game I don't have problems.


The "Asian" comments from what are seen are racist. The people who typically say them are toxic players who they themselves for the most part don't perform well. It could also contribute to the comments that many Asian players I see don't know English which is ok I don't expect them to know another language but they don't tend to communicate well if not at all hence they're at times specifically insulted by said toxic players.


Yo, You are saying that coh2 community is tóxic. I can't belive that :v
