Study 30 English IDIOMS that describe PEOPLE

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Let’s study beautiful idioms to talk about PEOPLE! 👫 Idioms are fun, descriptive ways to refer to friends, colleagues, neighbours and family as you talk about them in English!

Study and practise 30 beautiful English idioms with me and don’t forget to share your homework in the comments!

You’ll learn some interesting idioms to help you describe people - names you can call them - in English, including:
🔸 early bird
🔸 night owl
🔸 lucky duck
🔸 smart aleck
🔸 smart cookie
🔸 Lone wolf
And many more!

Read the full transcript of this lesson on my blog here:

---------- TIMESTAMPS ----------
0:00 Introduction
02:00 lone wolf
02:47 party animal
03:10 dark horse
03:52 team player
04:21 culture vulture
04:51 early bird
05:38 night owl
06:02 go-getter
06:34 good egg
06:47 bad egg
06:58 jack-of-all-trades
08:42 man of his word / woman of her word
09:02 mover and shaker
09:32 smart cookie
09:49 teacher’s pet
10:37 creature of habit
11:14 smooth talker
11:39 busy body
12:03 cheapskate or tightarse
12:37 fuddy-duddy
13:15 goody-goody
13:59 know-it-all
14:36 gold digger
15:04 lucky duck
15:19 party pooper
16:02 penny-pincher
16:34 backseat driver
17:29 worrywart
17:57 smart aleck or smart arse
18:46 straight shooter / talker

#mmmEnglish #EnglishIdioms #IdiomsForPeople #PractiseEnglishIdioms #StudyEnglishIdioms #EnglishWithEmma #YouTubeTeacher #StudyEnglish #EnglishTeacher #TeachersPet

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Рекомендации по теме

Dear Emma, I've been following you for a while and I just wanted to congratulate you for the high quality of your videos. Your teaching skills have improved a lot as well as the quality of your videos and tools. Thank you very much.


Mmmm yeah, I'm going to hit the books with this amazing video, and I already knew some idioms, however, I adore learning from them. So I feel like I can't express how thankful I am.


Emma you're a legend.
This is my favourite Australian idiom.


I found this video very important....not only as a session but also gives motivational direction to learn more expressive & condensed lines, leading towards rich English literature!! Finally I saved the video in my IMPORTANT play list folder, it deserves!
My hat is off for mmmmEnglidh, Emma!


I simply wanted to find someone who could provide me with the same fresh energy that I had in Australia... While living and studying in Australia, I fell in love with the English language. I was searching the internet for videos when I came across you... and you're from Australia. You're bringing back some happy memories and feelings from my time there. It has always been meant to lead me to you. You're the greatest. I can sense all of the positivity that flows from you here in Hungary as well. Thank you so much, Emma.


I'm so grateful, Have learned several new idioms apart from Early Birds, You are my best teacher hope some day I will be called the teacher's pet🥰


O my goodness today I have learnt too much. Extremely grateful to you


Dear Emma,
Thank you so much for sharing this video! It's so interesting and useful! In my opinion, you are a good egg🐣 and a culture vulture🌸🐉🏰🏯🏮🗼, so all of us love you as a great teacher💚💙💛 I wish I was a teacher's pet in your class!


Hi Emma. Thank you for this lesson. I love it very much!!!! There'are equivalent expressions in Spanish language. Here few of them:
A lone wolf=un lobo solitario
A dark horse=una caja de sorpresas
The early bird gets the worm=A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
Night owl= Ave nocturna
Jack-of-all-trades, master on none=Aprendiz de todo, oficial de nada
A man of his word=Un hombre de palabra
The teacher's pet=El niño mimado
A know-it-all=Un sabelotodo
A party pooper=Un aguafiestas
Straight shooter=Sin pelos en la lengua


to be honest, I feel this video is very unique and useful lesson.Because English learners use them, it will make them more professional


Thanks EMMA🤩. In Italian we say animale notturno( night owl), opposed to mattiniero ( early bird). Un uomo di parola is a man of his word, un cocco dell'insegnante is teacher's pet😅, a busybody is a ficcanaso, a cheapskate is a tirchio, a worrywart is un uccello del malaugurio🤣


You are a smart cookie I love you so so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I love your video. It’s important to know idioms because all languages are peppered with them, especially English. It’s good to know the idioms that describe people. I’m a retired ESL teacher and idioms were part of my lessons.


It is nice and useful to learn English, as with these lessons.


What a helpful lesson! I like "the teacher's pet".

I'm definitely an early bird! I get up at 4:30 almost every morning!


It is really good, to learn New idioms, from Brazil


Hi Emma, whats up?I look forward to your lessons every fortnight, and I have been waiting for your lesson since morning.This lesson is exceptionally useful.Thanks!!❤


I am English teacher in Vietnam. Thank you


Hi Emma, an absolutely awsome lesson. You are not only a go getter but also a smart cookie as well as a good egg.


Hi Emma,
Thanks for the new lesson. Here are several people i have described for your comments.

1)Though John has a degree in accounting but he works as a sales in a furniture store. Very often he helps his next door fixing roof and even some plumbling problems. Much as jack-of-all-trades to me, you should try to get his opinion of your warping floors and he is a friendly guy to be with too.

2) My boss is a man of his word. If he promised you for a raise after the probation time, with your such exceptional performance, odds are high he will make it happen.

3) Peter is an early bird and always the first person comes to office and also brews us a large pot of hot coffee. If he does not show up by now he probably wont for today as he sometimes has to visit his clients once a month.

4) Ken was not sure if he wanted to be slaving away at the new job as his supervisor was such a back seat driver and never stopped checking on him and yet all had to be in his way.

5) The new comer, James is a lone wolf in our class. We have not heard a peep from him for already a week after the new school term began.

6) Sherlene is such a cheapskate and seldom she shares her snacks with friends. She usually will savor her own at a corner and only join the others when finished.
