Hearing the Voice of God | John MacArthur

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In this G3 Clip, John MacArthur answers the question, "What would be your counsel to someone who continues to foster the idea that God speaks apart from his Word?"

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When I listen to pastor Johnny, I hear the voice of God. Alleluia.


I really appreciate your ministry.🙏🏾❤️


To get a more comprehensive view, including more scripture and detailed references, seek out Justin Peters presentation on this topic. In addition read 'God Doesn't Whisper' by Jim Osman. “Discernment is not a matter of simply telling the difference between right and wrong, it is telling the difference between right and almost right.” - C.H. Spurgeon


The way Jack Hibbs explains it is the way I take it. When we read scripture, it will come to us at times when we need it.


I absolutely agree that there are no extra revelations.
But this seems to be a reductionist view of how God speaks.
What about answered prayers for example. Isn't this a way God speaks?
And what about the inner witness of the Spirit? (working together with the bible)
And I, because I am reformed, believe that God, because he's sovereign, can speak through circumstances.
(Sorry for my bad English, it's not my mother tongue.)


I am thankful for John Mc Carther for reminding us that every word we hear, every voice, every thought needs to be captured & brought before The Lord & filtered through The Word of God which IS The Christ. The Word IS absolute authority on what is the will and truth of God. Today with social media, tv, pod cast, radio, demonic/horror movies, tv shows, ect we add many other influences & opinions, BUT you take time to stop, silence all other voices, & read The Bible/listen for The Holy Spirit to reveal/speak to you. May God's people delight in His Word, weep for the lost, and rise wise warriors gaining victory over satan in Jesus's name in every situation/battle in our lives. JESUS IS LORD & HAS DEFEATED SATAN. We are fighting a war that has been won. What role does God have 4 you/I to play? Oh! Bless The name of The Lord!! Have a wonderful day in The Spirit everyone! GOD LOVES YOU!!!


0:57 When John finished Revelation, he must have know his work would be compiled together with 65 other books and letters, written across centuries of time by dozens of authors...
or maybe that warning only applies to Revelation.
For all his blustering about the value of scripture - does he even read it all that carefully? It worries me that he's willing to jam his own opinions in when it suits his presuppositions.
2:15 a wonderful example only a minute later. "Beyond scripture" -- in a time long before there was a canon, long before the concept was even formalized. Paul didn't know he was writing scripture - and he had no qualms about writing down his revelations (as in Galatians). Maybe Paul's vision of heaven was like the scroll that John got in Revelation - which must be sealed up until the proper time?


Well, when UR writing book after book, isnt that adding UR words mixed w Bible


Telling his congregation to take the Mark ‼️. You'll be fine, this is damnable


For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12, NASB)

When you look at a ‘Bible’ on the bookshelf, what do you see and think? If you genuinely believe that all you’re looking at is ‘a book’, then you’ve completely missed the point.

What author do you know who claims that their book is ALIVE? Living. Active.

When you’re reading God’s holy Word, you’re actually reading something that is as alive as you are - and more so due to the reality that it is God conversing with you.

Yes, we are lead by the Holy Spirit to do this or that. That should be normal. We should be offering our bodies as living sacrifices to Him each morning before starting our day.

But leading is not speaking. In these last days, He has spoken to us through His - who? His Son. And God hasn’t changed His mind. He hasn’t chosen Jordan, Jessie, Joseph, Jean or whomever. His Son Jesus our Lord is the one He’s chosen to speak to us.

So how does Jesus do this? ‘And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.’ And what did the Word do when on planet earth? He spoke.

And from here, he told the 12 disciples that He would be sending the Helper, who will bring to mind all that He has spoken. This was then shared both verbally and in written form and against all odds, is what we have today.

And it hasn’t changed.

His holy word is still living and active - and nobody better than Jesus has come along that the Father would much rather use.


5 times in John ch 10, Jesus says, "My sheep know my voice, and they hear me."

I thought church was stupid, but on Oct 1st, 1991, I had a bible my grandmother gave me before she died. Whenever I thought of her, I would pick it up and read some, I realized there was something more to the bible, and it wasn't a normal book, so I sat down and determined to find out the mystery, I knew nothing about the bible besides Psalms has some short chapters, so I began in Matthew, it was a struggle to understand what was being said, so I would read half a verse and think about it, then read the other half of the verse and think about it, this went on for a while, but then suddenly I wasn't talking anymore, but Jesus was speaking, and when I heard his voice I was changed immediately, the things I despised before hearing Jesus speak I now love and the things I loved before hearing Jesus speak I now despise, and Jesus has been with me ever since.

But after Jesus saved me I thought, HOW did he do that, it took me a couple weeks to figure it out, John 5:25
25 verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

I've heard some of John's sermons and they are good, but he's wrong this topic.
Not sure how he doesn't those Scriptures, and Hebrews 13:8 Jesus is always the same.


Amen and Amen... Thank you Pasto John!!!!


Hi, does anyone have a good reference for solid biblestudies in french? It would help a lot, thnx


Love John MacArthur but he is way off on Henry Blackaby. Experiencing God was awesome read.


I agree about not adding or taking away from doctrine, but God has guided my earthly father through God’s Holy Spirit on some decisions he was to make in his life. And God has also given me instructions in my life through his Holy Spirit.


Here’s Johnny again, the authority on all things doctrinal, telling everyone how wrong they are and how right he is!


JM and Co keep trying to put God in a straight jacket.


This is so deceitful, heresy. God has always spoken to His people throughout history. Why would he stop now? Just because John MacArthur says so? Haha God hasn’t got a muzzle around his mouth. GOD SPEAKS 🤣🤣🤣 how is this so hard to understand


I can never get enough of John’s ministering. He makes it so plain and simple for understanding The word of God.


Hearing the voice of Calvin you mean!!
