not like the other girls

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earrings: variety of depop shops
hyunjin photocard: unofficial came with a depop purchase
** skzoo plushies were pre-ordered from the official website **
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"I'm not like other moms, i'm verbally abusive" is quite the thing to say. yikes.


I had a not like other girls phase in middle school. In the end I realized there's nothing wrong with liking makeup and wanting to wear girly clothes from time to time :)


as a reader, I did always feel weird for not liking romance books but then I figured out as an adult that it wasn't because I wasn't like other girls, it was because I'm aromantic lol
the pick-me phase is rough but I'm proud of everyone who got through it <3


My “not like other girls” phase was in elementary school and all it really was wasn’t me hating other girls but was just me hating the idea of being a girl which made me “not like other girls”. And for the longest time i thought it was just me trying to be mean but no girl it was just gender dysphoria💀💀💀💀


I had a “not like the other girls” phase. Turns out I’m trans so I truly just wasn’t even one of the girls. Been happily living as a man for 6 nearly 7 years.


I went through the NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS phase. Turns out I'm just autistic lmao


I, as a gal with nerdy interests, enjoy being like other girls cuz you just gotta find other women who have the same interests lol.


i had a "im not like other girls phase". then i realized i wasnt a girl XD

seriously thiugh, its so saddening the way that society makes girls believe that they arent like women because they have thoughts and opinions


I used to be the "men are just less complicated to hang out with" kind of girl. I was insufferable and because I liked typically masculine things I thought there wasn't many girls like me and I wouldn't get along with others. Now, I'm a mechanic and the field I work is slowly becoming more diverse. I've come to realize there's a bunch of women JUST like me and I can get along with them perfectly fine. And honestly being able to talk about more personal things is so nice.


I've had a 'not like other girls' phase through middle school and early high school. I was insecure and depressed at the time. Now, i love feminine things to the point that I want to get a product/clothing item. And to anyone who's going through this phase, being feminine is not weakness.


Growing up autistic I desperately wanted to be like the other girls in my age group who seemed so normal and happy, and I felt like I was being forced to be “not like the other girls” because I couldn’t make myself like the same shows, music, or interests that they did. I just had to get better friends who actually liked being around me to finally feel secure in my likes and dislikes rather than just agreeing with what everyone around me said.


For me, one of the shittier things about my "not like other girls" phase was that the mentality of "you should feel inferior/ashamed for enjoying this thing" bled over into my other areas of interest. On top of being autistic and being looked down upon for being "too passionate" about certain fandoms, hobbies, etc. I also felt immense shame or guilt whenever I enjoyed anything that the general public considered cringey, basic or childish. The list of perfectly harmless things that I have been embarssed to enjoy is endless. And unfortunately that list will continue to grow since unlearning this mindset is very difficult. Especially since the things that I enjoy and the way that I enjoy them has caused people to treat me poorly all my life. Teachers, classmates, coworkers, and especially my own mother.
When I was younger I thought that one of the only ways to hide my shame was to tear down other girls for not being as "special" as me. I know better now, but that doesn't mean that the negative effects of this shitty phase don't haunt me to this day.


The thing about ANYONE complaining about women as a whole is always find myself thinking "well, obviously you're hanging out with the wrong women. I know tons of women that are not like that at all"


I absolutely am like other girls. I can like a violent and “masculine” book like “Blood Meridian” and romantic and “feminine” books like Pride and Prejudice. I can want to live on a farm and raise a family and still want a fulfilling and successful career. I can be both masculine and feminine and still be a woman. I am exactly like other girls because there is more to women than what is outwardly portrayed.


Went through an "I'm not like other girls" phase. Turns out I'm not a girl 💪👁️👄👁️✌️

Sincerely, a trans man


I went through a massive "Not Like Other Girls" phase in high school. Always felt like I fit in more with men. Turns out this is because I am now no longer a girl and have been enjoying the last 6 years as a man lmao


I’m not like other girls
I’m far fucking worse


I had a phase of "not like other girls" but it was really me just being pressured by the people around me to not like "girly things". They often told me that I couldn't like pink if I like sports, art, and nature. I also noticed adapting the "eww makeup and dresses" attitude but I secretly liked it😭 Now I like being feminine and I found a balance between the 2. We should all come together as women to uplift each other, not the other way around. I also think that society (MEN💀) also forced the ideology that women are "all the same", can we talk about that? (sry this is so long)


i had a 'im not like other girls' phase around 2019-2020. like i hated pink, didnt like romance (animes) and that sort shit, but i have actually grown to like those 2 and more. pink is a nice color and i'm kicking my feet in the air because of romance i love it.


3:27 I had to rewind that to understand that the mother was proud to basically say "I told you so, " to a child that needs lessons and a safe place to learn them.