How it works: Idle-Stop

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Do you fear idle-stop-start in your car? We explain how easy it is to use and why you should embrace it

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I'm curious that if I stopped my car for just only 5 seconds, and I'll have to start the engine all over again, doesn't it requires more fuel consumption starting the engine compare to the 5 seconds of stopping the engine? If I do this continuously, wouldn't eat consume more fuel?


seriously, it's a proven fact when on idle any car would use fuel at increments that's almost not traceable. unless ofcourse you are literally sitting in traffic for hours on end.
this by far the biggest fluke any car manufacturers have ever come up with.
these things switch off in a matter of seconds after a stationary stop and are pain in the ass considering you have to wait for it to start before you can get a move on. so forget about merging to next lane in a hurry after the lights or a stop sign.
not mention the extra labour you are causing the batteries, the alternator, starter motor and over all the engine EVERY time it restarts.
it's common sense people.
if you have this option don't use it if you really value your car.
I guarantee the so called fuel savings aren't worth it.


yep this is porbs the most ridiculous feature ever added to a motor vehciel! i guess most people change their cars between 4-6 years these days but if the starter motor breaks down just once in the life of one of these idle stop cars, the repair bill would be 100 times more than any supposed saving over the same period...? Car makers have got me scratching my head; there must be another reason for introducing this surly!!


Horrible on the Nissan juke.kick in the us.
The car stop for nothing...
Many reports about this problem
