vlogging to feel less lonely

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vlogging to feel less lonely
heres a lil night in my life learning to enjoy my own company

thank you so much for watching! Subscribe to see more xoxo


IG: @samanthaarandazzo

how old are you? -24✨
when do you upload? - Tuesdays, Fridays & most Sundays!
what camera do you use? - Canon M50
you are loved & appriciated!
Рекомендации по теме

I am so excited to see your hair grow into your natural brunette it’s going to be STUNNING I already know it 😭😩🤎 you’re gorgeous blonde too 💛 also my fav videos of yours are things like this. Don’t overthink it!


I honestly love all your videos and love listening to you talk, no matter the length or content of it! it’s lovely hearing about updates on your life, esp because i’ve been watching you for years now and you’ve always been one of my fav comfort youtubers to watch. but as for new content, anything fall related would be so fun to watch as well, like baking, outfits, reading, thrifting vlogs. whatever makes you feel happy and true to yourself tbh!!


I love your vlogs whatever length they are. I'm sorry you're feeling lonely right now. I've just watched the past two videos before this one. Closet cleanups are great because I get to nosey in other people's closets and check out their style, i watch loads of them. When people talk through the bits they get rid of it helps my own decision making process where I'm not so good at decluttering so I'm kinda overrun with clothes.


I actually really needed this vlog today. I’ve been sick all week, and unfortunately my coughing has caused some discomfort to my ribs so I’ve been in bed for the past few days. It also doesn’t help that everyone is preparing for Halloween and I probably won’t have any plans.


I'm so in love with your natural hair! Keep going, because it's stunning ❤


May God Bless You Samantha and Everytime you posts a new vlog it's put a huge smile on my face♥️♥️😀😀 and I will always be your biggest supportive


omg go brunette!!! it’s gonna look so good 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Hi Sam! NJ subscriber over here :) just wanted to tell you that you would look stunning as a brunette or your natural hair color. You are a gorgeous blonde and brunette would be even more stunning and exotic. You remind me of a younger Emmy Rossum. Also I relate to your channel because I have dealt with social anxiety all my life and it was never talked about growing up. When I hear your experiences I remember going through that in high school and college and even now. It really resonates with me and I know it is helping people and bringing awareness. I also recently found out that I am a BRCA carrier and went through treatment recently. It still is a shock to me. I don’t know if I will ever get over it. Thank you for your videos because they got me through a lot of the tough times. Your channel, Amanda and all your friends. I normally don’t post and am not on social media but wanted to tell you to keep striving and you are doing amazing and have accomplished so much. You have touched my life and I’m sure so many more women even though we don’t know each other. God works in mysterious ways to connect people. You are always in my prayers 🙏🏼thank you for your hard work and just know that you are making a difference in our lives 🙏🏼


Love the long videos but also like the short ones💖


being alone doesnt mean you got to feel lonely ❤❤❤ youre gorgeous babe & self reflextion & self care while being by youself is a form of self care self love 🥰🥰🥰


Thrifitng hauls or thrifting shopping and fall videos cooking videos ♥♥


pookie I could watch u talk to the camera for 30 min straight. I am an overthinking girlie myself & I totally understand just switching the camera off but I am sure I speak for everyone when I say it could be you talking with not even cutting / editing the video and we would enjoy it also I think you are totally gonna rock brunette 🥹 going more natural after bleaching it is always such a good move ive been doing it myself after bleaching for long. I feel like ive matured :, ) anyways sending love <3


I feel the exact same way you do at 10:20. I know I should stop scrolling and watching videos but I literally cannot make the physical effort to stop. I've started setting screen time limits and am hoping that will help


I been watching you since 2020 and your still my fav fav fav YouTuber❤️❤️


I loveeddd this video. I enjoy these more❤🎉


tv show rec: breaking bad, I swear to god, I didn't know I'd love it this watch and I was putting it off for so long but this show truly is a masterpiece. but also, if you never watched pretty little liars (pls tell me you did though, definition of iconic) I'd recommend that as well. if you like horror / thriller: you on Netflix, the haunting of Bly manor and of course American horror story specifically season 1, 2, & 7! u can start at any seasons cause it is always a different story. another beloved classic imo is criminal minds or greys <3 I was always a hater of this long of shows but I sat down one day & I couldn't stop :, )


Girl u need to watch Steph Bohrer, Paige Lorenze, Tara Michelle and Amanda diaz also Sydney Serena❤❤❤❤


I’ve learned when it comes to feeling lonely I always try to find different hobbies and activities to keep me occupied 🎀🩷


I would love a full reset routine… like step by step!!! love you sam🩷🩷🩷


Omg yes darker hair will suit you so well!❤
