DIY Drywall Finishing | 18 Tips and Tricks

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18 Tools, Tips and Tricks to help you finish your drywall project and make your life easier. The focus of this video is how a DIYer can save time, money and frustration by applying trade secrets that you don't see on TV. Drywall is one of the dirtiest and most difficult artistic trades, but with these tips and a little bit of sweat, you can get the professional finish you want.

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0:00 - Intro
1:32 - Drywall Dimpler Bit
3:25 - How To Use A Cutout Tool
5:34 - Mesh Tape
8:38 - Paper Tape Wheel
9:31 - Box Entender
10:17 - J Trim
12:12 - Bulkhead Corner Beads
15:58 - Spring Loaded Access Panel
21:15 - Elbow On a Heat Run
29:49 - When The Ceiling Isn't Square
32:38 - Mixing Mud
34:03 - Rotozip To Fix Damaged Wall
35:07 - Rotozip To Cut A Window
35:59 - Rotozip To Fix Electrician Holes
41:41 - CGC Outlet Patch
42:27 - Foot Pedal
42:59 - Inside Corner Mudding Tool
44:45 - Inside Corner Mudding Options


#justdoityourself #lovingit #perfecteverytime


Opening and Closing themes by:
Anthony Jarrett

Opening Intro Graphic:
Rahul Rallan

Produced by: Home Renovision DIY 2020
Video & Editing Services Provided by:
Subdivision Film LTD.

Videos produced by Home Renovision are provided for informational purposes only. All material provided within this website is for informational, educational, & entertainment purposes only. Some of these projects, materials, and techniques may not be appropriate for all ages or skill levels. The DIY instructions used here are used to simply breakdown projects to their simplest steps. Please use a clear mind and use all safety precautions while following the tutorials provided by this site. Home Renovision does not make any claims of the safety of the projects, techniques, or resources listed on this site and will not take responsibility of what you do with the information provided by this site. Viewers must be aware by doing projects on their homes they are doing it at their own risk and Home Renovision cannot be held liable if they cause any damage to their homes. With different codes around the world and constantly changing standards, regulations and rules, it is the sole responsibility of the viewer to educate themselves on their local requirements before undertaking any sort of project. That being said Home Renovision cannot claim liability with all applicable laws, rules, codes and regulations for a project. Be safe, have fun renovating and ALWAYS stay informed with your local building code.
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Jeff was born to I just stumbled upon this while surfing and wasn't searching for drywall instructions. His presentation, enthusiasm, personality and obvious love for what he does, kept me watching the entire episode! Great job Jeff. Keep them coming!!!


When you’re running a roto zip to cut rock on an inside feature, go clockwise and it’s a much cleaner finish. Clockwise to cut an inside, counter clockwise to cut around the outside of something.


Wow, nice pace of delivery, no waffle or talking crap, just 48mins chock full of super handy tips, subscribing right now


Imagine having Jeff as your neighbour... Best channel ever, no vlog fluff - straight to the point!


I want to thank you so much Jeff. I've completed a project when the person I hired left the job. I'm 64yo and did the work myself. I so pleased, I didn't know it was in my. Thanks again Jeff!


I’m 60 and I’ve never lifted a sheet of drywall, I love your videos and I still have 0 plans of it.


this was like a college class lesson on drywall. thank you for the free lesson. i watched the whole video nothing but professional straight to the point tips no foolishness.


It's amazing how much you have taught me and many others, basically for free. From the simple tricks yet really useful to the expert level knowledge. Thank you good man.


I enjoy the fun hearted nature and lack of ego while this guy has fun teaching.


You couldn't measure how much you have helped the trades by having these videos out. Teaching people how to do things the right way


My background is in engineering and I have tackeled major renovations, plumbing, rewiring (both mains and low voltage networks), cabinetry, and construction over the years but drywall installing/patching repairs have always been a substandard product of my work. Your tips, tricks, and having the right tools have got me on track, not perfect yet but way to go! Great channel. Thanks.


Pro tip for the drywall tape reel - if you are right handed, you will apply the tape from right to left, with the tape reel on your left hip, pulling from the bottom. I've got 30 years of experience as a taper, it will feel smoother and more natural. If you're left handed, reverse this, but always pull from the bottom. The advantage is, you won't have to pre-pull tape off the reel. You pull directly off, and it's smooth every time.


Bravo! I love watching people who are skilled at their jobs. Efficient, fast and accurate. Thanks for sharing your expertise.


That is the best drywall video I have ever seen. I have done a ton of dry wall in the past, I have worked with professional crews often; joining the crew to get them out of my way so I can hang my doors and run my trim. They got 1 day. I got one day and the carpet goes in. dry wall crew was usually 4-5 guys, often adding myself. I ran Door and detail usually with 1 traniee, often by myself. Hanging anywhere from 9 to 18 doors. 2 to 4 bedrooms, 2 baths often. The point is we had to fly; there was no taking breaks most of the time. You start and you don't stop until the job is finished. I learned a lot of tricks from all those guys; however if we had used all the techniques in this video we could have spent the afternoon doing whatever. paid by the hour I guess we were better off. I'll never do dry wall by the hour again that's for sure. I would say that every "pro" dry waller I have ever met could benefit from this video. Now my only question is how much should I charge to do the room you did this video in, paint ready? I'm in Oregon. Go Ducks.


I am a General Contractor. I have never seen so much info packed clearly and concisely into 45 minutes. Great job. Jeff seems to have a thing against electricians, LOL😂.


You can tell this dude has been around the block very knowledgeable


I'm buying the dry wall dremel, I always put off off buying saying I don't need it. But after seeing you use it, looks so worth it. Thanks


Hey Jeff, quick tip for the roto-zip, aka cut out tool. When cutting on the inside go clock ways, cutting on outside counter clock ways. The spin will help keep you on what you are cutting. Good way to remember is to just think, internal clock. Always helps me remeber which way to go.


Not all heroes wear capes, thank you Jeff. I just bought a house that needs a little love but with your guidance I know I can tackle it.


You are an f-ing rock star. I have learned more from you in 90 minutes than I ever have from ANYONE else. I have been making things so much harder for myself when doing drywall than they had to be. You are my new favorite DIY guide. Keep up the awesome work!
